Friday, May 24, 2024

An Odd New Type of Phraseshopping

Trying to balance pointing out the nuttier pieces of gematria grift with not making things worse by essentially giving a group leader wannabe free press, that can be a tough gig.  So when the new cryptocurrency cult is fully formed, people can look back to this date and point the finger at me as the source of the problem, because I’m going to do it.

Backtracking some to start off for any newcomers.  In the old days, before the rollout of several other options since gematria makes it ridiculously easy to make fake evidence for your arbitrary scapegoat, the evil empire was headed by the Freemasons.  Through in some Illuminati and NWO references to add to your database of evil numbers that are slightly more evil than the other numbers.  Within that structure there was the benefit of the ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY.  And the process of Phraseshopping was born among the early gematria grift crowd.  Because you get a whole lot of different numbers when you pick and choose which words of that phrase you do gematria on.
RITE OF FREEMASONRY, ANCIENT RITE OF FREEMASONRY, SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY, ANCIENT SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY, or just FREEMASONRY.  (They didn’t use the ACCEPTED part too much, which is understandable as they grew up loners and rejected outcasts.)

Forwarding through time and going through a social evolutionary process, Freemasonry and Illuminati activity dropped off in favor of the JESUITS and all the words associated with them.  And a couple of people pushed for adding random words to phrases that they assumed made the phrase cooler sounding.  Instead of ORANGE JUICE, you did gematria on SIGNAL CODE ORANGE JUICE MURDER.  Or slightly more sane sounding DELTA AIRLINES VIDEO SIGNAL MATRIX.  Tying together the mainstream news stories with whatever random cool sounding words to force the issue to the number you wanted.  And on a side note, the big user of that method thought triple digits was cooler than any other numbers.  Their own peculiar idiom that separated themselves from the other decoders.

Now, the background is out of the way.  Here’s what you’re allowed to do now.  At least for a couple of Tik Tok videos.

Based on the videos posted to Twixter temporally adjacent to this, the Taylor part is Taylor Swift.  It’s the creator’s last name.  And presumably he is pointing out that if they get married and she takes his last name for her’s then she becomes the Antichrist.  Or we can also guess that it’s even worse and instead of using actual names in the news you’re allowed to just simply make up a name to fit the point.  In the meantime, enjoy the cryptocurrency content in his profile.

Part of the reason to go through and maybe give this guy some oxygen for the fires he’s trying to stoke.  Zach needs a new enemy.  It’s extremely unlikely that this non Jesuit not sports related method will meet with his approval.  Instead of attacking the “flat earth retards” while playing the Shill Game he’s got a chance for promoting his brand by making a series of hate videos on how this guy makes the work look bad.  Which isn’t false, it just avoids mentioning how his work makes his work look bad.

I see I forgot to mention that another one of those videos on Twixter used Swift’s middle name.  Which if a flame war breaks out they’ll need to break out some more Phraseshopping ammunition.  Swift’s middle name is Alison.  Pretty sure you’re allowed to spell that ALLISON for legitimate Phraseshopping reasons.  And you can always just use the middle initial of A instead of the full name.  Or even T.A. Swift.  Or now substitute anyone else’s last name as hers, just in case they get hitched, in combination with misspellings and abbreviations.

Now I need to be going as I’ve got some important research to do.  I think I’m on to something big with the gematriots of 


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