Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Indian Gematria

 What is Amazon India up to?!?

Well that’s quite odd.  A whole series of Amazon India advertisements on Twixter for a wide variety of products.  Paper cupcake tin liners, motor oil, backpacks, cookware, shoes, rain ponchos, glass jars, clothes, and even spatulas.  Because when I’m doing gematria I often have in the back of my mind, boy I really wish I had a new spatula.

Kalki 2898 AD is the new Bollywood movie.  Some of its stars make their way into the various hashtags.  India vs. Zimbabwe cricket matches are coming up.  Other things that are associated with Indian nationalism and identity.  But how exactly did gematria get added to that list?  It sticks out as the obvious odd man out.

Personal certainty issue number one, there is no way I’m clicking on any of the links.  It doesn’t matter how long ago it was I keep getting Wal-Mart pestering to rebuy the same things I ordered before.  I could be absolutely dying of cupcake withdrawal and I’m not going there.

Although the multiple #s to interrupt conversations is an effective advertising gimmick, and although gematria users have an insanely high level of falling for dubious products being advertised, the timing is all wrong for using #gematria as bait.  It’s nowhere near as popular now as a few years ago.  And the die hard users are into American sports and right wing U.S. politics.  The idea of switching from U.S. Amazon to India Amazon seems like it’s not destined to catch on.

It does appear to be a bot network.  The gematria tag was new for today.  Yesterday it was #gold.  If the pattern continues then expect an #bitcoin or #ivermectin or #onlinecasino to show up soon.  All the accounts posting product ads I checked as well as all the followers of those accounts I checked were created between April 2023 and December 2023.  So this is a good time to remind you that the way conspiracy Hoaxer content operates is instead of mass emails being sent out the mass marketing is on social media.  Then the gullible targets come to you either by direct replies to social media content or getting on a mailing list for clicking a dubious link.  Use of #gematria gives the him thrown in the waters a little extra kick, something to appeal to a different group other than the more normal Indian identity items.

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