Saturday, August 31, 2024

Analysis of Ex YouTubers #3, Tiger Woods News

These aren’t really ex YouTubers, but better framed as Ex-sports decoding gematria groupies.  In honor of some format changes we’re bringing up old news here.  Since disinformation research requires some caution the source material is about three and a half years old - fairly safe to not give oxygen to the current flames.  You can see for yourself in the video and the comments section that the topics are forgotten news that has outlived its outrage porn emotional reaction quality.

The format changes?  Well if you throw out the 9 hour live stream of his road trip which had nothing to do with sports there hasn’t been a video posted on Gematria Effect Sports for two weeks.  Even before that it was getting a lot less content.  Baseball must really be boring for conspiracists.  Instead Zach has taken to posting a ton of short videos (less than ten minutes, sometimes a lot less) or long over an hour call in show videos on Gematria Effect News.

Our story begins with Tiger Woods car crash from 2021. At that time you could more easily find videos of Zach mini rants where he gish gallops through the outrage porn of the day or what happened in the ball games the previous night.  And as 99.9% of his content is geared towards being as insulting as possible his Tiger Woods fake car crash video aroused the ire of Golf Magic.

Zach’s originally video is embedded within their report, and note that they remark on his signature style.  The unashamed puffery of insisting he’s so sure of the importance of his work that in this case he’d bet the lives of his family members on it.  Amazingly, he has not dedicated his life to this single topic.  Or not so amazingly because football is what really keeps the Patreon going and the lights in the office on.  The source video is advertisement for gambling content spread throughout his other sports videos; a recruitment video.

Golf Magic, not surprisingly, is about golf news.  Not gambling on golf and they certainly don’t worry about the Daft Punk content within the narrative.  So their write up doesn’t touch upon the inevitable braggadocio of being the best gambler ever, the Daft Punk story, the non sequitirs to Bill Belichick and the Colts or the baseless accusations aimed at the Jesuits.  But I’m thankful they mentioned the 65k subscribers to the channel, because it highlights the important work losing traction to the now about 40k number of subscribers.  And it’s interesting to look at how the lives of these previous subscribers had changed from this Tiger Woods Fake News.

For an awfully important story it’s pretty amazing that nobody is talking about the synchronicity with Tiger’s incident TODAY.  Fake or not.  And by golly look at all those comments.  559.  Less some that were deleted as YouTube seems to show the number of comments originally posted and doesn’t update them for deletions.  That’s a still a lot of source material to work off of.  Let’s take a quick look at the original comments and compare them to what these people are saying on Zach’s videos now.


Every single comment.  All the many replies in the top three comments.  Not a single one of these people has stayed with the program long term.  None of these people have joined in the comments section on current affairs unless they have new accounts.

Qanon stuff was going on hot and heavy back in the day of the original Tiger Woods story.  Some people were still trying to justify overthrowing their government at the time.  Yet, even if we assume it’s 100% genuine interest in sports decoding, out of 65k shouldn’t there be at least ONE staunch defender who would be openly showing up to talk about how they’ve been around three and a half years and made a bundle on sports gambling?  ONE staunch defender who has decided to champion the perceived evils of the Jesuits and is keeping an eye on what Daft Punk is up to now?

That is classic gematria grift in action.  The Qanons had their own agenda.  The genuinely anti-Jesuit crowd doesn’t want to be the one to take the heat for a lawsuit by going over the line.  Let Elon Musk worry about making up transphobic Olympic athlete comments.  He can afford it, you are probably worried about your YouTube channel being banned.  And the sports decoders, they’ve moved on simply by first hand experience of it not working.  The traditional slinking away quietly into the net.  Too embarrassed to admit they were scammed by someone who claims his own family is less important to him than making shot up on the internet.

Correction:  Gematria Effect Sports has 89k subscribers today.  This in fact makes it look even worse - new subscribers as well as old subscribers not posting comments.  The astroturfing is strong.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Gematria Debunked By The Simpsons Vocabularly

Your average believer in low level conspiracy mumbo jumbo isn’t going to spend a lot of time watching educational TV.  Bill Nye Saves the World?  Mythbusters?  These shows contradict their worldview which consists of claiming to be right about everything, then when those educational shows point out that they’re wrong it’s time to double down and find supporting (manufactured and fake) evidence on the Internet.  This not so educational sources are a lot more fun for them too.  Being racist, misogynistic and homophobic is not just allowed, it’s encouraged.  But the Simpsons.  That’s cool.  It’s raunchy, older episodes had some top notch writing, and surprisingly educational.  Subtly so, and often your conspiracist wouldn’t get the joke about how their attitude was being mocked.

Simpsons viewing and conspiracy content have achieved legendary status.  Because despite a lot of it being due to the math being more favorable there has been enough strange coincidences to give it an aura of mystery.

And that story is only a week old.  The Simpsons predicting the future content is an add on.  A sort of condiment to be added to the main dish.  Often wildly off topic.  Often  stretched to and beyond the limits of believability.  It’s something known and comfortable, well trodden territory that won’t get you admonished by your cult leader, because Predictive Programming is magical and cool to talk about anytime.

In regards to gematria, the Simpsons and predictive programming there is an odd paradoxical relationship.  The same math centered around the enormous amount of content over a long series run has produced a running gag of new words or enhanced visibility.

Someone has figured out that gematria doesn’t make sense in regards to language evolving.  And it’s not unreasonable to point out that in a conspiracy soup of crank magnetism that if the Simpsons predictions are so damned important and gematria is so damned important that there should have been some, or even a lot, of decodes about how these words fit in to current events.  I’m not suggesting that the paradox will ever be resolved.  There’s no way for the predictive programming to predict itself predicting new words.  That would be fun to throw into one script, but not worth the effort for a long running joke.  We’ll settle for having some decodes throwing in an embiggens or cromulent every now and then.  Embiggens would be a perfectly nice word to Phraseshop in as a synonym for enlarge.  TRUMP EMBIGGENS CLUELESS VOTER BASE WITH TASTELESS AND ILLEGAL CEMETERY STUNT = xxxx.

Since gematria doesn’t work at all it doesn’t work in a predictive setting.  But it sure does give it a shiny gloss that it does.  Any story more than a couple of days old doesn’t work for outrage porn.  The only way EMBIGGENS is likely to be used in a decode is if a celebrity actually mentions it and that makes it to MSM.  The evil scapegoat of choice, by their own admission, set the wheels in motion long ago to create perfectly cromulent words in our lexicon that show the Yankees game was rigged in advance as Aaron Judge embiggened his home run and RBI totals.  And if you learn the secret gematria code you can see through the predictive programming that I’m reporting on long after the claim it was a prediction makes sense.

A true prophet and/or member of an evil empire somewhere would have etched down a prediction that included some words we didn’t know.  Rest assured some day my children, FUGLY (a perfectly fine Wordle submission) doesn’t mean anything today, but just wait for it.  The plans are set in motion for its use in the future.  All I can tell you now is that using it to attack right wing baseless conspiracies is Meh at best.  And don’t dare to point out that the upcoming dictator has a fugly soul.  You gotta wait until after the events are over and the new words are popular to use them.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Engagement Is…Off. Way Off.


Veritasium -Math of Democratic Voting

I watched the newest Veritasium video yesterday.  For me it was a long walk for the message that could have been simplified to:  Democracy.  We’re attempting it.  The math actually makes true democracy impossible.  But it’s better than the other options.

In the meantime, instead of campaigning on pros our favorite divisive fabricator continues to do preemptive strikes.  Just like 2020, it’s already assumed that the upcoming election is lost and justification for claims it was stolen are being hurled.  No, your engagement was not and is not organic and real.  Your engagement is heavily supplemented with baseless conspiracies.  With the way our imperfect system is set up, uneducated rural voters have an outsized impact on the math.  And that IS NOT, necessarily a bad thing.

