Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Statistics Post - Math Warning!

Based on number of page views my silly posts are more popular. People loved Nancy Drool and rest assured, she will return!

Yet, if I'm going to keep the overall concept necessity dictates that I delve into some real number stuff, including statistics and probability. This is one of the posts. I might accidentally throw in a pun or two as I go on, but I have no specific plans as I start.

The Free To Find Truth blog is the big daddy of the Gematria blogs, simply by sheer volume. Zach Hubbard is taking a break from videos to work on his book. But do not despair! In 2017 alone there are over 1800 entries. He's not showing any signs of slowing that down. Maybe each number will have an entire chapter for it.

I think the post titles are organized for his own benefit. Easy reference for what words equal what numbers he used before. It also makes it was for me to bust on one of my favorite gematria flaws - the constant shaving if numbers from something big into something small. By the nature of 666 (first pun, that's nature of the beast!) it happens. Other than the number '3' I'll get into I'm not going to get into the truly bizarre methods to shave things down. I'm sure they're there. I'll just assume the words were popped into the calculator and gleaned from the 47,218 thousand different numbering systems available.

The post titles are arranged in this format. This is not a real example, but typical of the feel:

14-27-55-57-112 Danny Bonaduce, San Antonio Spurs, Texas prostitution ring

Then the blog details the meaning.

My research started yesterday morning, May 9th. 93 posts total. 274 two digit numbers, 110 three digit numbers, nothing more than three digits (of course) and somehow '3' got thrown in there.

So let's call that 10 posts a day. If the standard of reporting was ever changed to find things that don't match, even if you reuse each two digit number the maximum number of times you have to match once every week and a half. Just by a happy coincidence right around May 9th starting on May 1st. 90 two digit numbers 11-99. 90/10 posts a day = 9 days. 274 two digits in that period. Once every three days. That just for what was ever worth a mention. More on that later. Throw out all the numbers you didn't like at all after checking Partridge Family,Tim Duncan, The Alamo, whatever. Yeah, virtually impossible to not find a match on two digit numbers in a short period of time.

I totally get the idea you're supposed to be the expert on this. Someone has to decide that 'flaming monkey snot' doesn't have relevance to anything, much less North Korean nuclear weapons. So who gave you the authority to decide that the one time event a = person b negates the thousands of other ways it doesn't? Because they should really look into your licensing agreement.

One post caught my eye and gives me a chance to Jazz this up with a specific example. Pun #2! I'm a Utah Jazz fan and you gave us this non-Denver nugget of wisdom.

Of course the Mormon team is leading at halftime. Then you show the gematria of Mormon or Mormons and Halftime being the same number.

When I think of Utah the first thing I think of is the Jazz. But I'm a fan. Yeah, lots of people would probably crank out Mormon as their first Utah association. But to call them the Mormon team?!? Everything Utah is Mormon? Is table salt Mormon because Great Salt Lake is in Utah? Is it really Mormon's table salt instead of Morton's and the shadow empire has been hiding that, too? Talk about being liberal in finding connections. The real crime is suggesting meaning in Halftime. One of the two teams was leading at halftime! Holy Shit! Call out security the Mormons are about to start a race war! And even if I give you they are the Mormon team, why is this game significant? Like, for instance Golden State was leading at halftime the next frigging game.

I'm sure there's lots of other bullshit connections like this. Maybe that's the point. I don't have the time to research them all. However since 3 caught my eye I'll add that to this post. 3 is significant because you found 13, 23 and 33. Obviously they're all equal because they all have a 3.

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