Monday, July 1, 2024

The Inevitable, Unstoppable Evil…Butterfly Empire

This is probably at least partially my fault.  Whenever I point out that in theory gematria could be used as a tool for narratives about harmless or even beneficial topics I throw in some examples.  And being staggeringly lazy I often repeat my go to topics, one of which is butterflies.

BUTTERFLY=444 in Satanic gematria.  And BUTTERFLIES=56 in some weird reductions.  Certainly some useful material there for straight up number connections.  56 is a Jesuit number, and when queried on exactly what is significant about triple digits the gematria aficionado will give a blank stare and mumble about how of course it is important.  Limited pattern recognition capabilities are such a wonderful thing.

I could link the video source, but I’m going to skip it this time.  Let’s just say that someone famous wore a butterfly themed dress and a Qanonsense promoter latched on to it and ran with it, at least for part of one video. 

I think the butterfly apparel has the same reasons for being chosen as appealing as gematria does not use it for stories.  Butterflies evoke a soft, feminine, elegant, and beautiful set of feelings.  Although a butterfly silhouette can show a variety of shapes 

the basic pattern is the same.  Bilaterally symmetrical with large wings.  And when pinned up on a lepidopterist’s display sticks out as being nothing other than an obvious butterfly.  But limited pattern recognition and the desire to make patterns when none really exist takes control.  And our beautiful butterfly is now the poster child of the attempt to blow up a viral theme that is still not taking off.  If quizzed on what letter of the alphabet a butterfly looks like, that’s an X.

Most winged insects have four wings and can like this mantis be forced into the X shaped pattern.

Butterflies just don’t hide it.  Apparently as camouflage for their actual evil intent.  Nobody ever suspects the butterfly!  Instead of the Hellflame Institute you really need to consider Butterfly Armageddon as your cabal name.  No dues are required, when X and gematria are involved your leaders will simply amass untold wealth on sports gambling.

In a side note, arguably the most famous butterfly is the Monarch Butterfly.  And pollution, climate change and habitat destruction are the driving factors for 2024 being the year it is scheduled to be placed on the endangered species list.  So there you go Hoaxers, Monarch Killing Ultra (MK Ultra) the butterfly depopulation agenda.  Happening now at an ecosystem near you.  Don’t make a cross shape with your fingers, rotated 90 degrees that’s an X and that’s symbolism.  Of course, if you’re complaining about how its symbolism somebody else is evil, you are immune from that symbolism.  Because…reasons.  Maybe it’s time to rush out and buy that butterfly dress today.

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