I really need to look more at StewAnon and BlueAnon content to offset my daily dose of right wing baseless conspiracy nonsense.  I do know that the assassination attempt is and will be a topic with a long life span with content insisting it’s fake and offering various rather dubious speculations on what had gone on.  But what I am certain of beyond any shadow of a doubt, gematria and other low level manufactured fake evidence is heavily skewed towards pro Trump, pro MAGA, and pro weirdness.

If, for example, I were engaged in a legitimate conversation about the possible results of the election I would talk intelligently about things like this, that have have no clear outcomes:

The current election map based on closed minded gung ho one party only thinking shows Red with a big lead.  The same swing states that had a big impact last time are leaning Blue.  But there’s not enough buffer to assume it’s safe to declare any one of them a given, that’s exactly why they’re swing states.

The Kennedy endorsement of Trump is absolutely no surprise.  He’s part of the manufactured engagement crowd with posting odd things about vaccines and now chemtrails.  I counted those as Red votes a long time ago.

Capitalism and Democracy are different things but assumed to be the same.

These are all defensible arguments with actual evidence supporting them.  If you want to convince me otherwise, give me some real evidence.  What will backfire for me is claiming clearly manufactured bullshit.  Like gematria decodes, claiming Obama is the Antichrist, or Kamala or s an AI generated hologram.  If you support any of those views, I’m sorry that the education system has failed you.  Your average internet grifter loves that, but not the crowd that still has functioning brain cells.

In a surface level view the election systems are assessed as a method of allowing the common citizen a voice in who governs them.  In practice, there’s a set of rules that the GOP looks to break every chance they get.  Having lost the ideological battle the only way to remain in power is to cheat.  Instead of attempting to educate and uplift on whatever good ideas they have, screw that - it’s easier to cheat.  And it’s even lazier to cheat and accuse the other side of doing the same things you are doing.

When making a list that ranks past presidents we should make one just for the Most Fake.  Then the cheater can have a top spot for something, a dubious goal for someone down the road to top.  Misinformation and disinformation is what got us to where we are now, long before Kamala became the nominee.  The actual Bizarro clown opposite world is not recognizing that mostly Trump operates in a state of seeing what he says and you’d be better off doing the opposite.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Who Made Who?


Did the Joker create Batman who then created the Joker?  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  And is Zach really going to get his recent 9/11 video up to a million views and go to the WTC site and insult people through a megaphone?

A true master of projection in peak form, sloshing around the less reality inclined corners of YouTube for engagement, flinging stones while accusing others of doing that to him and dammit it's not fair! Lousy trolls ruining the internet for all those that want to make up random unsubstantiated rumors for the enjoyment of random unsubstantiated rumor makers everywhere.  And now I’m doing it to!!  I take it back.  They aren’t so random after all.

Gematria in the last decade has a purpose that is directly opposed to recent content.  The purpose is engagement farming by outrage porn disinformation.  If you’ve followed Zach as long as some people have and seen what a weather vane he is you recognize the hypocrisy and these occasional, “I’m really a good guy” videos he puts out.  There are direct from the master projectionist’s mouth statements in these call in show vids that amount to, “I wouldn’t be a bad person if it weren’t for the trolls”.  “Sure I’ve said some bad stuff, but I’m not as bad as other people.”  “I’ve always been good and helped my fellow man.”

Just in time for football season!  <raises an eyebrow and scratches chin>

The vibe from these recent videos is heavy on the old cover story.  Nobody more than Hubbard expresses the concept of dipshitmatic immunity.  Because I’m complaining about these things, by logical deduction I am not part of the problem.  And if the logical fallacy there doesn’t work, let me just point out that I think Stalin was worse than Hitler.

He’s hit all the major talking points, with a magical system that identifies via iron clad undeniable truth, that ALL black people are a problem.  ALL Jews are a problem.  ALL Christians are stupid.  ALL the other grifters are terrible people.  And yet, should anyone show support for his work, okay buddy.  You’re on the cool list.  Suddenly 42 doesn’t mean what I said it did before.

It’s all so pointless, too.  42 in his narratives can mean that you are subhuman (it’s the N word), or probably more often that it means the evil empire coded that to mock you.  I didn’t make it mean that, it’s their code.  You’ve gained nothing from the code, just the reproduction of the evil number without any context on what it means, except the context your cult leader provides by what he’s complaining about that day.

Here’s a fictitious but likely and believable scenario for offering up the 9/11 video and the promise of what will happen on a million views.  There is somewhere around a zero percent chance it will hit a million views.  He’ll announce plans to go anyway, because his alternate reality is too important.  That alternate reality still requires gas money and a hotel room.  And then the wife and child will be more important and he can’t go, because he’s a nice guy and being a dedicated father is more important.  Cha Ching!!  In the meantime, here’s some football decodes now that I have your attention Patreon subscription.  Cha Ching!!  Please ignore that you can find the SportsGematria channel that documented how miserable I performed last year and how insulting I am with stereotyping large sections of the population.

So which came first, the chicken shit or the egging on?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Actual AI Fakery and Fraud

Prefacing this with old material.  Just like there is a group of people that share tips on the proper drinking of your own urine (ignoring that the real proper use is DON’T), just like there are still people that put up sports predictions with gematria that defy the actual definition of prediction by waiting until the game is over to “decode” it, there are people that are presented an image like the following and will swear that what they’ve seen is some sort of AI generated image:

It’s so nice to see that the conspiracy lite world isn’t limited to gematria fake evidence.  Just like basing a judgment on a person for being evil with gematria shenanigans, it’s a pointless exercise where every person that lived in the past, every person alive now, and every person that will ever live in the future is evil.  Other conspiracy lite topics are hand gestures and clothing colors.  “Symbolism” means you are only truly immune from being called evil yourself by not having hands and not wearing clothes.  As for the picture evidence here, it’s nothing more than a blurry picture.  That’s it.  People, albeit a small group, are getting themselves worked up in a tizzy over blurry photos that require no real effort to make.  

There’s tons of ways to get a blurry picture, and easy too.  Simply zooming in is all it takes.  Even Google Photos has tools to alter images including blurring the background.  You can pause the a video and use the still image which will be blurred some when paused.  And somewhat frustrating is that these blurred images are almost universally used as reasons to point towards why you should vote for Trump.  I’ll recap that after a recap of AI fakery with a little more effort.

That video was suggested to me by YouTube, and my Spidey sense tingles that it’s been because I’m researching AI fraud and algorithms have picked up on it.  There’s not much I can add to describing the actual process that this YT content creator details.  But so I can contrast it with blurry photos:

1). Invest in a green screen

2). Steal IP and record image of you singing merged with actual film footage (in this case America’s Got Talent, etc…)

3). Claim it’s your own copyrighted material.

4). Collect Ad revenue.


I imagine something will get done about it, but it will just take way longer than it should.  Because actually, stolen IP AI fakes were something that was anticipated long ago.  Our green screen dubbing fake has good enough quality that it can go viral quickly, a million views in a short period of time.  But to pull it off the cash investment and time to put in the effort is a lot bigger and isn’t for everyone.  Conspiracy lite content like deliberately blurry pictures and gematria - short term engagement farming combining super easy processes, outrage porn by associating it with politics combined with cognitive biased audiences.  Taking advantage of the aura of mystery surrounding new technology while being as lazy as possible.  Pumping out multiple videos a day instead of expending a lot of time on a bigger, longer project.

The goal isn’t to get the audience to believe in the reality of a blurry picture as much as it is to get them accustomed to AI being a talking point and the other part of the content.  Like gematria making any given person being good or evil as you choose, a blurry picture can be made of anyone.  But while the audience’s butts are parked in the seats for a blurry picture, they have the live participation mode to entertain themselves while the bad movie is playing.  Joe Biden is AI?!  Gosh I hate Joe Biden, here’s my golden opportunity for me to be told how thoughtful and insightful I am by commenting on this video!  And maybe go the extra step of posting something on my Facebook page.  Here’s a blurry picture of Trump.  I love Trump!!!  My confirmation bias is never going to allow me to think that’s fake news!

