Wednesday, May 3, 2017

More Research On 113, The Number Of Dishonesty

bI should make a video for this. Then I could do my impression of The Gematrinator (the person, not his spreadsheet). He is certainly reading from a script. That's a good thing...keeps him focused and on topic. No rambling around. However his delivery is more flat than the Earth supposedly is. I don't expect dressing up wearing a fruit basket on top of the head playing bongos. But try to imagine what its like listening to the news read by Walter Cronkite after popping a couple valium.

In regards to Freddie Freeman. Can't believe that he passed on making a freemason reference to that name. But that's more like Dan's speed. "" See, typing doesn't do the dry delivery justice. Freddie's been bred by some cosmic entity or secret society with near infinite power to play baseball to prove what happened on 9/11/2001. Because they have a strange sense of humor and couldn't use that near infinite power to do something more direct, like have terrorists discover some new stealth technology or something. <Insert mad scientist laugh here......Muahahahaha! Let's make Chipper Jones hit for the cycle 214 days after George Bush's gardener's birthday! That'll teach the fuckers a lesson!>

Not wanting to waste effort already expended and giving me the chance to make a hitting for the recycle pun, we are reminded that 113 is the number of dishonesty. And since Freddie's name =113, his life has been leading up to this one moment. The best stealth technology the nearly infinite powered entities could come up with was to make sure that Freddie complained about the poor lighting at one particular field and have the news report on it. His complaint was unwarranted. His stats the nearly infinitely powers entities gave him were astronomically above average on a limited number of at bats.


So cut to the Gman booting up his mighty spreadsheet and recycling the litany of words that equal 113. And to hammer the point home there is a reminder that Jews are (biblically? Not sure. I'm not an expert) permitted to use 'lies' and 'subterfuge' against gentiles. So they nearly infinitely powered entities didn't bury 113 into 'subterfuge' but various synonyms including 'sheepkeeper'. <Muhahahaha! That'll teach the fuckers.> And I see that 'evening' is 113 because people get their news from the evening news.

Personally, like most people I get my news from my phone, which is a computer. Computers=113. Oh no. Do I sense a paradox? They're sharing the numerology, the media reports, their videos and blogs all using computers. Well, computing can be done without a machine. They are just extremely handy. Computing Gematria Numbers=113. It's not just computers, but the practice of making numbers out of words that is dishonest.

<Muhahahahaha! Let's give them a system that provides ambiguous and contradictory information. That'll teach the fuckers!>

I need to make a thesaurus of common numbers they use. I know I have 44 and 113 well covered. I can turn any two or three digit number you make that is boldly declared to mean just one thing mean the direct opposite. Those 113s I made are real gematria, and nowhere near as much as a stretch a 'evening' (note, not 'evening' news).



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