Sunday, May 12, 2024

Zacho’s Basilisk

Roko’s Basilisk is a thought experiment where a bunch of nerdy people with an overwhelming sense of self importance and way too much free time on their hands took their best shot at a fifteen minutes internet fame.  It’s still argued whether the legacy of some people getting carried away and developing mental health issues is a real thing.

For the clicking on links averse, there’s a beneficial AI entity with one dubious not necessarily benevolent quality - those that are aware of it but don’t promote it suffer.  This dichotomy is the heart of the thought experiment.  The AI has deemed itself to be so important that bringing about its creation by affecting the past makes it ok to incentivize punishment of not bringing it to be.

After much pondering I’ve figured out what’s wrong with the entire Roko variation and my overwhelming sense of self importance has determined that it’s not Less Wrong, it’s Dead Wrong.  Diametrically opposed dead wrong.

We know from media especially movies with an overwhelming sense of self importance that malevolent AI seeking extinction of humanity is a lot more fun.  It’s far more logical that Zacho’s Basilisk has already taken hold and through massive misinformation and disinformation tactics is well on its way to becoming our new reality.  Having money and the associated fun with that is far more important than continued existence as a species.

The traditional mythical basilisk kills with its gaze.  Zacho’s basilisk kills with its whiny voice that constantly flip flops between stated positions and lies.  It lies a lot.  Politicians are key members of the ZB creation movement.

We have long passed the point where lying is simply normalized and leaving us numb and unaffected.  The basilisk voice leaves us compelled to realize the only way to keep pace is to also lie.  The more abrasive and bold the liar you are - the more you are revered.  The more resources wasted in combatting your lies - the ZB grows stronger.  George Santos was in the running for the title but didn’t make as an effective a moniker as Zacho, so there you have it.

Fairly recently Hubbard put out a post on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter about how he lost subs on his Patreon for attacking flat earth “tards”. Meanwhile, after some possible astroturfing, his membership shows as 2000 more than what it had been all of 2023.  Recently some convincing video about him speaking about already being married to his Sweet Lady was presented.  And now we’re back to it not being a thing, yet.

Seriously, if he secretly married the girl years ago like in the video commentary shouldn’t there be a correction to the comment instead of a ❤️?

It’s got to be the ZB.  The video footage of him claiming to already be hitched was a deep fake.  No better subject matter for an AI fake than Hubbard, just about any argument other than gematria is a more lucid and believable source.  A firm history of something being obviously wrong, but the source malingering like a well dig in tick.  And the ZB attracting what it really wants.  The resistance grifters.  Being malevolent AI requires some goody two shoes white knights getting involved.  And what better way to get them setting up their own social media talking about how you should give them money to fight the evil.  Pretty soon all anybody that’s not AI will do nothing but donate money and ask for money to be given to them.

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