Friday, July 12, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Claiming Victory Prematurely

For those unaware of Charmed One within the Zachosphere, you can find them in the comments section of almost every single Zach video.  Their function is to drum up interest in more than simply watching the video, begging for hitting the like button and such.  There was even a couple of weeks period where there was a “game” of posting a word that started with a particular letter of the alphabet, just to drum up additional comments to add to the illusion of popularity.  If you want someone to help you astroturf your numbers, Charmed is the way to go.  I personally think it’s a sock puppet account of operated by a story teller in on the grift, but ultimately it doesn’t matter.  Charmed rarely uses gematria and spits out long, rambling anecdotes on a regular basis.

But back to the business at hand.

Remember that at all times, even when it’s not explicitly stated, even when it’s explicitly denied, the point of the gematria grift is to insinuate that your understanding of a nonexistent magical code is a tool for predictions.  And Zach has put out a large volume of politically oriented material that insinuates that it’s not just nutty enough to focus on clock times and records versus left handers in road games, but don’t you think you can predict the next leader of your election?  Wouldn’t that be fun?  Because it’s a binary event also and there are lots of rabid fans on both sides.  You even get to call the fans of the other team poopyheads and it’s not just tolerated, it’s expected.

The choice of capitalized words shows the intent, to claim that there was a successful prediction years ago.  Another bullet point on the resume of a person that has to lie and delete old material regularly that contradicts the actual track record.  In addition to the beginning of the first sentence, “It was predicted….”  

The choice of this particular theme is an odd one, sort of in line like someone who tries to get people to open a dictionary and post words in YouTube comments like it’s an episode of Sesame Street.  You can run it up against the many sites that list common characteristics of conspiracies

and it doesn’t pass the sniff test.  But mostly it’s odd since the evidence of the success of the prediction recaps how the event has yet to come to pass.  The Gerald Ford clip is old.  It’s been beaten to death during previous election campaigns.  And specifically mentions that the way a woman will become president is by being elected VP, the sitting president croaks in office and the VP being next in the chain of command takes over.  You may be smart enough to realize that 

1). Biden is not dead.

2). There’s talk of Kamala being nominee for president, not ascension by death in office.  And

3). If this is trying to keep this theme going, what’s taking the evil empire so long to finish the job?  They’ve already had years of actual Biden presidency to get it done.  Maybe they’re spending too much time on Steph Curry’s three point percentage.

There’s an age old doctrine in the gematria communities, whether they are sports, political or a mix of both.  And that’s the Doctrine of Close Enough.  The misogynists hate the idea of a female in power.  Trump might pick a female VP running mate (yes, they’ve actually been talking about that in Q circles) and even Biden not being the presidential nominee is a symbolic death.  The end of a political career.  Not being unalived dead, but fuck it…close enough.

Bottom line is we absolutely do not have a female U.S President today, and calling this a successful prediction made years ago is nothing to brag about.  A huge fail instead of the big win it’s portrayed as.  And Qanon and s famous for these failed, but close enough to keep the Hoaxer flock interested for another day of memes and false accusations.  Best case scenario for Zach would be impossible to pinpoint.  Kamala as president?  Trump has female VP who turns president like Ford’s scenario?  Biden resigns next week and Kamala takes over immediately and not wait until next election?  We’re getting Nostradamus levels of vagueness here.  And thanks to Charmed Ones declaration of victory we get to coin a new term for declaring victory prematurely.

Premature Ezachulation

Not perfect, but certainly close enough.

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