Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Population Bottlenecks - Searching For Greene(r) Pastures

Perhaps a predator and prey statistical analysis is a better analogy, but it’s my blog and I’m still feeling’ snarky.  For a somewhat serious preamble let’s begin with actual bottleneck stuff.

If you’re tribe was isolated and you thought throwing a virgin in a volcano to appease the angry Panda God, it did nothing to stop the respiratory disease that eventually made your tribe a nice little archaeological find much later.  Nowadays there’s talk, whether it’s warranted or not, whether global pandemic could actually make humans extinct.  Now it’s not just the clueless tribe, but a lot of other tribes taken along for the ride.  Some of which may have known it was a microbe.  

For a lot of people four or five generations is the most their brains can cope with thinking about “long term”.  Your generation, your parents, your grandparents and your kids and grandkids.  This is “your present”, and now I’m going to take an unplanned side trip.  

When archaeologists or historians talk about the present as opposed to the Iron Age or the Something Something Era, The Present is defined as starting in 1950 when nuclear weapons testing permanently screwed up carbon dating.  Lots of fun.

Whether extinction or recovery is the result for humans, there’s not enough time for “the present” to genetically adapt to the amazingly different climate alteration we’ve experienced.

Conspiracy hoaxers don’t operate long term at all.  Everything is knee jerk emotional reaction to the current outrage porn.  Somewhere along the way, even before anything happened to finally curb the Alex Jones disinformation machinery, gematria lost its luster.  And I blame Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The Alex Jones era of conspiracy grifting saw a boom of targeting not just the downtrodden, but the wealthier retirement age Baby Boomers who seek to protect their accumulated wealth from rampant unchecked capitalism.  To pass on their legacy to their kids and grandkids.  The downtrodden turned towards combining an extreme desire to not have to work like Mom and Dad who do nothing more than play golf, go to the wine drinking book review circle and complain about lefties nonstop.  An era of false idol worship ensued.  It doesn’t matter if a Trump or Musk has dubious criminal activity in their personality portfolio.  The mere act of not having to invest actual work or intellectual thought, that was the lifestyle that drove the overpopulation in the conspiracy world.

Within this era, MTG arose.  Combining the best(worst) for both generations.  Or several generations.  The kids loved her, they helped elect her.  A shining beacon of how being given a participation award for the most mind numbingly stupid content can land you a paying job without actually working at what you’re allegedly supposed to be doing.  Conflating being allowed free speech with the ideas behind the speech actually having some meaning and relevance.

Nobody, and I do mean that, nobody did gematria decodes about MTG.  You can search her name on Twixter with “Gematria” and it’s so sparse it’s practically nonexistent.  Even Trump gets decodes as being the positive connections with the numbers.  Why shouldn’t MTG get a little of that love, too?

It’s because like gematria being too stupid for a lifelong platform, derided by those that consider themselves legitimate truth seekers, she’s too far out there.  A ticking time bomb of mental instability, bigotry and hypocrisy .  Someone who has mastered spouting out the most wrong, batshit crazy material completely naturally, because that’s who she is.  You don’t need gematria support for your siding with MTG, the crazy is already there with content excluding any decoded material.

The Moms and Dads don’t care.  All they care, or rather used to care, about is that she’s a Republican that hates evil lefties.  But now things are a little too extreme in the conspiracy climate.  And continued transfer of assets to the younger generation is not so certain anymore.  Too good of a job was done on not maintaining infrastructure to save money for the present generation.  The stock market is permanently broken, climate change related inflation is already here and although it’s still fun to blame the current set of elected Democrats there’s a nagging realization that it’s not going away any time soon.  And good luck finding an insurance company to pay for tragedies when it will be easier to just declare bankruptcy and walk away.

MTG is proof that you don’t need gematria for your conspiracy hoax content.  All you need is the bad attitude, so why waste time and just bypass it and move on.  People live themselves a dose of bad attitude above substance and can find it every day without throwing in some easily produced numbers.  So sad for the long term gematria grifters, their bottleneck and depopulation has already hit, and we’re now waiting to see if they find greener pastures or go extinct completely.

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