Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mission Really, Really Impossible

I’ve seen two separate references to the Illuminati card game sniper predictive programming theme, and I’m sure there’s more.  Conspiracy Hoaxers have EXTREMELY low standards when it comes to facial recognition.  Both references I mention included insistence that there is no doubt that the image on the card is 100% absolutely for certain an image of Donald Trump.  Presumably, generous amounts of reefer and booze are involved.  And a predilection for apophenia.

The use of masks in the Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie franchise was not new, but maybe even a loving homage to the original TV series.  Per the linked article as well as my own memories of useless film trivia the process of making the mask was displayed in earlier episodes.  Eventually the masks, always a staple of the team’s shenanigans, were just a “given” and the production was omitted from the episode saving both time and money.  Yeah, we know Spock wears masks… get on with it.

Well apparently the mask making team, like all good predictive programming is still active, they haven’t gotten any technological advances in many decades, and like a conspiracy hoaxer trying to hold a steady job pretty much suck ass at what they do.

The gematria part is easy.  The Conspiracy Hoaxer Clown College can cover that in a half hour prelude to facial misrecognition.  The supposed likeness between J.D. Vance and Paul Walker is a typical byproduct of a random association between two disparate things.  Vance’s face is more rounded and puffy with a much bigger forehead, the eye color is different, the nose is completely wrong.  And the ears, from that photo I’m not even sure Vance has any ears.  Insert tasteless sniper reference here if you’re so inclined.

One would think that an evil empire, underground reptilian race, aliens or whatever is trying to duplicate specific human likenesses would have the resources to do a better job.  If such organizations knew back in the 60’s that shadowy government organizations made latex masks that could fool stupid humans they could at least do a credible job on the likeness.  And we know they watch our TV, if they didn’t they wouldn’t even bother with mimicking Walker in the first place.

Nothing short of major plastic surgery could change Walker into Vance (even without the decomposition of the very, very deceased Walker).  And if you’re going to start off with a decent beginning point it would be much easier to find someone who at least approximates the basic facial structure instead of starting from scratch.  In reality, these claims are a red flag of a deeply unserious social media account.  Getting amateur hoaxers looking at photos for more nefarious purposes like mislabeling crappy photography like long range photos, Bigfoots (Bigfeet?), and transvestigation.  Getting people comfortable with and numbed to the inherent problems with constantly being assaulted misinformation.  Like how even though my autocorrect knows transvestigation isn’t a real word it predicts after T-R-A-N-S-V- that it might be the word I intend to type.

So there we have it.  Any picture of an angry person is Trump.  Anyone else is J.D.Vance wearing a mask after plastic surgery after being raised from the dead after faking his death and not being actually dead after faking faking his death and being a dead reptilian that used gematria to bring back Leonard Nimoy from the dead to make a shitty latex mask to…

The deeply unserious accounts can never get their story straight on what they actually agree on.  It’s a byproduct of instantly declaring HOAX at every story.

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