The way these things tend to work is conspiracy lite content identifies new recruits.  Somewhere along the line someone will market something with more effort into it.  That will still be fake, but a portion of the presentation will make its way in front of some very gullible people.  And there will be a financial angle towards it.  The hook has been baited and the race is on to reel the fish in first.

Sunday, August 25, 2024



Instead of debating about real problems involving real people in large numbers (immigration, cost of mitigating climate change, wars, etc…) we are at the point where the low level weirdos in the conspiracy grift ecosystem are still making up stuff for engagement.  And a lot of that can be traced back to the top.  The former Weirdo in Chief is not known for caution before posting something extra weird for his loyal base to swallow whole and regurgitate into an even more unrecognizable partially digested stew.

A couple weeks beyond claiming an entire crowd of people is fake there is still a substantial focus on “proving” that Harris backing crowds are fake.  So the gematria crowd is gonna have to take a back seat for this one.  The Weird Shit in the Sky crowd is on point, and blurry pictures is something they are accustomed to.

I suppose on some level it could make a tiny bit of sense.  In theory, someone who is straddling a decision between voting Blue or Red could be influenced by accusations of cheating.  And that is all it is - accusations.  A baseless conspiracy straight from someone who has been separated from reality for quite some time. 

But trying to create a whole Crowdgate narrative is something really special.  Something above and beyond the call of duty, that not even gematria decode weird is up to the challenge.  Unlike nonexistent mules dropping of dead people’s votes at drop boxes, holograms/AI/CGI can’t actually vote.  So beyond influencing with a message of “Look how big our team is, join us in victory by voting with our super big fake numbers!”, there’s no actual benefit to be recognized.  If a hologram could actually press buttons, pull levers, fill out a voting application, etc… they would be far more qualified than a lot of people in the GOP.

But this reality of fake people not being able to vote is not a problem for your grifter interested only in short term quest for engagement outrage porn.  They would dearly love to see a full blown Crowdgate spectacle.  And the current content is extremely predictable in the course it’s taking, it’s not just enough to repost the original fake crowd accusation - one is not a truly loyal conspiracy puppet if you don’t try to outstupid the rival grifters.  And the reigning champ right now has an explanation for how fake crowds actually can vote.  They can actually fill out voter applications, press buttons, pull levers, and wear their proud little buttons, “I voted!”.  

Holograms live for fifty years.  A oddly specific quoted life span, so maybe the gematria decoders can add some value after all.  You don’t need to know who said that right now or where to find it.  Let’s save that up and wait to see if it takes off more or if this Crowdgate nonsense dies out and is forgotten.  (Also, frankly the video will be edited or deleted once the word gets out that something so weird was suggested).

In comparison to a Pizzagate this *should* be less likely to induce a real world problem.  The GOP being weird, drumming up support from baseless conspiracies that are stupid, weird, and sometimes dangerous are better known now.  We sure hope so.  The more people packed together in a small space means more moving parts for something to go wrong.  A political rally for either side has a lot more people than a pizza shop without a basement.  And you’re going to want people attending to be based in some semblance of reality as much as possible, at least for the next fifty years.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Celebrity Repudiation

When I first read this story I started running through a mental list of celebrity endorsements of conspiracy theories.  I didn’t really have any luck, so I turned to Ye Olde Google search and found this:

My own brain turned up Terrence Howard’s divide by zero nonsense.  That doesn’t count.  It wasn’t an endorsement of a preexisting conspiracy, but a creation of a brand new one.  Russell Brand going off the deep end, that doesn’t count.  Switching sides and going through a phase of spiritual supposed self enlightenment.  Nope, clearly just in it for the views (attention) and grift.  And supposedly Zach still chats with Jeff Young, but it never seems to be about gematria.  As detailed in the linked article about Ronda’s apology, celebrities don’t do much generating of new conspiracy content.  But with millions of adoring fans looking up to them for inspiration they sure do help spread it.

Celebrity = Success = Wealth = Intelligence

That is, in the minds of the cognitively biased.  The conflation of intelligence with wealth is highly overrated, especially when the wealth is attained by fraudulent means.  Granted it takes some intellect and creativity to develop a new grift, but when was the last time there was a new and genuinely different grift that took the world by storm?  In the meantime celebrity endorsements will continue to be a thing for advertising, both legitimately good and colossally bad ideas.

People really do a remarkably crappy job of finding inspiration from the wrong sources, and politics and that associated grift really doesn’t help.  My home maintenance skills suck.  Anything beyond changing a light bulb or a simple duct tape job sends me running to a contractor.  But people who fall for celebrity endorsement advertising just assume that the celebrity is brilliant about *everything* which is never the case.  Talking about being smart doesn’t make you smart.  Being smart makes you smart.  Understanding where you need to turn to for help is smart.  Asking your cult leader for tips on what it means that your personal gematria matches with the Jesuits - that’s just plain stupid.  So let me highlight something in Ronda’s apology to bring it into focus:

Deep down a lot of these people, even the ones that have fallen for the financial bait, know they are not destined for the mega wealth of a Paltrow or Ruffalo that have endorsed conspiracies.  So they are left to admire and dream of getting a little bit of attention.  A little slice of the attention pie where not the money but the being an edgy and cool intellectual dynamo because you believe in something most people don’t it makes you the superstar

Celebrity = Success = Attention = Intelligence ??

Hogwash.  You can legitimately look at years old material here where I’ve used the word “edgy” to describe the self labeled mindset of the conspiracist.  You’re not edgy and cool.  You’re ignorant.  And when you really go too far you’re ignorant AND hypocritical and arrogant about it, which not so strangely millions and millions of people don’t like.

I can accept the apology even though I haven’t been directly hurt.  I’m still a victim as every believer in bullshit conspiracies has managed to make my personal pursuit of life, liberty and happiness a bit more difficult.  And I can accept it for the apparent sincerity.   A hallmark of a fake apology is it is self serving and makes the apology more about the person than the topic.

You don’t need to apologize, Mr./Ms. Average Conspiracist. Escaping the black hole of bullshit and simply stopping the black hole getting bigger is good enough for now.

Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 - Weird War 3

It was easy to see it coming.  2016, Weird War 1.  2020, Weird War 2.  2024, Weird War 3 isn’t just on the horizon it’s been raging and now the final battles are playing out.  What exactly can you do to join the party?  Pick a side, post memes, be as disrespectful as possible because trolling means quality content these days.

Twixter remains a cesspool of low level grifting content and nothing gets both sides more fired up than making a big deal about nothing.  How can we concentrate on immigration policy when there’s a super important Doritos problem to resolve?  Making a big deal about nothing has been a stock distraction for right wing extremist for…too damn long to figure out.  Now that there is a Weird rallying cry to dance around the left is heavy into looking for easy prey for retribution.  And this is a cautionary tale of someone that went too far.

Typical of lowbrow MAGA content, armpit hair is a thing worthy of complaining about.  Doritos are far too delicious and wonderful for long term trolling value.  But spam, spamming a subjective opinion about the human body, the side with an unhealthy obsession with body parts can rally around a good armpit hair comment.  Because that will solve the immigration problems.  The leaders don’t need to deliver all the Attaboys!TM. Liking and sharing among the tribe is sure to generate fun giggle fits for days to come.  And then it expands to something like this:

The Bad Medical Takes account routinely finds bad takes from conservatives.  The conservative grift economy loves to put up misinformation about things like vaccines.  And someone went a bit too far.  Instead of just a message relating they think armpit hair on women is gross, it was fun to insinuate that this woman is not a woman.  Big Mike instead of Michelle content is at a high level now.  Surely this will generate a big laugh.  Yeah, but also from the side your crowd accuses of being woke cancel culture.  Just because cancel culture is wrong doesn’t give you the right to conflate an issue that can have opinions with the biological reality that this is a woman.

