Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Analysis Of Old YouTubers #1 - Gematria Database

The Konspiracy (not a typo) world was a lot more fun before the 2020’s hit.  Crank and grift magnetism was rampant.  Coattail riding was at an all time high.  Cult leader wannabes were checking up on what Alex Jones was talking about, copying that source material and spreading it further to people way down at the bottom of the MLM pyramid.  And YouTube algorithms did nothing to help with odd recommendations showing up in suggested viewing.

One such account is (was?) the Gematria Database channel.  It’s been inactive for a couple of years now.

And that channel links to his blog.  With both posts.  Although that is mercifully short the two posts are lengthy and done in color coding because that was his thing.  And we do know it’s a him.  We’ll get to that in a minute.

Going back to the beginning there are five old generic conspiracy videos.  Four parts to recap the Saturn Project which seems to be the standard astrology nonsense crank magnetized later into gematria decodes.  And they’re nine years old.  Which means it slightly predates when Hubbard first started his copying of the Alex Jones method.  Then there’s a long break.  But back to being active again after discovering the joys of gematria.  And that’s when there was a name change acknowledging the gematria . And that’s how we know it’s a him, as the most prevalent videos are reading from books.  Nothing but reading aloud from Hubbard’s books or Rambo’s blog posts.

Rambo used to be a fixture on Zach’s call in shows.  Used to be because as he presented things in a calmer and more respectful manner he didn’t go off on angry racist and death threat laden rants.  Which means since he was competition to the cult leaders authority he had to go.

In depth speculation is impossible with this scant information.  But I’m still going to do it.  So call it shallow speculation.

Probably when he first got going he was a teenager with enough free time on his hands to get curious about conspiracy topics.  There’s an odd video from nine years ago that stands out.  The Super Friends 911 Forshadowing [sic] video.  Which will get a separate section later in this post.  Although the astrology and Saturn content is mild and seemingly innocent, we know he’s been exposed to the thoroughly debunked 9/11 lies.  And he probably likes it, or at least did years ago.

Then a five year break.  Five long years of nothing until all of a sudden the database project shows up.  That appears to have a significant time investment put in to it.  And the time investment for the boring task of reading aloud from somebody’s book.  The view counts are interesting and likely show a pattern - waning interest in gematria, specifically waning interest in Hubbard’s style.

The most views are from reading from Hubbard’s book.  Kissing the leader’s butt always gets the views and the Attaboys!TM.  By the time the Rambo readings come around the views have dropped to the couple of hundreds.  And by the end hitting two hundred views was a struggle.  An awful lot of work for a little bit of attention.

If the Rambo readings was intended to bolster engagement it backfired.  Could be he genuinely appreciated Rambo’s content.  But Zach was actively targeting Rambo then, using the usual shill/traitor/bad decoder language that he always pulls out when there’s competition for engagement.  The comments on the last two year old videos include some, “What happened to you?”  Which I find odd since his content was never significant enough to be worthy of loyal followers.

Best guess and the final conclusion.  A true believer in conspiracy content and gematria specifically for the better part of a decade.  And finally now that the bad press on gematria is building up he’s finally given up on it if not all conspiracy content completely.  But probably just the gematria and he’s lingering around somewhere, just moved on to a more lucid scam and doesn’t openly talk about it.  In fact, he’s perfect to move on and take up a different scheme.  He’s not destined for a leadership role.  He only steals ideas from more popular sources - reading from books and the garish Gematrinator colors.

Now, back to the Super Friends.  By far the most popular video based on view counts.  And including myself alongside the time stamps of two of the comments there’s still activity in 2024.  And it’s, to put it kindly, a remarkably stupid video.  The content is merely a clip, but the title is ridiculous.  Mercifully short it’s easy to see that there is zero foreshadowing.  The big goose egg.  The villains tip over some famous landmarks, but the Super Friends save everything.  Nothing is destroyed, and the target list - the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, one of the Twin Towers, a bridge (Brooklyn?!?) and there certainly wasn’t a villain created giant robot on 9/11/2001.  Like gematria it’s an insult to anything remotely related to actual truth seeking.  But old misinformation doesn’t get removed.  It lingers on for the off chance that a newly susceptible cognitively biased person that likes cartoons might stumble on it and think it has any relevance.  At least the second most recent comment addresses the stupidity and will have to do in absence of a YouTube context warning link.

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