Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Know Your Grifter Unfair Advantages - YouTube Policies

Media Matters - Alex Jones Is Back

In spirit I’m aligned with the idea of Alex not being on the internet.  But like a toxic narcissist at work that feeds on the extra attention that complaints about them brings attempting to ban someone completely doesn’t work.

Ban evasion tactics were born almost immediately after ban evasion policies were dreamed up.  Once you realize that misinformation is a given part of human nature and existed long before the internet you realize that misinformation sources have been paying attention to what social media companies have been up to and pre planning actions to take advantage of it.

You want to ban books?  It brings more attention to them.  You want to get rid of Scientology?  It brings more attention to it.  You want to stop gematria related grift?  It brings more attention to it if you start a blog.  Although awareness of real or imagined atrocities must have awareness as a function of stopping the problem the “other side” will always seek out methods to counterattack.

Books —> radio—>television—>internet

As the methods of information spreading progressed the methods of misinformation have progressed.  And now apparently the psychologically astute that wield misinformation as a tool have learned from the past to anticipate what could possibly happen and pre plan suppression tactics.  A decade ago there were the cries of coming to take away our free speech, normalizing people to the thoughts that the government would be stealing away their voices.  Now, what do you do when the economics dictate that political fundraisers and social media advertising dictate that social media can’t go away?  Slap on a label that pretends to care and let the future sort out the aftermath.

Alex isn’t the problem, but a symptom of how easily people are manipulated.  An internet ban is the modern equivalent of starting a bonfire and burning a bunch of books.  A bunch of books that we still know about decades or even hundreds of years later.  Even the lower level grifters have their own websites now.  Constantly complaining about Big Tech censorship they damn well know doesn’t exist.  That gets merged into their, “Look at what an internet badass I am” appeal.  On a daily basis I find someone who is best described as being very low on the misinformation food chain complaining about how they themselves are being targeted by evil forces without any real damage done to them.  Why are they complaining?  The video they are watching was created by someone complaining about it.  And lots of times the evidence is easily faked or totally made up.  Even without advanced AI trickery.  For example, all you need to do is delete a couple of key user comments and stir the pot with a video about YouTube deleting comments.  Blammo!  Instant engagement!

There has finally been an uptick in gematria related misinformation on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter.  Not surprising as the U.S. election draws closer.  Another old tactic that can’t be banned.  The gematria itself remains a kind of weird and not generally effective in and of itself.  But you can always just create an account with gematria in the username and the dog whistle is heard.  You just know it’s going to end up being nothing but Trump is the greatest thing ever and the libs are ruining the world.  (They are, but not in the manner you suggest.)  And at least two of them are not posting gematria at all but are pretend political pundits with messages that amount to nothing more than F**k Joe Biden.  Ultimately it’s up to the consumers of the information to recognize that these don’t give any practical information, it’s just outrage porn.  And then these consumers need to take the next critical thinking step to recognize anything else put out by that source is untrustworthy.

The crank magnetism YouRube (not a typo) ads are already in place.  Waiting for the gullible outraged consumers to click away on their healing crystals, vision loss cures with vitamins, electric generators for the upcoming civil war and all the other illegitimate marketing that apparently the majority of people who prefer a totally unregulated market seem to want.  Just waiting to suck the finances away from the next generation who grows up filled with more bad ideas about what makes a YouTube presence a quality source of how to lead their lives.  I’ll give you a hint.  The solution will be to give them your money.

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