And the transphobic content caught fire.  By early evening yesterday, the original commenter’s account was locked down.  Having the timeline dog piled on for their insensitive comment.  Dishing it out and not being able to take it.  I’m pretty sure they’ll be back.  Under a different and fresh account, because now it seems they’ve abandoned that one:


Cancel culture wouldn’t be a thing if trolling for likes and shares wasn’t a thing.  Ukraine fighting back and having a need for financial aid wouldn’t be a thing if Russia hadn’t invaded.  Retaliation is a fundamental part of humanity whether it’s good or bad in every situation.  The key is the context, the nuance that separates an insensitive and stupid mistake from something clearly wrong.  And the court of public opinion decided that calling this woman to be not a woman went too far.  I don’t make up the rules, I just live with them.

I imagine that self deleted (?) account was likely to be a fan of mean memes and maybe even gematria with low quality work like this.  That’s the kind of relatable and stupid and weird quality you get with gematria “evidence”.  You might get a laugh, or you might get both a laugh and dog piled on if you go too far.  And I would like you to be reminded of your favorite cancel culture defense - the I’ve been persecuted offense:

No, your Facebook account wasn’t deleted because you merely talked about Ivermectin.  Somewhere, maybe buried on a different FB post you did something really stupid AND factually incorrect.  Like said that Ivermectin cures cancer.  A common grifter tactic, “By the way, since you’re here thinking Ivermectin cures COVID, you should try it on your Mom’s cancer.  I’ve got some for sale!”.  Or maybe even said, “My gematria decode shows the Jesuits did it!  Warm up the wood chipper you Ivermectin denying scum!  And join my sports Patreon.”  While in the middle of a global health emergency.

For good are for evil you are being in part judged by the company you keep.  The easiest way to not be judged as a horrible person is to not be a horrible person.  And don’t be a horrible person in public if you insist on being a horrible person.  Find better friends instead of hanging out with horrible people.  I deliberately checked the profile because I knew the armpit hair complainer was a horrible person to see exactly how horrible they were.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Mandela Effect Conspiracy

Remember in My Cousin Vinny how the eyewitness testimony is destroyed as part of saving the butts of the accused?  Are you sure that scene was in there?  Because it was.  It’s ok to remember that being in there.  Because it was really in there.  You can go out on the internet, find it and rewatch it if you need to, because it was really there.  And as a display of how eyewitness testimony notoriously sucks it’s a candidate for conspiracy theorists who love to make things up to justify being wrong.

I guess I’ve clicked through too many Mandela Effect threads on Twixter and now the internet has decided to repeat the offerings because I keep seeing recommendations to look at more.  And frankly, I’m really tired of it because it’s old news and they’re always a replay of the greatest hits that show up over and over.  Darth Vader talking to Luke at the end of Empire, the Fruit of the Loom lack of cornucopia, the Berenstain Bears.  People have suffered through the mass delusion about these for so long that instead of defending being wrong, the conspiracy theorist needs more ammunition.  Entering the fray is that the Mandela Effect is a conspiracy itself.  A glitch in the Matrix, where it’s not a Deja Vu that happens again and again.  Something didn’t happen again.  And it didn’t happen again.  And look here, it still didn’t happen again.  Here, it didn’t happen again and I can’t find the book image on my Google search, but I’m not wrong.  My friends are not wrong.  Everybody is all wrong together and only the people that don’t admit they are wrong are right.  So you see, I’m wrong, but I’m right about being wrong?  Extreme conspiracist mental gymnastics.

Social Paradigm Contagion.  There’s a phrase that’s unlikely to come up in a conspiracy theorist YouTube video about the Mandela Effect.  Just in case someone with decent smarts looks up a scholarly article and gets a sense of what’s going on.  And you can use gematria as your example of social contagion.

Regardless of which branch of the main uses of gematria you fall into there are some basic themes that go along with it.  Cryptocurrency, sports betting, organic matrix/synchronicity, whatever.  You’ve found your tribe, a collection of people that have gotten pushback for being wrong outside the matrix (what normies call real life) and it’s not just ok to be wrong.  Being spectacularly cosmically, stupendously and comically wrong about everything is encouraged.  In fact, if you’re not extra aggressive and vocal about what you are wrong about you can become an exile for your tribe.  Try saying something negative about your cult leader though, that’s the exception.  You are allowed to be wrong about their alleged infallibility.

If you’ve discovered that the reverse ordinal value of RAISIN=92 and matched it with some other 92, you aren’t wrong.  But if you mention it today you are because nobody in your tribe is talking about raisins.  Your tribe’s talking about an election upcoming in November.  But you know what is being talked about by your tribe today?  The Mandela Effect.  When conspiracized (a real word you are remembering wrong) that’s always on topic for the aforementioned it’s ok to be wrong reasoning.  Suddenly the wheels start spinning and the mind wanders.  You know, I was just thinking about raisins.  And raisins are dried grapes.  Like Fruit of the Loom has grapes.  And other people talked about the Mandela Effect and Fruit of the Look logo.  And I swear it’s Sun Made Raisins not Sun Maid.  And let me just post that in the comments.


Now that you are stupendously wrong you are definitely ready to subscribe to my Patreon of being wrong about everything, but together.  Alex Jones preyed on encouraging being wrong to the tune of millions of dollars.  You personally will get the satisfaction of a tiny footnote on a long forgotten footnote on a video viewed 217 times with 7 likes for adding Sun Made raisin gematria to the lore of the buildup of misinformation.

Your 92 only becomes relevant to the tribe when merged in with the current topics.  And as a fallback position you can always talk about the oldies.  You know, the racist stuff is always popular.  And politics.  Or even better racist and political stuff.  Your tribe talks about that every day.  Raisins, not so much.

Your tribe wants to believe that fake news story.  So it’s cool to Mandela Effect your way into making your own brain misremembering what really happened.  Your tribe shuts out the trolls pointing out what’s wrong with your logic and there’s way more of them than you and your tribe.  (Face it, the Raisin Cult sounds cool but not that cool).  You are now on your journey to having thoughts that all of reality centers on you and all existence is centered on your own personal truth of what you want to believe and remember.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The 1994 LA Earthquake’s Mystery Cloud

People pay a lot more attention to a sudden shift from the norm than they do from a gradual, steady sloped graph.  And this lack of appreciation for long term slow change could explain the running start of the Harris/Walz campaign ticket.

For starters, let’s go back to climate change.  We didn’t go from 2023 Everything Is Fine to 2024 Holy Shot the World Is On Fire.  It was gradual enough that spread out over something like 60 years it didn’t get the constant news coverage it does now.  The dangers were downplayed, quite effectively, by rich politicians teaming up with oil company execs to keep the gravy train rolling along for as long as possible.  (And trying to remain partisan about this is more difficult when historically you see it’s a very Republican thing.)

A not climate change story is the earthquake that hit Los Angeles in 1994:

People were accustomed to a nighttime LA with lots of electric lighting.  If you were a night owl you saw the same light polluted night sky over and over.  Only the older residents could be nostalgic for a time when LA wasn’t brightly lit all night long.  And when a power outage allowed them to see the night sky for the first times they naturally lost their minds.  That is if they didn’t have the education to realize that the Milky Way and astronomy was a real thing.  So the type of people that believe in gematria sports decodes called emergency services to report the not really so mysterious cloud.

