Sunday, July 14, 2024

You Wanted Entropy, You Got It

Don’t you dare insinuate that I condone the violent incident yesterday in any way shape or form.  Remember that grifters have aligned themselves with whatever it takes to achieve separation of people from money based on maximum outrage with as little critical thinking going into it.

If I tried, and actually did put a little effort into it, I could make a post about the four horseman of conspiracy grifting.  And that thought evaporated as I would run out of colors for horses long before qualified riders.  But I do know that Chaos is one of those horseman.  Perhaps even the lead horseman, astride his horse of many colors changing constantly, presenting the colors with no pattern or reason for the change.

Entropy doesn’t reverse engineer into useful stuff.  There’s no magic or science that counters the disorder without expenditure of energy.  And the lack of energy input into political systems leading to broken democratic election processes was on full display.  If I have to summarize it in a sentence?  Some idiot with a gun took the law into his own hands and added a kickstarter to existing chaos.  Both sides are already losing their shot about this, and they don’t even realize that the problem mostly rests in the fact that both sides are simultaneously the victims and beneficiaries of the results every single day.  And all the talk that it’s all or nothing one or the other is bullshit.

My personal belief and main objection is the collateral damage from these major events.  A rally attendee killed and other’s injured.  The ghouls on the one side are screaming Trump had it coming.  The other side is blaming them and getting whipped up for revenge.  Little discourse mentions the negative impact of the innocent bystanders and their close circle, including one who I trust didn’t attend the rally thinking it would be dangerous enough that they wouldn’t survive.  And in the meantime, the grifters run their hands in glee at the golden opportunity.  We already have the number 38 (best they could do on short notice I suppose), a decode on Twixter for the deep gematria meaning for Ripple crypto, misidentification of the shooter over several accounts, a GoFundMe that appears legit but will probably be the poster child for illegitimate fundraisers, and gematria named accounts that don’t actually post gematria numbers doing their hot takes.  And I haven’t even looked at YouTube yet this morning.

Let’s further this examination of chaos into some other recent events.  Apparently in the ongoing wars children’s hospitals have been part of the collateral damage.  That’s all I say about that.

Now the hurricane and heat wave in Texas.  In theory, instead of the heavily politicized and waste of funds due to ongoing political corruption, investment in infrastructure could have at least mitigated the problem.  Better tech slowing down global warming, better infrastructure for the power grid.  But the entropy of broken politics has taken hold there, and yes people are dying.  Faceless and nameless mostly.  And there’s stories circulating that hot and angry customers have threatened energy company employees.  Good job voters.  You fell for the chaos and let the self perpetuating negative feedback loop take hold.

Chaos has no friends, not even the grifters.  A poisoned, excessively hot, and dwindling resources Dystopian society doesn’t have any perks worth spending money on.  I feel this is the driving force in the age and health concerns of the leading candidates.  The youth are finally realizing that they don’t have too much to look forward to compared to prior generations.  And we’re stilling catering to the Boomer generation - the primary generation of the grifter target supply.

Hopefully something mildly stupid will strike my fancy in the later part of this week.  But trust me, regardless of what that is yesterday is going to be a grifter gift for a long time.  It’s what you get when chaos creates reacting without thinking.

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