Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Sunny Peach Pit And The Pendulum

I love the way that post title worked out.

I find it ironically fitting as I prepared to post this I turned on Colbert and immediately was greeted by his guest being introduced. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I would love to see him debate any flat earther. That would be hilarious.

I subjected myself to the torture of watching a large bunch of videos about the flat Earth. This is directly a result of my discovery of Sunny Peaches 77. These people can't make up their minds about exactly what the right explanation is. They even post antagonistic videos about why someone ostensibly on the same side is wrong about the same conclusion. Of course we have the Gematria proof of how NASA = xxx. John Glenn =xxx. Circle = yyy. And so in. Some guy has a video of a ship disappearing in the horizon and simply ends with "obviously an illusion". Lots of photoshopped images. Lots of misrepresented facts.

As for Sunny herself, I was drawn into her world because of a gematria related video. She doesn't seem to consistently stick to that, instead choosing finding various impressive sounding words and phrases, rambling on about how to avoid falling for the false reality we are living. And giving the impression that she's making an audition tape to get the part of Harley Quinn in the upcoming community theater presentation of Suicide Squad.

I was right. She does consistently look away from from the camera. Usually up and to the right. No proof as to why, but curious. I wont read too much into that. I have caught her in an outright lie. Something she said about how she doesn't give shout outs to anybody. Bullshit. You raved on Twitter about the super honest and fun time you had with John Smith on the radio show you were a guest on. And then posted a link.

And then there's her pendulum video that is the main topic here. She introduces her magic pendant that has her grandfathers' ashes in it. Talks about her love for the man and how special the pendant is to her. Then immediately orates about how the object you pick to duplicate her experiment should not distract you so your mind is free. Yeah. That makes all kinds of fucking sense. I'm not distracted at all by my beloved grandfather swinging on this chain. Anyway, through some sort of chi or some weird power you can ask your beloved nondistracting pendulum questions and it moves differently for the answer. I guess she watched a Charmed marathon and got the idea.

I was so happy to see the first comment mention what I immediately noticed. Saved me the time of doing it myself. The entire production was not very well thought out. The ask the magic nondistracting pendulum is filmed framed in front of her face, a fixed reference point. You can clearly see her hand moving to swing the pendulum. Listen Sunshine (hope you don't mind if I call you that. I realize it's not seven letters. Like Sunny which is also not seven letters. Again, not terribly well thought out. But I suppose it could be expected that Georgia Peaches 77 was already taken.), next time film it at an angle to mask it. You may have practiced and kept the hand movement minimal, but you recorded it for posterity here. And it almost works by distracting with your pretty face in the background, but you're no Jenna Coleman.

This blog is about why gematria is stupid, and numbers were left out of the magic nondistracting pendulum video, but it brings up the common theme of how often the arguments are superficially impressive, but not terribly well thought out. For whatever reason there is some massive cover up that NASA is part of and Gematria or some other bullshit "proves" it. Sunshine (Sunshin? Seven letters....maybe you can show a little leg as your new shtick) fucking HATES NASA. She's got more flat Earth propaganda than any other topic.

There ARE things other than NASA going against you flatliners. I know....part of the same conspiracy, blah blah blah, alternate reality blah, blah, Dan thinks pendulums mean Edgar Allan Poe which means ravens which means football which means Ray Lewis which means purple jerseys which means Barney the Dinosaur which means Uncle Barney which means 166 blah, blah, fucking blah.

The use of the pendulum is not terribly well thought out in the global conspiracy concept. Why hasn't anybody even made a footnote about Captain Kater in a blog post or video? Me and Neil DeGrasse are not the only people that have heard of him.

SCIENCE ALERT. At least the numbers will be minimal.

I had a high school physics course where we had the opportunity to duplicate Kater's pendulum experiment to determine the value of the acceleration of gravity (gematria users - it's 9.8 meters it 32 feet per second squared. You are welcome.). Yes, not Newton. Flat Earthers hate Newton. Based on the mass of the pendulum and the length of the swing the acceleration of gravity can be calculated. This is because or good old friend Pi is part of the equation. And get this. Depending on where on Earth you are the value differs slightly because the Earth is not perfectly round. So now the conspiracy/alternate reality has to include covering up every time something hangs from a chain and is set in motion. I kind of get the feeling that if gravity was such an important topic to flat Earth theory, and based on the volume of sheer video evidence presented it is, that you wouldn't just pick on Newton. You could have gained a lot if extra points taking credit for being the first to find some bullshit refutation of Kater instead of just picking on NASA and Newton. Just because Kater's work was in the early 1800's, long before you were even a gleam of sunshin in your father's leg, you haven't thought that like all science advances are made based on the prior work of other people. It's like until somebody like me points it out to you that Kater is just a figment Newton of your imagination.

  I also find it amusing to point out that with the fractional lengths of time involved in the time differences with the pendulum swing that we're n the territory of Pi to two decimal places is not "close enough".

So Sunshine,  good luck and keep your sciency verbiage vague like it is now. If the moving hand mistake isn't sufficient enough for you I trust that if you tread in the waters of real math and science I or someone like me will bury you.


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