Turning people against something they see everyday like calling contrails a derogatory and made up thing CHEMTRAILS is very much the speed and low quality of conspiracy based evidence.  A slow build up of bad ideas keeping one stuck in a perpetual negative feedback loop.  And the chosen solutions are so nutty and weird the odds that an actual solution as described is not going to happen.  That’s by design.  Aliens are not going to drop down and turn Kamala press conferences into CGI footage.  The Jesuits are not murdering sports celebrities for fun to rig games.  Viruses are not going to magically not exist because someone who wants to sell Ivermectin said they don’t exist.

The new norm is a daily and steady diet of misinformation, leaving those who want to choose and spend time to be a part of the electoral process a confusing option between two and only two options.  The system has been broken for so long that it’s why Trump succeeded in 2016.  The image portrayed was the product, not the actual person.  This in turn led to a stark realization that we got an illusion.  A light pollution covered show of what happens when a toxic narcissist proves over and over again they don’t care about anyone other than themselves.  That led to Biden taking over, not winning as much because Biden was a great option, but he won because he wasn’t Trump.  That led in turn to an angry country being told we were going to have a rematch between two old men, neither fit for office.

And finally that lead to something about a decade in the making.  Someone not Trump or Biden.  A massive seismic shift instead of a slow gradual change.  And the party that didn’t like a black man as President, that didn’t like the idea of a female President, now is looking at what to do with the idea of both in one package.  The Milky Way is exposed, and they are losing their shit.

It’s actually been quite awhile and they still aren’t really geared up to combatting the Kamala for President nomination.  The gematria and other low level make up evidence crowd is *still* doing the Greatest Hits album from the past:

Hillary’s emails never were and aren’t now having anything to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  Michelle Obama being a man is not a real thing and has nothing to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  Trump being able to beat Sleepy Joe in the race is not a real thing anymore and complaining about that is stupid, weird and has nothing to do with Kamala’s qualifications.  So far my mailbox has only gotten anti Kamala mailings that point out that she is…a liberal.  At least that is a real thing that is arguably bad.  But the sweeping social media attacks are dead.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

Analysis Of Old Gematria YouTubers #2

One of the great ongoing lies within conspiracy grifting content is the need to “wake up the sheeple” to the evil that surrounds us.  Yes, there is evil around us.  But it doesn’t operate any where in the same manner that the grifter machine claims.

As a current example, Hubbard took a road trip to do some live verbal assault in Portland yesterday.  A nine hour live presentation up on YouTube how.  And it mostly shows Zach yelling through an audio system, a couple of Zach’s current diehard associates, some “sheeple” walking by ignoring the group and occasional people that at least glanced with the patented, “WTF?!” look of people who haven’t experienced baseless conspiracy talk enough to have a clue what’s going on.  There’s a better chance that this will be added in to the fictional lore Hubbard builds up about himself than a truthful retelling of the meh reaction his presence induced.  Something like Donald Trump lying about his crowd sizes, it will just be his word - and he doesn’t need to take the video offline.  Targets of grifting don’t like to be mired in actual research, like it’s an insult to their personhood.

I hope you were paying attention to the highlighting of the word -current- in the last paragraph.  That’s called foreshadowing as it was a clue that it’s important.  The last time Zach made a concerted effort to do road trip verbal assault it really didn’t end well for those current associates.  The net effect was he alienated a lot of erstwhile allies, some of which were dedicated followers and YouTube content creators for years.  And the departure was sudden and publicly hostile and ugly.  Hubbard has since brushed it off and is back to workmanlike business as usual spreading the usual daily falsehoods.  (Which by the way includes in typical Hubbard fashion going all in on predicting Shapiro would be Kamala’s running mate which crashed and burned so badly he deleted the video with the prediction.)

None of the clique leaders invested in disinformation for whatever agenda they have is immune to the lack of long term loyal supporters.  Six years ago the Gematrinator did his best shot at being as disrespectful as possible to the memory of Stephen Hawking.  The deliberate anti-science stab at high end impactful knowledge far beyond the comprehension of 99.999% of us mere mortals with the infamous 113 = BULLSHIT number list, as if tiny three digit numbers that any idiot can make any story they want to means more than his brain.

If you load the link and look at the comments section you’ll see a couple dozen of the then current associates from six years.  And except for Zenith of the Alpha - they’re all gone.  Not a single one of those people mocking Hawking appears in any of the current gematria cliques.  No videos they made on their own.  No comments on cryptocurrency gematria channels.  No comments on Zach’s content, no comments on current Gematrinator content.  No comments on Zenith of the Alpha’s current content.  And actually when you remove Zenith from the equation as he’s more of a peer than a follower type there are Zero repeat customers.  Zippo, zilch, nada, butkus, diddly squat NONE.

That’s a whole lot of not sheeple waking going on there.  A whole lot of lack of return on your entertainment dollar if they were around long enough to enter the subscriber mode era of the Gematrinator calculator.  A whole lot of wasted time in their journey of growing the fuck up to realize that what they thought were witty and insightful comments have given them no help on understanding anything about navigating the crazy world we live in.  Hopefully they learned in time before thinking that going to Portland to pay Zach a visit was something resembling a good idea.  Probably, but maybe they’re just more careful and are safely being another overly aggressive loudmouth spouting Project 2025 propaganda instead of 113=BULLSHIT.

Gematria - Conspiracy theory light.  Come for the crazy.  Maybe have less dispensable income and get a chance to complain about it more.   Maybe stay for the party on the next January 6th.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

How To Use AI in Conspiracy Content Without Using AI

Dear Pyramid Scheme Leader:

Hey Boss, I’m having a problem.  I love spreading misinformation and I’ve seen people using ChatGPT and talking about AI.  I can’t afford AI, but I love Photoshopping, claiming clouds have aliens and evil spirits in them, and gematria decodes ‘cuz they’re cheap.  What can I do to funnel more people to your Patreon page?

                   Love and Kisses,

                    Loyal Henchman


Dear LH:

I’m glad you asked that, because others have wanted to know what to do the same as you have!  Since I appreciate your undying lack of critical thinking skills, here’s what’s been working so far.  First take any old photo of a press briefing with your designated hero or scapegoat.  I chose Ronald Reagan here:

The threat of AI is stronger than actually using AI.  So what you need to do next is play Make Believe that this is AI generated.  And since you like Photoshopping you can appreciate this.  Use a meme generator, (some are free you adorable cheapskate, you!) to blur the image to “I’m saying this is Bigfoot but who knows what the fuck it really is” quality.

That’s it!  That’s all there is to it!  You can say *anything* about the photo.  Just say that the evil empire is the one that blurred the picture and that’s the original image.  People are already claiming that the altered photo is the original image.  And, get this, it’s an original image that is of AI fake people that come out on camera wrong because they’re fake people.  Some people are claiming they’re aliens or lizards of robots instead of AI, but you do you!  I made this minutes ago, and even *I* am starting to believe the woman in red has six fingers on one hand!!  And now I can see the Pope in that alcove in the background.

Another tip, you can run a video and pause it.  This will pixelate or blur the still image with the same low quality gullible people will eat it up effect.  No AI needed.  I expect three shapeshifter lizard videos, 13 blurry alien hands photos and one gematria blurry picture decode meme by the end of the week.

        Love you tons and Attaboy!TM!

        Your glorious Leader

P.S.  I used Ronnie because we’ve hit a bit of a problem with Antichrist Obama content lately.  I don’t want my channel deleted, that is your job - to take a fall for me.  Just picture yourself as running interference like Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit.  He was way cooler than the guy driving the truck.  I’m actually kind of jealous of you.

A Clash Of Styles


That’s mildly amusing.  I looked through the followers and followings of both of these and they’re both MAGA oriented.  And gematria is a Qanon thing.  So why on Earth is there even a decode of Trump being 666?  It’s usually considered a bad thing to be known as the Antichrist.  But I refuse to delve into darker recesses of the internet where I’d need a VPN and large supply to f sedatives to get through.  The frustration would be overwhelming.

