Sunday, December 17, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Discovery Channel Reruns

At least Dan's gematria.

Due to the relentless sensationalism of current events (which celebrity bought the farm yesterday?), possible focus by Hubbard's recent interest on what turn out to be rather humdrum, routine earthquakes and what happens to be on Dan's TV at the time we got a story about how Phineas and Ferb, Batman, dream tents and how "Dubois" is properly pronounced. Oh, and earthquakes and tsunamis.

The Aceh province earthquake was the centerpiece of the story. And the rest of the narrative just goes to show the willy-nilly nature of choosing dates for significant events. Along with the recent quake, we tie back to the really nasty quake from 2004 which yields a curious span of 11 years, 11 months and 11 days. In other words, numbers to cool looking for a numerologist to pass up.

That's all well and good. The 2004 quake was the third most powerful ever recorded by a seismograph and killed a quarter million people, in the process doing 16+billion dollars of damage. That surely sounds like the type of quake that should have happened to match Hubbard's December prediction. But it happened a decade ago, lots of tiny earthquakes hit in the meantime. And you bring up tsunamis.

When we last looked into what the Seismology Department of Freemasonry was up to, they hadn't been able to shift the dates by 11 years. I'm a big fan of tsunamis 🌊 , and we often watch them on Discovery Channel, and do The Wave. And tsunamis and earthquakes have a more immediate relationship. Indeed, a major reason for tracking earthquakes is the warning that a big wall of water is on the way.

"Hey,Fukushima! We aren't done with you! Just in case shaking up your buildings and screwing up your nuclear power plant isn't enough, here's a big ass wall of water to deal with! At least it will help put out any fires the earthquake building destruction started! Have a nice day - The Freemasonry Seismology Department."

While conventional science says, "Earthquake big. Moves lots of rocks. Rocks move water. You have maybe a couple hours to get your shit together and find higher ground." With no warning about the impact 11 years later.

Because nothing says scary like a decade long cliffhanger between point A and point B. Just imagine the tension build up and ratings for the Walking Dead if Negan didn't smash Glenn's skull in until season 65.

The bringing up a connection to a distant event is silly enough. Lots of earthquakes didn't have that date span. Why would the freemasons wait so long? Why is 11-11-11 important instead of 33-33-33? This is some major Tindering, and I'm not talking the splintered wood in the property damage. And now the thing that sticks out most to Dan in the accompanying photo is...the guy wearing the Batman shirt?! Didn't you see the young woman with the really short shorts? Or the guy front and center in the photo wearing a shirt that looks like "The Hand" or "The Band" on his shirt? Why aren't they important? You've just personalized this by making up a phrase to gematrify, BATMAN SHIRT=44. I doubt there's any headline that says, "Major quake hits Indonesia, man wears Batman shirt."

So what if you're watching the Discovery Channel years from now, and their documentary about the 2004 tsunami is on. Like the  Phineas and Ferb cartoon you mention here. Is that still the old date, or is this a new date? Because it's not just Dan. Now it seems that every celebrity death that just happens to have certain gematria values is personalized for The Kelvinator as a solar eclipse ritual because of his cousin. We want to know some rules on significant date spans.

It's easier to mock Dan's version here. Let me try to translate what you're saying to the outside world so that people like you and the person that commented here that I'm wrong about gematria. Condensed from how more insane I could make it."

"The freemasons coded our language so a guy wearing a Batman shirt relative to an event 11 years earlier means something for just me."

And yet, he wonders why he can't find a real, truth seeking friend.

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