Monday, July 15, 2024

The Uselessness of Gematria On Full Display


In addition to that image I want to mention that there are the usual claims that the gematria so called community predicted the shooting in advance.  Not even close.  There was nothing detailed, all the standard talk of shootings and death being predicted was the usual vague nonsense that has no actual future date attached.  One of the main rules for getting into gematria and advancing beyond the point of telling your chosen cult leader you like their latest video is to only ever do a decode after the event is over.  There’s always two and three digit numbers to throw in and connect any two subjects.

Because if you try to do it in advance you’re bound to get at least some parts wrong.  Like today’s material to work with.  Now that’s some quality work on getting it wrong that goes way above the call of duty for getting things wrong with gematria.  That’s the kind of high quality getting things wrong that will surely get you banned from Thanksgiving dinner, which is good for everyone because a large number of people feasting just want the happy meal and gathering.  If there’s any idle chit chat straying towards politics you owe it to keep the conversation at an adult level and not play pin the tail on the conspiracy.

It doesn’t often take this format openly.  Usually someone will latch on to a nostalgic theme that means something to them personally and beat it to death.  Often it’s nostalgic for what they did their first decodes on and the numbers get elevated to a level of personal relevance not shared by many others.  Then you get stuck in a rut never thinking about the alternatives that maybe a certain number doesn’t mean synchronicity with Cam Newton or Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  Other than the synchronicity with what other gematria community stories are promoting.  And universally gematria stories are part of the outrage porn section of social media.  It’s Cam Newton AND it’s Shannen Doherty at the same time, at least internally to the Cam Newton specialist.

The Kennedy part is no surprise.  Any person with celebrity status is a must for gematria connection stories.  Now what is unusual is the acknowledgement that Mark Violets is the wrong answer. The wrong answer was deliberate, as someone specializing in disinformation for whatever their agenda was floated that out right after the story broke.  This was squashed fairly quickly, but there was enough BS about it clogging up the news until corrections were made.  Someone who actually has some powers of observation and decent critical thinking skills might follow a more meaningful logic train.  Like wondering if Mark Violets is the wrong answer, does that maybe mean John F. Kennedy is the wrong answer?  And Kennedy was killed while this time the victim survived, what’s up with that?

Which isn’t really correct, either.  It was arbitrary and random.  The same way the foundation of Sandy Hook conspiracy was laid, a mass delusion of people following Jones’ force feeding a steady diet of wrong answers to a group called f people that think they belong at the adult table on Thanksgiving Day when they don’t even belong in the same building.  There’s lots of other wrong answers to chose from to match with Kennedy.  Even someone with modest skills on a gematria calculator can find a bunch of names that equal 145.  RANDY JONES=145.  There’s another wrong answer for you.  We’re pretty sure that somewhere out there are multiple people named Randy Jones that had nothing to do with the attack.  Whoop Dee Doo, Wheeeeee!!! look at my awesome wrong answer, where the hell is my cookie?!

One of my favorite nuggets of info:

Based on gematria, every person that is alive now, lived in the past, and will live in the future is evil.  There’s no escaping it.  There are orders of magnitude larger quantities of wrong answers than right answers.  Constantly searching for a wrong answer, finding a wrong answer delivered by someone that knows it’s the wrong answer always gets the wrong answer.  It’s not really anything to be proud of.

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