Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Stimulation (Simulation) Hypothesis

Simulation Hypothesis Wikipedia

The playing field of armchair philosophy is ages old and venerable.  Right after fire was harnessed the very next thing was inventing rocks shaped like armchairs to sit and ponder the great fortune of harnessing fire.  Did we do that?  Did a divine creator do that?  Or are we living in a simulated reality that’s just generated by super advanced computers that is trying to mimic what it’s like, and if so why can’t I just have the nice fire to stay comfy and warm without worrying about getting mauled by cave bears?

The gematria community went through their own phase where simulated reality discussion was a mainstay of the crank and grift magnetism diet.  The name that caught on and was repeated too often is the Organic Matrix.  Because you need a good pop culture reference to get going and the Matrix movies are and will always be a source of armchair philosophy.  Or as the Wikipedia article calls it, a late-night pub discussion.  Then through in a biological adjective of Organic to complete your word salad as a way to armchair philosophize how organic computers take time off from computing to make their simulated subjects eat and poop and harass each other.

In the online grifting arena the Organic Matrix fit in between reality as top physicists best guesses and actual evidence have determined to be and straight up religion.  Primarily, religion still has a background of if you are a good little meat puppet then you have a reward at the end of this struggle.  And I’m in no way saying that’s wrong, I just find it highly unlikely.  The step that Organic Matrix aficionados took that I do object to is that it wipes out the part about being good and dives right to the topics that deal in outrage porn.  Getting merged into political discussion as a justification for acting like an asshole, because it’s just a matrix, so why bother with consequences?  And here I am armchair philosophizing and offering opinions without direct empirical evidence.  <sigh>

As for the conspiracy hoaxer loves to dive right into the lurid what is wrong with the world today without regard for that pesky religious stance of trying to at least occasionally be good, there has been an undeniable impact on the social structure of the world.  A stimulated reality.  If religion is the opiate of the masses, the baseless conspiracy hoax is the cocaine of the masses.  And now thanks to Ray Liotta we know why those prehistoric cave bears were so uppity.

For practical purposes to reduce typing I’m going to coin my term for my philosophical stance as amatrix.  Like an agnostic that doesn’t wish to invest energy worrying about the hopelessly convoluted lifestyle of figuring out how to respond to the many self contradictory offerings in a religious viewpoint, being amatrix allows you to not invest energy into a simulated reality idea whose hopelessly complicated calculations don’t allow anything to be deciphered.  The Hoaxers, they do have some ideas about what seems to be right and what seems to be wrong in regards to reality.  And they look for the most vulnerable of those dealing with reality and force feed them deliberately bad data.  Disinformation.  A stimulated reality of constantly promoting the opposite of whatever is never perfect, but at least more correct.  And science is always the loser in these stimulated reality topics.

With sufficient critical thinking skills you can use the s(t)imulated reality topic to reverse engineer what is likely to be a better idea given two polarized options.  The Hoaxers are not content to just ruminate over the mysteries of life while enjoying their pub beer of opiates.  They’re whipping up their followers with cocaine, getting them to be as mouthy and intrusive as possible.  They’re a bad person if they aren’t sharing memes and photoshopped pictures and gematria decodes.  And you can even find those that will claim that we are simultaneously in a simulated reality AND operating under a deity’s guidance.  The seeker of attention calls it a seeker of truth when they can’t even keep their story straight and focus on a single theme.  All they know is that being fed wrong information still gets them not just not being told they are wrong, but a pat on the back for being wrong on the internet and getting away with it.

Yes, you have a right to free speech on the internet.  But do you really want to search out the wrong answer?  As the stimulated reality continues to grip the globe, apparently we do want to embrace the wrong answer as being the easy way out.

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