Monday, May 15, 2017

Well There's Your Problem!

I think that's from a movie. Maybe more than one. I know Mythbusters used it often. It's used un a manner like opening the car hood when the engine stops running. You find out that the engine has a huge hole in it from the .357 magnum cartridge.

Well there's your problem! Another way to paraphrase - Wellllll duh!!!!!

Reference Mindless Freaks Blog Sunday May 14th...Story about last night and finding a truth seeking friend. I don't recommend reading it. Don't be fooled by the absence of the Gematria Warning Label. But for the record unless deleted or edited here is some example text.

I'm going to lay some gematria and truth on her.

Oh you're so smart. How do you remember all that?'s just simple math. You just need to spend time doing it to understand it.

Well, there's your problem. The basic math is simple. I can do simple gematria on ordinary length words in my head. I could after two hours. Trying to prove your point with simple that anyone can do? Why do I need you when you've given up the trade secrets for free?

Because your smart! Well there's your problem. No you aren't. What you're smart, if that's even a fair description in this case, at is using all the well documented examples here of changing a number from one to another. April whateverth is xxx day of the year. Xxx days left in the year. Xxx days before John Smith's birthday. And it equals 4xx because its April something. And it equals xx4 for the same reason. And 144=14, 414, 441, 44.

And poor you, people think you're crazy. Once you get past your go to over quoted stockpile if semi-cool numbers and start getting into the weird stuff they gave three choices left. Bail out if the conversation. Maybe pretending to be in awe. Calling you smart because in the absence of being shown what's really going on you do seem smart. Or calling you out on the bullshit.

 And you prayed to God for a kindred spirit. Quick note- there we go again with the unknown origin of this. Cosmic entity? Evil Bankers? Combination?

Looking for that buddy. Well there's your problem. You're not. You're looking for someone that also doesn't understand. It really us that simple to debunk. What part of "true" and "bogus" both equaling 64 in simple gematria don't you understand? What part of Dan and Bob both being 19 don't you understand? Who can two extremely common names having the same value possibly be meaningful?

All your critical thinking processes are gone and you've already made up your mind. You just want a drinking buddy to nod in agreement.

As for your buddy seeking plea I would imagine God or all powerful secret society, you pick, to reply:

"I'm a little fucking busy now. Supreme power shit to do. I have reviewed your info and took the time to submit your profile on Here it is, no piss off."

Wanted. Match for close minded, slow witted racist homophobe. I like conspiracies, sports, putting cotton in my ears and lng walks on the beach. You should be ignorant of science and not understand math beyond simple addition and subtraction. I like Asians except when they conflict with my racism and racial stereotypes like being good at math. Not knowing proper use of apostrophes a plus.

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