Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Saving You Time


Wasting Time -Part II

“I’m going to keep this short.”  That’s within the first couple seconds.

On a 2 hour and 50 minute video.  A two hour and fifty minute video that doesn’t have anything new that hasn’t been already said before.  The average length of Marvel Superhero movies is something like 2 hours and 15 minutes, and that’s way too long for normal attention spans that have voted by their expenditures that it’s worthwhile; there’s some quality to the content.  And many of those people agree it was worthwhile, but wish the thing would have lasted less time.

It’s almost like there’s some sort of contest to produce the longest waste of time.

To counter this, I offer a simple solution to the time sucking vortex.  Here’s the content of every single conspiracy gematria video, not just the Illusion.

Something bad happened

It made the news

An arbitrary scapegoat is picked as the villain, usually somebody representative of a group that is known for being attacked.

Insignificant numbers are attached that have no actual evidentiary value.

There’s a request for donations.

Now wasn’t that a lot faster than spending nearly three hours?  Although I do have a good idea why they’re so long, which I will cover in the near future.

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