Sunday, December 31, 2017

616, The Maybe Number Of The Beast

I honestly approached this with an open mind and if I expected that if I were presented with this unbiased I would conclude the quantity of numerological and kill historical evidence would tell me to stuck with the 666. But there is a case for 616.

I did start to really stretch things to force it, just to prove I could. But let's just stick to the more believable.

My research shows that historically there is a good case for 616. Not just a record, but the OLDEST written record suggests 616. Regardless of if it really is the oldest, 616 is out there as possibly the Number of the Beast.

Now, 616 is obviously not prime. The go to number property for non primes is the sum of the divisors. 1440. Just like Mark of the Beast 144 and the other evidence as mentioned in the Play By Play post. NUMBER OF THE BEAST = 1044 in Sumerian. Just like 144 when dropping the zero. SIX SIXTEEN = 888 in Sumerian which is a bunch of circles. Which are also important to tying in the Mark and The Number.

Now isn't that enough to at least muddy the waters and keep it unclear?

There's a lot of gematria narrative out there that centers on 666 being absolutely positively the Number. Is anybody really researching this stuff? Objectively without confirmation bias? Including recognition that 666 is much easier to achieve in Sumerian and Reverse Sumerian where everything in simple that = 111 is promoted to 666 by multiplying every value x 6 and it's impossible to get 616 in Sumerian?

Maybe some weight should be given to the Sumerian gematriots with the biblical Babylon / Sumerian angle?

I really don't know.

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