Thursday, December 21, 2017

Bitcoin Is Satanic (Duh)

Money is truly the root of all evil, and we will see how Satanic symbolism through the magic of gematria illogic has pretty much all bases covered.

A tweet from the Kelvinator yields a tidbit about how one should be cautious in regards to Bitcoin. The gematria ties into both the circle and the Mark of the Beast.

I thought Mark IS the Beast, having watched Mark Labbett on the game show, The Chase. But there is a Satanic symbol designated as being OF the Beast which is more traditionally the horny guy, Harvey Weinstein or the guy with the horns. It depends on if one is talking to the Antichrist, Ms. Coleman or Rose McGowan. Or either, they could be one in the same. Of course, using gematria illogic everything can be connected, but let's stick to the money for now.

Here's the basics of the tweet:

Satoshi Nakamoto = 360 (Franc Baconis)
Mark of the beast =144
bitcoin =144 (Franc Baconis)
360 means circle means Mark of the Beast.

Fresh off Charon's boat on the river Styx we have the word "bitcoin" PhraseShopped into a match. Franc Baconis is a newly created this year elision that has a valuation method based on capital letters. Although Bitcoin is universally written as such with a capital B, the number wasn't to his liking, so discarded in favor of lower case bitcoin.

Satoshi is not the real name of Bitcoin's creator, but is the acknowledged name in Bitcoin lore. The problem here is the 360 and that meaning circle, which I've covered before when the Kelvinator had his version of Pi nonsense come to my attention. Now look at this:


I choose to drop the zero, treat it as 113 = BULLSHIT, and make a big deal about it being in the Satanic elision. As opposed to admitting 1130 does not equal 113, 113 = VERACIOUS and/or enjoying the irony of shappens.

I expect that my "expert" on "sacred geometry" should have an understanding of some basic principles of geometry. You know, so just in case he wants to start Tweeting random politicians accusing them of being traitors he can have his system back it up. In case they know or have someone on staff that knows geometry.

Oops, too late.

Circles are not the only geometric shape with 360 degrees. Any four sided polygon has 360 degrees in angles. Start with a triangle which has 180 degrees. Every additional line adds another 180 degrees in angles. Picture it this way. If you have a square or rectangle, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner. You have two triangles, each with 180 degrees. 180+180 =360. Same math works for more sides, a pentagon , three triangles, 540 degrees.

Yes, the Mark of the Beast is a circle. But it's gematria is not 360, that's 144 and other not 360 numbers. Turning to Satanic symbolism isn't any help. There's the Thaumaturgy Triangle, the Pentagram. HEXagon sounds evil. About the only recognizable symbol missing is the square. Yet, the gematria of Nakomoto could very easily be square instead of circle as far as # of degrees.

  So I can imagine the politician's line of questioning going like this:

"So, I'm a traitor because among other things, your system shows that Bitcoin misspelled ties into number that could be a square instead of circle but you chose circle because it has Satanic symbolism even though there are lots of other symbols you could choose, and you didn't choose to make it the geometric shape that is most absent from the list of Satanic symbols? Is that right? Am I missing something? I'd rather be called a square than a devil worshipper with the election coming up."

Once you get a triangle into the symbolism, everything is pretty much covered by the add 180 degrees per line addition. They can all be split into multiple triangles. A circle is a glorified polygon with an infinite number of sides. We've spread seen that Fidget Spinners are Satanic, so to be on the safe side, best use your Bitcoins to pay for them if you are buying them as Christmas presents.

Or at least make sure to capitalize the spelling.


As it turns out, the argument in the comments is inconclusive. Not only is it not always "Bitcoin", but I latched on to the rebel site that seems to be the only one that doesn't call it "bitcoin". However, when you review old videos and blog posts, the habit is to mostly present a word in the format of capitalizing the first word. Such as the recent Jesuit sacrifice video where we have on the screen a presentation of the gematria of "Six six six" and "Time". A habit, I will guess, arising from easy access to the Francis Bacon value without having to add the additional multiples of 26 for capital letters mentally. So, in this case, we still have deliberate avoidance of the normal presentation to create a single match that otherwise wouldn't exist. I didn't bring this up in my initial post in my haste to incorrectly declare "bitcoin" being spelled wrong. It looks out of place and awkward compared to prior formatting. At least it wasn't totally out of the blue like the doubtful assertion that a form of gematria without vowels existed so Adam Lanza could be gematrified on just LNZ. To be used one time, then not appear again.

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