Friday, July 19, 2024

The Kill Date(s)

Sometimes when I’ve been at work, and that’s my standard Monday through Friday gig and not my evil lucrative evil cabal side hustle, it helps to talk with coworkers about a major topic.  Even if I already have a good idea of what my thoughts are headed towards it helps to organize and focus for the task ahead.  And that’s what I’m doing here.  I’m preparing for a project that I intend to post about with limited practical value, but it amuses me.

I pride myself on engaging in counterintuitive behavior, and sometimes it does pay off.  So maybe I’m not giving myself enough credit.  If nothing else it may give the new generation of gematria cult leader trolls a little more ammunition.

The basic premise is this:

Even though date numerology is not officially gematria it’s not going away.  It’s a staple of the conspiracy grifter bag of parlor tricks.  So common that after the introduction of Person A is connected to Event B with a two or three digit number the very next part is whatever is going on with a date span is the next chunk of misinformation.  It spices up the dry presentation beyond A=xxx and B=xxx and gives the gullible something else to screw around with utilizing their paid membership to the Gematrinator calculator.  And it’s a more difficult to produce than A=xxx and B=xxx, so there’s a happy brain chemical rush when the newbie pulls it off on their own.

Sometimes the date span narrative gets stretched beyond the limits of credibility.  The long time clique leaders have the practice down pretty well, which means that if the date span thing is too funky they’ll simply avoid mentioning it.  One topic that never gets outdated is the morbid fascination with celebrity death.  And that’s probably the reason it’s on my mind, there’s been a steady supply of celebrity deaths lately.  Real celebrities that a good number of people have actually heard of instead of somebody who was in two movies in 1981 then disappeared and doesn’t even have a photo on their IMDB profile.  (What did happen to the gal that played Kimmy in 1986’s Trick or Treat???)

I have to lay down some ground rules or it’s going to be too easy to verify every day of the year as a kill date.  That’s the way gematria works.  You start with the conclusion then reverse engineer your way back to the fake evidence.  But using every single trick in the gematria narrative creation playbook leads to the aforementioned stretching of the credibility.

First rule, just the four base ciphers.  The offbeat ciphers had their phase but really don’t get much attention.

Next, limiting the list to reasonable ‘kill’ related words.  That’s going to take more thought.  Prime candidates are KILL, DEATH, MURDER, SACRIFICE.

Next, the big cheat on the kill date numerology and the closest thing to practical value for the analysis is date numerology calculation.  There’s no consistency or consensus on how to add the values and anything goes 7/18/2024 can be 7+18+20+24, 7+1+8+2+0+2+4, or drop the 20 before 2024, etc….

The most common and first association to check is the target celebrities birthday, which is not a constant.  “Died 34 days before their birthday, MURDER=34”  So I’ll either leave it out or make a vague adjustment.  However, the 34th day of the year or the day 34 days before the end, oh yeah, those are definitely kill dates.

I suspect I’m likely to top 50% of the days in any given year being a KILL date.  Not the one a billion chance the narratives suggest when they proclaim, “What are the odds?”

I’m pretty sure I’m the only person crazy enough to do this, but the past 10 years has modified what I consider to be fun.

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