Friday, May 3, 2024

Know Your Grifter Defense Mechanism- Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover

Imagine this scenario.  A new to YouTube E-Begger sets their sights on stealing away a portion of an existing flock.  They don’t have any significant new content to offer.  It could be more repetition of old debunked flat earth stuff.  It could be tarot card readings.  Or it could be my favorite, sports decoding with gematria.  Being wrong in gematria is expected and happens all the time.  Even now the NBA playoff talk on Twixter is mostly arguing on who posted their winning picks in advance or if they waited until the game was over to hindsight it.

Within the marketing is an arbitrary scapegoat, a marginalized group.  LGBTQ+, race, offbeat religion, whatever.  And somebody that is part of that group finds the content and is pissed off.  And trolls them for it.

One of the sure signs of a disingenuous social media source is if they react with the “Don’t judge a book by its cover” mechanism.  An attempt to deflect and psychologically project that the “troll” is the problem, not the creator of the dubious content.

There is a case to be made for evolving to judge a book by its cover as a good thing.'judging,see%20as%20a%20friendly%20face.

But this isn’t about that.  This is about how you actually haven’t judged a book by its cover.  If you haven’t read the entire damn book you’ve read enough to get a really solid idea of the content.  It may be that it’s just not your style, your cup of tea.  Or it could actually just be a shitty book.

Your grifting champions know their book is shitty.  And the newer grifters model their anti troll content after the tried and true methods of their predecessors.  Accusing others of being judgmental to deflect is commonplace.  A self proclaimed non racist person who continually uses slurs that results in being called out for it that dares to use the “don’t judge a book by its cover” defense should also be called out for that.  No, I haven’t.  I’ve read a lot of the book and the cover is pretty accurate.  The same applies to wildly incorrect scientific content.  The trolls will mention what’s wrong, some overly enthusiastic troll will pull out the “you’re dumber than Marjorie Taylor Greene” style rhetoric and get hit with a don’t judge a book by its cover deflection.  The response should be to point out again that there’s more wrong than the current video of blog post.  The book is consistently wrong over and over and over.  But leave the part about MTG out.  Nobody is dumber.

A simple look through the comments will reveal that the followers are way more quick to judge others for cognitively biased based reasons.  They’re way more over judgmental than the troll quick to being accused as too quick to judge.

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