Friday, May 31, 2024

Finally, The Status Quo Remains Unchanged

That was certainly a change from the OJ verdict.  Within minutes my phone, and everyone else’s phones started chirping away with the results of the jury verdict in Trump’s fraud trial.  I got a couple minutes advance warning, enough time to check the trending hashtags on Twitter before the official announcement.  Without a real clue as to what it would be.  Both because the two sides echo chambers loaded with lopsided news didn’t address anything but their own side and its hopes and dreams.

And there was nobody in the preceding weeks and days that offered a gematria prediction on the outcome.

As vague as they might like to make it sound, the purpose of gematria narratives is pretending to predict.  Zach has his sports games.  The end of the world crowd predicts the end is soon every day.  Qanon predicts that arrests will come soon.  Cryptocurrency gematria lets you analyze the markets for financial success.  The focus is SHORT TERM predictions.  This Sunday’s football games.  The daily signs the world is ending means you better be ready for it tomorrow, just in case.  Although it’s up to four years away, that NEXT presidential election is super important, not one in 2136.  Our stock markets are permanently volatile now, especially crypto.  Read those signs and prepare for that price point midday when the last three digits are 6.66.

If you survive long enough and grow and mature as a member of the human race, you learn about the LONG TERM patterns with these gematria issues.  The success rate is minimal (around 50% for sports predictions) or even nonexistent (end of the world).  And you learn that these magical analyses have a common theme, two things that always appear.  Anger and fundraising.

Just like the sports games are double coded bullshit excuse for failed predictions, the trial outcome was predetermined in the minds of die hard right wingers.  If Trump was found innocent, yeah team!  A guilty verdict, the world is out to get me, it’s rigged!!  And the second result is better for the grifters.  An angry consumer is far less rational and easier to separate from his finances than someone who wants to think things over a bit before deciding.  Why anyone would be surprised that Trump immediately produced a fundraiser after the verdict is a mystery.  Really.  He did that.  Within minutes the fingers typety typed away a witch hunt woe is me fundraiser.

The misinformation researchers I follow on Twixter had the correct and more measured response.  The status quo really hasn’t changed because there’s still a lot of anger out there centered around the former president, because that’s exactly what he wants.  That’s his lifestyle and it’s all he knows.  And there’s a lot of smaller fish in the water loving how easy it is to capitalize on it.  Getting people involved in the perpetual negative feedback loop.  Angry about finances instead of an intellectual or moral cause.  Being separated from finances.  Being angry about finances.  Being separated of finances.  And getting their information where they shouldn’t on social media which is mostly either it’s time to dance in the streets or think about revenge.  No nuance or context or middle ground for compromise.

The actual gematria response has been pretty lame so far.  For example, a we need to get revenge narrative that’s floated out there is Skull and Bones nonsense.  SKULL AND BONES, which doesn’t even have a gematria value of 322, but since it’s me nickname is Order 322.  That’s represented by the 34 guilty counts because of 3 (2x2).  These are not coming from the minds of people with a long term intellectual commitment to a cause.  These are people treating the future as a football game where you get to complain about the referees and get drunk and beat up a fan of the other team in the parking lot, because…you didn’t like the number on their player’s replica jersey.

Enjoy your status quo.  It’s a bright and brilliant day for the status quo.  Maybe the best status quo of angry people we’ll have all year.

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