But a simple question, and not a trick question.  Just at a glance and the only options are one of these is good information and one is bad information, which one is good?

Yes, the answer is the first one is good.  As good as gematria can get.  It’s easy to trash the second one, IT’S ALL CAPS LIKE SOMEONE IS USING A COMPUTER KEYBOARD FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Dropping all vowels is not really a thing that caught on.  And the final product of shifting the format to Six 6 Six instead of Six Six Six or 666 is just…weird.  That’s the traits of someone destined to be a good little cult puppet, retweeting memes, liking and sharing videos and desperately craving an Attaboy!TM from someone who is willing to invest more time, effort and money into it.

Which is someone like the first.  It’s a pinned tweet.  The phrases are not low quality spam.  And you can tell from use of the matching entries function they have a paid subscription to the Gematrinator calculator, complete with the bells and whistles of a shit ton more ciphers and the pretty colors adding a thin veneer of credibility.

But if they are on the same team it’s never going to go far in a relationship, and that’s not just the insinuation that the messianic leader figure is being accused of being the most not messianic figure.  The “good” info references the glorious nature of the entire alphabet being magical.  The “bad” info suggests you CN DRP TH VWLS FR RLLY SPFFY DCDS.  Suddenly, the entire alphabet isn’t so magical anymore.

Using my amazing powers of gematria prediction, I am guessing that there won’t be any teacher/student interaction in the future.  A serious system would have a reply- “Dude, that’s not the way it works.  You need to use all the letters.”  Publicly.  Get some actual standards.  Call out each other for what’s wrong.  And that of course will never happen.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kill Date Analysis Part 2

I stupidly thought I was going to finish the entire 2024 calendar year, severely underestimating the tediousness of typing dates into a calculator, even doing two at a time since I have a start and end date.  It’s not the end of the world since I get inspired to refresh some other themes that are contained within these blog posts.

First a recap of the format.  To start with I set myself some rules.  A list of five words related to death:


And I limited myself to the four base ciphers yielding the following distinct values:

16, 17, 20, 25, 28, 29, 34, 38, 44, 46, 62, 64, 73, 79, 83, 97, 101, 170

The way gematria decoders are trained tells them that as soon as a single one of those matches a date numerology which also has a lot of different choices to pick from, that’s a KILL DATE.  And remember, they don’t actual post an official set of rules.  Cheating is not only allowed, it’s encouraged.

A list of 18 different kill word gematriots is pretty generous.  It would be 20 except the <34> and <38> appear twice.  And it’s far easier to find a match than it is to not find a match.  In a screen filled with 11 different ways to calculate date numerology, they’ve been trained that one match of being right invalidates the other 10 if those are all wrong.

Through the first four months of 2024 these are the dates that are not kill dates:

January  5, 6, 7, 24

February  16, 29

March  3, 10, 12, 21, 22, 28, 30

April  2, 3, 9, 20

For a third of the year, 17 dates are not straight up kill dates based on some simple rules posted in advance.  So now let’s look at two cheats which happen all the time.

You need to put aside your Dunning Kruger and realize that people saddled with a lack of education do not thinking the same way.  Living in the rural south US is a nightmare of deliberate and unrelenting not caring about quality of education.  Once trained on the very basics of gematria, a less than capable person regarding critical thinking will also pick up on what’s ok to cheat at in gematria.  Which is pretty much everything, but just sticking with a couple for now.  The knowledge that’s missing from these people is that the teacher is corrupt.  They are not paid per lesson that gives out accurate information.  They are paid by how many students graduate basic training to take the test which only 50% pass, by dumb luck.  The test is a binary outcome sporting contest or maybe even a presidential election where there is far more at stake.  As soon as you’ve paid your testing fee (Patreon donation) the teacher doesn’t give a shit if you fail the test because you got useless information.

So picture a sports decoder who is trying to figure out clues for the recent death of a sports star.  And that happened on April 3, 2024 which isn’t on the list.  He doesn’t realize that the math of kill dates is way in favor (86% for 104 out of 121 days) of a date being a kill date.  But Hubbard ALWAYS can be counted on to make a big deal that 4/3/2024 can be written as 3/4/2024, usually by saying, “The majority of the world writes today’s date as 3/4/2024.”

Which means that any day from 1-12 has a “twin” for reversing the date to the European format, if it’s convenient and needed.  Now April 3 =3-4=34 which is a kill number.

Even more arbitrary is the dead person’s birthday.  It’s just an excuse to add a different date into the mix other than the actual kill date.  It’s a given the date of death will be recent, usually part of the day’s news stories for the day before or breaking news that day if it’s a big name like OJ finally kicking off…errr…running off.  One of the first priorities is to scavenge biographical data from the internet to change the date from current to another date.  Happens all the time and morbidly birth being used to mean death.

If you cross match a list of 17 word generated numbers with a list of 11 date generated numbers it’s way too easy.  If you do anything to alter the math, like generate a new list of maybe up to 11 new date numbers because of birthdays, wow.  Like I always remind people, it’s harder to not find a match than it is to find a match.  And all along date numerology isn’t even gematria.  But these people don’t think that way.  It’s all been presented to them as this big magical phenomena that requires being smart and skillful to succeed at.

Friday, August 16, 2024

YouTube Channel Trolls

This shouldn’t even be a thing, but it is, it’s a big phase right now and it’s never going away.  And to be clear, it’s not a one time posting of a nasty comment that’s uncalled for on a video.  Channel Trolls dedicate a significant portion of their lives to recurring appearances on the same creators page.

And the conspiracy theorist grifters are NOT having a good time and dealing with it very, very badly.  To understand the statistics behind the trend and some of the psychology as well, you have to go back to things like Alex Jones heyday with Sandy Hook.  

A large number of real world trolls dedicated their attacks to being keyboard warriors, gaining confidence and a support group with a message that amounted to “it’s ok to bully”.  One time trolls would enter conversations and be brutally subjected to counterattacks.  Making them sitting ducks for mass reprisal if they weren’t fortunate enough to have made the decision to make a sock puppet and remain somewhat anonymous.

The current population of channel trolls is armed with better knowledge of what’s going on.  Like I said about police traffic stops.  If you’re wrong and deserve a ticket, 100% of police will give you a ticket.  (Slightly less if an empathetic policeman just gives you a warning).  If you don’t deserve the ticket, 100% of the bad cops will give you a ticket while the percentage of good cops out there will leave you alone since they’d rather be doing something other than harassing an innocent person.  The only way the “all cops are evil” argument holds up is if literally 100% of police are evil.  The person with the troll mentality is just more likely to complain about all cops being evil, knowing full well they deserved a speeding ticket.

The conspiracy grift economy is heavily skewed to pro right wing/liberals are evil content.  And they fight each other all the time.  To the point that throwing their own under a bus and eating the carcass is commonplace.  Like McCarthy’s tenure as house speaker kind of loathing your erstwhile allies.  Or Rudy Giuliani.  Or this:

A breakdown of trolls and videos they troll:

Right wing conspiracy:  Random trolls who just like being an asshole.  Short term troll just pointing out what’s wrong.

Left wing conspiracy:  Random trolls, Short term troll.

Non conspiracy content:  Random trolls.

And the math gets even worse for them beyond that.  A diehard troll loves it when the target fights back.  And as soon as a moment of weakness is presented it encourages them even more.  The support group, the wolf pack that used to be readily available is mostly gone.  Long time fans of a conspiracist that counterattack are fewer in number and ineffective.

