Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Hobson's Choice

I would enjoy not talking about Telma Boinville's death ever again. Or at least for a period of time for some time.*

But it is topical still, and there continues to be an exchange of words on Twitter between Angry Hawaiian vs. Video Maker. My biased opinion is that after three rounds, A.H. is in the lead. Let's call it 2-0 after three rounds, with one judge of the panel calling one round of three a draw. Remember that Tweets are extremely limited in length and even multiple Tweets chained together the full message is missing.

Point one scored for Team AH. Everyone here knows each other. One of the core reasons for the notoriety of the video is the declaration that Telma's death could be a hoax. The reason that there is about a 3:1 ratio of dislikes to likes is that as evidenced by the comments (most now deleted) is that a lot of the people speaking up knew her personally.

I've seen overzealous critics probably false claim this where it's counterproductive because eventually you have to believe that millions of people knew a victim personally out of a toll of dozens. In this case, I believe it. The timing was immediate, the account names of the commenters included a good number of names with a Hawaiian flavor. A spontaneous reaction instead of taking the time to create a fake account. As these comments were mostly deleted I add the statistics of population density. The U.S. as a whole has a density of about 35 people per square mile. Hawaii is about 200 people per square mile. (222 per 2015 census). You can throw out Alaska with its vast land area and low population and Hawaii still ranks up there in density. But then, too be fair you should throw out some or all of the tiny states. Looking at the world population density rankings there are loads of sovereign states with dense populations that are tiny little islands (Bermuda, etc...).

Add to this the isolation of an island it's perfectly understandable that it promotes a culture of "everybody knows everybody". Unless you really dig dealing with drunken tourists getting happily Maui'd you will hang out with other people on the same island. Your not going to hop on a train to visit your relatives in a neighboring state.

Point one more or less conceded by Team V.A., which leads into the second round point scored by Team A.H. Everybody knows everybody. Poor choice of target for mentioning a death as a hoax.

"I said it was either a hoax or a ritual sacrifice, so it's a sacrifice!" That's not a very convincing argument. This was tweeted by Team V.A. which concedes the "hoax" point. Yes, the video title says Sacrifice. The commentary says either hoax or sacrifice, but is damned by beginning with the statement that in order to understand the way these evil bastards work you need to understand THE HOAX CODE. Your choice of words is what brought up the hoax anger. Now, in response to a Tweet about Team A.H. knowing it's not a hoax, you twist it into. "You said yourself then, it's a sacrifice.". Not directly with words, but through implication by our friend psychological projection.

It's not a choice between A or B. That's a form of a Hobson's Choice here. Traditionally a Hobson's Choice is no choice at all. Take my horse, or don't use any horse at all. Billy, eat your liver and onions for dinner or go to bed hungry. There are lots of choices available when the unreliability of gematria is thrown into the equation. It could be hyper intelligent boogers created in the bathtub. It could be aliens. Or Santa Claus. Or simply what it was, a senseless murder committed by two drug crazed idiots.

Congratulations for finding a four digit number match of 2197 for the killers' names AFTER you corrected the female name from Kailey to Hailey. But it only proves a point amply covered here. You have a database. Every number you use has a match to some vaguely evil sounding catch phrase like SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI, or in this case SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY. Type the names into the calculator. Access the database. Find a catch phrase. Insist that it's the only choice. And end up proving nothing in the end when it could have been hyper intelligent alien Santa Claus boogers or whatever else. Point two, solidly scored by Team A.H.

For now, its a tie on what happens as the next round has barely started and might even not continuing. Team A.H. is trying to be nice. Team V.A. has yet to respond. Different time zones and sleep schedules and such. And who knows when Team V.A. goes to work next to be able to Tweet? I predict that Team A.H. has had their say, will give up after the next response from Team V.A. and Team V.A. will emerge the self proclaimed winner although being behind after the first two rounds. That's the way these things usually play out.

* Australia, on the other hand, being included here under less grotesque circumstances gets no such free pass. With it's lovely deserts and various dangerous indigent animal life, Australia has a population density of about 3.5 people per square mile. And randomly, I found that emu does not, like everything else, apparently taste like chicken. Supposedly it tastes more like beef jerky. I've given up eating beef, and wonder if that means I should give up eating emu. I think I will rely on never having the opportunity to consume emu in the first place to avoid that moral dilemma. I think if I was presented with a Hobson's choice of eating emu or starving to death in the Australian desert, I'd probably go with eating emu.

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