Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Gematria Sustainability

Without the gematria part, by itself sustainability is probably most often associated with fossil fuel consumption and resource depletion.  There’s been so many birthdays our helium is running low:


While it could be used for some arguably better purposes than a practice of tradition generated by social inertia instead of actual value.  (Although a dog confronted with a leftover birthday balloon filled with helium can be vastly entertaining.)  And of course gas and oil will eventually run out other than if climate change finishes us off first.

The often quoted bad science relating to the apparent vastness (almost infinite, relatively speaking) of fossil fuel reserves doesn’t take in to account that the low hanging fruit has already been picked.  Thousands of years ago useful stuff was just lying around with minimal effort to utilize compared to modern mining operations.  Now it’s a self fulfilling feedback loop, the materials to make the equipment are necessary to get access to further sources of grabbing the equipment.

Gematria is showing signs of a sustainability problem.  If you have a group of fields in a plot of farmland you can leave some in a state of fallowing.  Let some natural organic activity return nitrogen to the soil without paying for nitrogen based fertilizer applications.  Before the internet we had forgotten about the grifting activity practiced by con men that we consider old timers now.  Back in era when you had to market your schtick like a traveling snake oil salesman.

The low hanging fruit of gematria is exhausted, and it shows.  The favorites are way overused and frankly quite boring.  Not just to the critics, but to the practitioners.  Gematria became its own worst enemy by repetition.  The same repetition that treats every video as an introduction to the craft instead of building on the past.

For example, it hasn’t even been 10 years from when the cult leader would throw out a Pi reference in a video, usually something related to a circle since circular things are super common, a bunch of comments from the fascinated flock would try to impress noble leader with their own Pi reference.  Some of the decline in Pi activity is from the shift to pro spiritual content.  The old Pi references are back at a time when science references coincided peacefully with religious and spiritual content.  Modern gematria use has been invaded by crowds that prefer to attack science to merge in all the dangerous ideas like anti vaccination content or any other medical issue.  Making a 227 gematria Pi reference only serves to bring the lunacy of 22 divided by 7 not being Pi to the attention of the debunkers.

Relying on two and three digit numbers for a lengthy time period wasn’t a sustainable long term plan, and likely wasn’t intended to be.  There isn’t anything new to add to sports decoding that hasn’t already been done.  The defenses, like with other internet grift, are overused.  Continually resorting to bold lies about your track record also brings down the marketability of other internet scam content.  The dropout rate has been higher than the new recruit rate, which isn’t an immediate problem for the top tier.  If you keep in mind that gematria content is not the top of the food chain when the conspirituality merging of right wing and left wing polarizing nuttery has co-opted gematria for their purposes.

It’s simply not possible for someone to have enough time, even with the required intellect and ambition to be a top tier scammer, to produce enough content for anything other than two and three digit matches.

The reason for this topic today is reflection on how difficult it is to find something remotely interesting to discuss as a critic.  My go to source of Twixter is an empty wasteland compared to the good old days.  I satisfied myself by being repetitious as well, with something I’ve done before appearing at the top of the blog since lack of research skills don’t allow the genuinely curious as to what’s wrong with gematria to dig deep down.

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