Thursday, May 16, 2024

And In This Corner Wearing the Blue Trunks…


Let me get you up to speed if you are new; a brief recent history of conspiracy gematria.  Skipping over the biblical roots and jumping right into the harassment era.

Around the time that Alex Jones was really hitting his stride with his Sandy Hook gold mine, Zachary Hubbard unearthed old material on how gematria was used by occultists to scam people.  Updating it to current times he rebranded it to pretend he could pick the winners in sporting events.  Other grifters said to themselves, “Oh boy, that’s cool.  I’m a gonna get myself a slice of that sweet, sweet grifting pie.”  Conspiracy gematria expanded into other cliques than sports, the more prominent ones being religion, we are living in a matrix, cryptocurrency and celebrity deaths and harassment (not really a clique, let’s call this one cliquebait).  And mixing and match all of those and other loopy nonsense.

Now since Alex Jones was aligned with political grifters and of course gematria being able to “prove” anything was getting a foothold, a not very cohesive group of people wanting to live action role play while grifting latched on to fake messages from someone called Q, and the homogenous mish mash of anything pro Trump was a good thing called Qanon was born.  And gematria became a part of that.

Competing grifters don’t like splitting their pie, so the not Q scammers and Q scammers would fire off occasional pot shots at each other.  Usually an attack video on YouTube.  Ignoring the basic tenet of gematria that it provides zero empirical evidence for any viewpoint.

Entire into the fray, the Resistance.  Resister/grifter gematria.  Qanon gematria would phraseshop, change numbers they didn’t like into numbers they did like and make lists of matches.  But not every cognitively biased person lies deep red on the political spectrum.  So it’s only natural that a BlueAnon would try to muscle in on the territory.

And that’s why we have that image.  I checked through the account’s posts and that’s pretty much standard operating procedure.  My personal perception is that accounts like these through in a large dose of, “I’m justified because the enemy does this all the time.”  Yes, they do, but a lie is still a lie.  And misinformation is still misinformation.  And gematria doesn’t prove anything.  In reality, all the resister gematria proves is how ridiculously easy it is to twist any topic into your narrative.  The echo chamber here is tinted blue instead of red.

Recency bias is a problem in addition to the blatant confirmation bias in gematria decodes.  And there’s a cognitive bias for everything wrong with our stupid brains.  I suppose this might be a version of priming bias where as Election Day draws nearer people who are already being assaulted can expect more and more bullshit from both camps and their gematria related bots and human disinformation traffickers that act like bots.  The AttaBlue!TM and AttaRed!TM machines will be going full blast soon.

Interesting related side note.  The Gematrinator used to spend most of his time on Organic Matrix issues and the adjacent synchronicity material.  Somewhere along the way he’s added Trump to the few accounts he follows on Twixter.  I’m not sure if this is a flag to indicate he’s pro Trump to appeal to that gung ho crowd, but that’s certainly an option.

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