Tuesday, July 30, 2024

When Words Fail You

Make up some numbers.  Specifically make a poll.  And nothing like elections brings out fake numbers like meaningless polls.

When someone establishes themselves as a gematria expert, which is genuinely not anything to brag about, there is an unjustified aura of being an expert about all things number related.  Surely there is some actual gematria done on some poll numbers.  This poll shows that Bill Blotz has a 56% favorable rating.  Look at that 56!  But primarily it’s just throwing numbers around for advertisement that you’re a (fake) number expert.

An inordinate amount of time is spent on the creation and dissemination of fake election polls.  Right of the bat, there are polls that the numbers are 100% made up.  Unsourced and anecdotal only.  But there’s a chance to throw in a 📊 or 📈 and turn it into a meme.  This makes it more appealing to the cursory observer who isn’t educated, intellectually capable and open minded enough to digest what’s going on with important stuff like whether women appreciate being dictated on how their reproductive health is viewed by the right wing.  Somehow the poll on that one says six people with three dissenting Supreme Court votes means 100% of women don’t want abortions as an option.

This morning, a relatively minor conspiracy hoax account displayed two of the red flags of being a deeply unserious account.  One was dismissal of a pro liberal poll result, being called fake news immediately with the typical Republican projection tactic of accusing the other side of doing wrong what you are actually doing wrong.  And then quoting an obvious fake poll.  A poll that Trump showed as leading 67%-30 some % over Harris in a swing state.  Usually, the fake polls don’t make it that blatantly unrealistic.

That red flag is the hypocrisy that pervades the modern U.S. Republican Party, where there is a constant push to continue to repeat that “the other guys” are doing what they are actually doing.  (E.g. the disastrous withdrawal of the Afghanistan withdrawal that was a deliberate mess left behind to blame on Biden.)  If they want to have an actual favorable poll, often the only choice is to try to sneak in fake polls just long enough to convince the not intellectually capable crowd of being convinced their confirmation bias is correct.  And since we just mentioned the Asch experiment, continued conformity with a wrong answer is somehow a good thing.  The quality of my arguments is logically void of meaningful information, here, have a lovely 📊.

There is a shortcut, the other red flag.  Specifically, that account had a VACCINATION=666 gematria post.  Meme quality manufactured and thoroughly fake evidence.  Gematria operating in the world it operates in best - conspiracy theory light so children can pretend that they are worthy of being involved in adult conversations.  An account that operates as an Alex Jones style wholesale club of disinformation where everyone else that posted anything negative about the left.  An account that bragged about how having your parents teach you UFOs don’t exist is silly when without irony or satire has Alex explain that inter dimensional aliens are here NOW.  With no word on why they’re doing gematria.

As soon as you see the word GEMATRIA in a context of positive belief in the results you are completely safe in the conclusion that the source is a deeply unserious one.  Any poll that account puts out, it is completely safe to assume is completely bogus or at least fudged in some way like being a poll taken only by attendees of a recent Trump rally.  Gematria, conspiracy theory light.  A statement that on the surface that your (fake) skill with numbers qualifies your opinion on issues as being important while it masks you are still a child that would prefer to steal from your little brother’s piggy bank before getting a real job.  You gotta support that attention addiction somehow.  Why not go on to the internet and confuse the election for a couple of hundred million adults.

The reason the fake polls are cropping up is clear.  A deeply unsatisfied with Biden populace has been invigorated by the drop out.  It was so sudden, the hypocritical right had no time to prepare for the seismic shift.  While the bigger names are dealing with some issues that are somewhat more serious, the allies in the online grifter community are doing what they do best.  Low level fake evidence like fake polls and gematria decodes.  What could have been a legitimate poll of Trump over Biden is now a ballgame again with an outcome in doubt.

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