Saturday, July 6, 2024

Know Your Grifter Gimmicks - Colors

For our gematria tie in, it’s the semi-regular reminder that it operates in the realm of what I call conspiracy theory light.  Instead of just reacting positively to the clique leaders and the other clique members content it gives those that aren’t the purveyors of disinformation an opportunity to actively participate.  It’s much more fun to type away into a calculator and find the numbers on your own, and it is literally impossible not to find a match between any two randomly selected target topics.  Similarly, any time symbolism is mentioned regarding hand gestures audience participation is involved.  Go through enough pictures on the internet and you can find a celebrity doing something innocent that can be claimed to be evil every single day.  Both of these share the common denominator of if you personally have evil gematria or you personally made the evil hand gesture you are allowed to ignore it.  Your own tribe isn’t going to call you out on it.  The normies aren’t going to call you out on it more than a couple times, they’re just annoyed at how gullible you are.  It’s only when two evidence challenged clowns get into a fight over who is less wrong and they’re attempting to outstupid each other for attention you get a lot of fireballs being hurled.

And that brings us to one of my personal peeves.  Colors, particularly of clothing.  And just like ignoring bad things about yourself you can tell a grifter cult leader by the hypocrisy of colors if they mention the symbolism in that.  The evil colors only apply to the enemy.  Your tribe isn’t going to call each other out for wearing the forbidden apparel, and certainly not going to call out the glorious infallible leader for it.

Certainly some colors and combinations are considered to be more evil than others.  But there’s such a glut of misinformation backlogged on the internet that quite literally a color can have a finger pointed at it for being symbolically evil.  Black may be a no brainer, but someone did something stupid wearing some color clothing - it gets matched up with something like the flag colors of a country that did something stupid in the news.  Colors are great for audience participation - even the most dimwitted people know the different primary and secondary colors.

I personally find the overuse of the evil colored clothing idea to be so blatantly hypocritical that there’s no way it should get as much attention as it does.  Yet, I understand that like finding that gematria newbie who’s all gung ho about typing away in the calculator that they have painted a fat “Look at how cognitively biased I am!” bullseye on themselves.  They’re to be encouraged to continue the nonsense since they’re already donating or getting damn close.  But there is another option to avoid the mess of openly wearing colors that could be considered evil.  A solution beyond wearing basic white everyday, although I’m sure with a little effort that can be turned evil, too.

And that solution is AURAS.  For example this:

There is a huge benefit to the aura idea as well as a huge drawback.  One benefit is that the cult doesn’t need to have Adrian Monk level of OCD focus on what colors they’re wearing.  And it’s much easier to disregard outside attacks on your personal aura since it’s not a real thing.  Furthermore, you can make up whatever bullshit about the aura colors you want.  Tired of your creepy children with glowing eyes in your village mucking up the works?  Kirstie Alley and Christopher Reeve aren’t available to save the day?  Just declare your creepiness to be good in the sequel.  Although watch out for Iron Maiden, they might only have time for one song.

Sad to report, voices speaking to people through dreams, flowing in from the spiritual realm and gematria synchronicity issues are a big deal that’s not going away.  When the leader does it there’s no end to the cult members swearing to no end they too can see the auras for fear of the Emperor’s New Clothes exclusion from being that one outsider who doesn’t see that child’s indigo aura.  It’s no surprise that auras are a matter of faith and you’ll believe the expert opinion even though the expert just wants to sell a book.  And the insidiousness of the Indigo Children idea is fully confirmation bias based.  No, I’m not a bad parent for mistreating my child.  No, I’m not a bad parent for not treating my child’s ADHD.  My child is actually gifted.  The aura told me so.  It’s amazing how when the words flow in from the spiritual realm they too tell the cult leader about how amazing they are, even if the message is about the dark forces are amassing.  Because the leader is the focus of that attack and is fighting the good fight.  The auras and voices never say, “Take a day off and adopt kitten for the kid’s birthday.”  They also never mention that not properly socializing your child may lead to them becoming a sports gematria grifter.

Best to not obsess over colors too much, especially to the point of colors you can’t see but others can.  Wearing the same outfit as your other soccer team members is fine.  Attacking someone else on the internet for their choice of clothing color alone is just like the gematria news stories, a flimsy excuse to mouth off just because you think it’s fun to be a bully. 

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