A reason can be found in some of the reactions by conspiracy content creators.  What they don’t like, despite the bluster to indicate the contrary, is being disrespectful to themselves and their flock.  Bear in mind most of them are in it for the money and attention so it’s the flock - the ones that they derive the Patreon subscriptions, super chat donations, and adoring comments from that they care about.  If you visit a bar, library, or church for the first time IRL and it’s loaded with assholes you go elsewhere.  If you are just starting out in conspiracy content, have a bad trolling experience for the first time you are less likely to come back.

Random trolls love themselves some conspiracy theory channel trolling now.  They see the complaints about the flock being disrespected.  Moment of weakness number one.  Then they see that the content is completely disrespectful.  The being wrong on purpose, the targeting of “the other side” is far more common than the “peace and love to my friends” messaging.  The long term backfiring of a new breed of channel troll that created by the conspiracists themselves as the bullseye is painted by themselves.

If you don’t want to be labeled as a dumb ass conspiracy theorist on the internet, don’t be a dumb ass conspiracy theorist on the internet.  100% of people with die hard trolling mentality will find you, some of which may find different targets if your audience isn’t fun enough.  The 100% of bad cops dealing out tickets.  100% of people that know what’s going on will find you and probably not directly engage, but don’t mind whipping up a little anti-conspiracist sentiment.  The good cops that will leave you alone if you settle the fuck down and dial back the crazy. And the people that just want to watch a nice video about the proper way to cut your cat’s hair at home will not pay attention to you and just keep on keeping on.  The drivers that aren’t speeding.

But they keep making the same mistakes despite the changing times.  Alex Jones’ troubles finally gave a solid indication that going too far wasn’t a great idea for real life trolling.  Certainly January 6th showed that real life trolling isn’t a great idea.  Online trolling is the safe outlet for trolling somewhat anonymously.  And people that boldly disrespect others for attention are the new favorite prey.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The NPC Ghost Problem

Time for a break and just post something silly for the sake of putting silliness out there. My mind has been wandering into dangerous territories.  The birth of the ensuing silliness is brought on by genuine thoughts of crank magnetism and picking and choosing what remains reasonable to an individual truther (think true believer being grifted, not a grifting disinformation peddler) and what is too silly for further thought.  There is a significant amount of actual activity now where prominent liberal politicians are simultaneously being accused of being clones, AI, robots, lizards, shape shifters and gosh knows what else I haven’t seen.  Your typical clueless true believer may have a favorite of the list of the choices, or simply ignore that it is senseless to have a shape shifting robot.  Overkill.

So you’ve got your NPC theory going on.  Within the framework of actual conspiracy grifting activity this gives one the sense of superiority.  Real life NPCs don’t actually just stand around and take verbal abuse when confronted by a frothing at the mouth truther.  Just whining about vague and undefined NPCs is good enough.  Just assume that the target of your bigotry is an NPC doing things that annoy you because of course the world centers around you.  Returning home to the comfort of your keyboard and gematria calculator and messaging your tribe is good enough.

Now what about ghosts?  Are ghosts an NPC?  A dead version of an NPC?  Traditional NPCs are ordinary mindless not meant to be reacted with for extended periods of time, or a major character.  Your Dungeons and Dragons game - the innkeeper who sells you a meal and you never meet again is the first.  The leader of the bandits that waylaid the princess’s caravan you need to fight to save her - that’s a major NPC.  The truther assumes that the political candidate is the latter, a ringleader or boss of a level.  The innkeepers are just people too stupid to realize the bandit leader is a problem or don’t know about him.

Now if there were NPC ghosts, it stands to reason that they’ve graduated to a major role regardless of what their ordinary job was.  I’m guessing an innkeeper ghost would float around and maybe say a couple of “boos” and just be annoying.  A bandit leader ghost would be a bandit leader on steroids.  Now he’s got ghostly powers of undefined limits.  Hey, I’m just asking questions here.  Don’t blame me.  If I were to gamble on if someone believes in ghosts or not and was told they believed in NPCs, I’d bet they believed in both.

Maybe a freezing touch.  That sounds like a cool bandit leader ghost ability. Or poisonous ectoplasm.  Yuck, but still cool.  Or power of suggestion by ghostly whispering?  

But here’s the start of the problem.  Now the bandit leader type ghost in the real world is a politician.  Given amazing super powers to affect PCs.  And a horde of NPC ghost innkeepers that …. Need to be woken to the evil of the bandit leader ghost and his yucky ectoplasm?!?!?  Wow that’s some heady stuff.  I’m gonna need some coke and Adderall and rage tweet about that sometime.

I know what you’re thinking.  It’s silly to need the part about the ghosts is unnecessary.  The NPCs whether innkeeper level or bandit leader level don’t need to be ghosts to be evil.  But what I’m hearing is, “It’s not stupid enough, yet.”

So among the living real world, we have Cotard’s Syndrome.
Living people who think they are dead.  What happens to a ghost of an NPC when in real life of not really being alive they had thoughts about not really being alive?  Do they mentally wake up and assume they were really alive before and recognize now that they are actually a ghost and really dead?

And what if that’s not stupid enough?  A gematria grifter is considered to be some form of a bandit leader by even his own fellow gematria grifting bandit leaders.  What if one dies and becomes a ghost?  Do they remember they did gematria or drop it for the love of their new freezing touch?  Or are we going to have gematria using, poisonous ectoplasm flinging, identity crisis befuddled NPC ghosts haunting us?

And now I’ve reached a point where I realize there is a message.

An actual comment on an actual video from someone who doesn’t pay attention to a cohesive message.  One day it’s evil AI.  The next day it’s lizards.  Then it’s shape shifting humans.  Then it’s dark energy from the spirit realm.  Absolutely no consistency at all in an overarching message that’s harder to follow than a Christopher Nolan movie.  Outstupiding the competition for engagement and at least an occasional super chat donation.

Congrats to Jen for figuring out that something was wrong here.  We don’t need a manifesto from the content creator giving all detail on the theme.  It’s too lengthy to ever get published as there’s a lot, a heckuva lot, of outrageous and stupid ideas to choose from.  But if you want to be taken seriously and not get trolled you could police your own content and stick to one thing.  It’s probably best to not make that theme gematria because that can be used to prove the existence of gematria using ghosts of werewolf alien lizard shape shifting robot clone AI raptured body thetans.  And you’re right back to square one with no consistent message.

But that’s kind of the point when your outstupiding for engagement.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Well, That Didn’t Age Well

The unholy marriage of capitalism and misinformation is a happy one, until competing grift comes into a head to head confrontation.  When you pick a long term issue and the population is in a tizzy about it long before the long term results are in there’s a huge gap to operate the scam in.  Start lying heavily about the impact of burning fossil fuels in the 1970’s —-> make money like crazy for decades and not worry about the monster created that really didn’t start to become obvious until now.  Start lying about Covid at the onset of the pandemic.  Don’t worry about the impact of if there’s a “long” form of the virus.  Like how the chicken pox virus sticks with you to give shingles later:

There’s a reason conspiracy grifting has the format it does.  Maximum outrage at the onset of crisis and ride it out until it becomes far too obvious that it’s a bad idea.  Emotional reaction —-> immediate.  Critical thinking about long term consequences —-> attack those that know what’s going on and muddy the waters as much as possible.  And that leaves us with a whole host of things that didn’t age well.

I’m reminded of one of my favorite Far Side panels:

Cigarette smoking is almost universally reviled now as a bad idea with serious long term consequences.  The grifting format that persists today worked perfectly well.  Lie about the science.  Lobby politicians who would rather be wealthy than right.  And just roll (ha!) with it as long as the gravy train exists and the long term health care costs can be blamed on politicians that maybe weren’t even born when the inflationary impact really hits hot and heavy.

Each of these “leaders” that thought about the smoking issue can’t be pinned down with an arbitrary group label.  Some understood the issue and worked against tobacco.  Some fell for the “it’s not so bad” hype and got bamboozled into not addressing it as they should have.  And some, the kind of people that talk on right wing media, knew damn well it was bad news and were just in it for the money, having successfully predicted that Obama was going to be the Antichrist and the rise of gematria proving anything.

Never underestimate the power of a short term monetary lure for being used in long term bad ideas.  Cigarettes used to be marketed on television commercials.  And although more recent generations are aware of cigarettes = bad for health, and even that cigarettes were marketed as something that made you cool instead of a dweeb, I wonder if the extent of the marketing is known to them.

The Flintstones, a famous cartoon of its day.  Advertised its main character, Fred, as cool for smoking a cigarette at the end of each episode for the first couple of seasons.

Now granted that this show wasn’t intended to be a typical Saturday morning kid’s cartoon when it started.  It was a sitcom that just happened to be animated.  By the time Pebbles was born into the cartoon family the Winston cigarette ads were dropped.  And now after a gradual process including Surgeon General warnings on packaging, anti-smoking ads, and the more and more obvious heart disease and lung cancer effects smoking is admitted to be a bad thing, even by those who still smoke.  People who smoked heavily in the late 50’s and 60’s probably don’t complain that much about it now because they simply aren’t alive anymore to complain about how long cancer killed them.

The marketing ends up being a lot of the cost to purchase the product.  Studies are down to maximize sales TODAY.  Let the future sort it out later.  The cigarettes themselves are a rather bland and undifferentiated product.  Competing named products are made of the same materials and mostly interchangeable.  The only way to separate yourself from the pack (ha!) is how you market it.  And boy did curious kids love themselves a little rebellion and try cigarettes to be an adult as soon as possible.

It’s not so amazing that there aren’t gematria decodes about the evils of smoking.  The outrage porn has run its course and doesn’t work as well.  How dare you tell me not to be cool anymore!  Take away those regulations!  It’s my body, my rights!  And to hell with the effects of second hand smoke making others pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, bring back smoking in restaurants.

Gematria is also a bland and mostly undifferentiated product.  All the decodes are equally bad and irrelevant.  For instance, there’s still a smattering of LISP=56 gematria on Twixter today where Qanon ignores that 56= SOCIETY OF JESUS in the Zachosphere.  A huge Jesuit number over there. The marketing is still the same in a way, how dare you tell me I’m not allowed to say that Kamala Harris is a shape shifting demon!  It’s my free speech, it’s my rights!  To hell with some clueless idiot with a gun walking into a school interfering with others lives!

It’s a pretty safe bet that gematria decoding will not age well.  Every $10 a month Patreon donation is about the cost of pack of cigarettes.  It’s one less movie, or one less restaurant meal or less of something you might get short term entertainment value out of instead of just something you will be shamed for in the future of an internet that doesn’t forget.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Trump and Muthk and Qanon

Big day yesterday as Trump and Musk sit down for a glorious chat between two master projectionists.

It’s easy for me to not take Musk seriously.  Every decision seems geared toward maximum attention gathering as opposed to an alleged business genius idea.  Twixter has never been profitable for him.  And one of the simplest most hypocritical things continues to happen.  Every day, literally every day, I get followed by a bot.

Occasionally more than one.  The pattern is the same.  Female that most people would agree is attractive.  Following thousands of people.  Maybe a couple hundred people dumb enough to not realize they are following back a bot.  No big deal to block a bot a day.  But oh boy, the hypocritical psychological projection.  Musk had a moment after he locked in his Twixter purchase with a meltdown on the price because of the evil spam bots, “he knew nothing about”.  Due diligence is on the purchaser.  Regardless, he has continued to claim that the bot problem is some sort of crusade for him to be the conquering hero.

Don’t be surprised to find out this is a purposefully created issue out of a non issue to claim credit for something that will get loads of attention from the diehard Musk fanboys.  They eat up the stuff that Musk, the supposed tech genius, fails at because everyone is out to get him.  The narcissistic projection that every time he fails it’s not his fault, while at he’s just another toxic rich white man looking to keep regulators away from the bulk of his fortune, and what better way to do that by throwing his hat in the ring in support of Trump.

But this post isn’t so much about Muthk, but about the fireside (from a Tesla that caught on fire) chat with Trump on Don’s triumphant return to Twixter.  And it gave the Trump fan base something to do.  Indeed the only fan base more arrogant, self important, and pushy about trying to force their ideology on you than Muthk is the Trump fan base.  The base that refuses to accept a whole bunch of solid facts and continues to squander their money on.  And the most vocal and pushiest of those is the Qanons.  Not only do they ignore actual evidence, it’s a never ending quest to manufacture new fake evidence, including gematria.  And we finally have something to give the front line troops to yak about.  Trump may or may not have had a lisp last night.

You say, “But how could that be important?!  Isn’t it kind of petty and cruel to mock a former President for lisping?  Isn’t it trivial?  And did it really exist or is the left manufacturing a controversy out of no big deal?”  You may not understand baking where no matter what’s actually going on, the conspiracy is a no lose situation.  Like gematria being a foregone conclusion that your numbers support your narrative, everything in a Qanon narrative is baked to become the most favorable outcome to Trump.

The shock troops on the front lines are not armed with the best weapons, if they are even armed at all.  Gematria is hardly a weapon to win a war, but it gives the troops something to do while the artillery support and air command figures out if the really dangerous (and expensive) ordnance should be utilized.  So throw them a bone.  Even better, let them create a PTSD created bone on their own where they are deluded enough to think their calls for artillery support will be answered.

The lisp itself is a no lose situation, self created by desperate folk, not desperate for victory in the war.  They’ve kind of given up on that, but to maybe win one or two last battles and not got an artillery struck called on themselves in the process.  Arguing about a lisp is extremely low quality evidence.  Especially, as always happens when low quality gematria style evidence is your best argument.  This is why we never get a clear narrative, a cohesive underlying principle that binds them together.  The grasping at straws and basic cooking ingredients for baking a terrible product with an undefined recipe.  It’s the same as when TRUMP’S FAT FINGERS TYPE IN ALL CAPS THAT IT’S A CLUE all over again.

Oh, he’s not really lisping, f*ing liberal liars.  We win!

Oh, he is lisping, but it’s a gematria clue!  163 and 56, Cha-Ching!  We win!

Oh, he’s lisping but gematria is stupid, but it’s still a comm!  We win!

And we’re really, really sure that this is the time we’ve been waiting for.  The Storm that was predicted eight nine seven six five four three two one year(s) yesterday is really here!  And I’m thuper, duper theriouth about it thith time becauth nobody grathped at the lithp thtraw before.

Because it’s not a thing.  Gematria, the alleged prediction took, didn’t predict a lisp was going to be a thing.  Of course not, it’s too weird and too oddly specific to ever have been dreamed up about by even the most intently fever dreamed Qanon minds.  We’re just waiting to see what the Air Force with the real weapons that might have an impact are going to do.

Being able to simultaneously hold contradictory thoughts has always been psychologically dangerous and damaging.  And gematria is right up there with the worst of it for manufacturing narratives to just promote your agenda with a system that easily produces a perfectly valid counterpoint.  For example, in the history section of gematria on Wikipedia I see a single reference to the Phoenicians, and that was regarding the timetable of when Hebrew gematria first appeared.  Yesterday morning, 8/12/2024 I caught a bit of a video from 8/11/2024 that claimed unironically that the Phoenicians CREATED gematria.  I doubt there’s many more people than me looking at a lot of conspiracy gematria content, so why am I hearing about this for this first time now?!?  Oh, I get it.  Kamala and Michelle Obama wore purple at some times.  The evil Phoenician baby killing symbolism.  But what about their lisps of lack thereof?

It does get a little tiresome watching people self destruct over nonissues instead of getting some real friends and hobbies they can alleviate their boredom with.  But we  all have to put up with it, the collateral damage of the weak minded making bad decisions that get them in need of a bailout.