Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Copy and Paste


If you were to go to the hellhole formerly known as Twitter and dig down into the conversation you would find that there was a minor excuse for what passes as a conversation between two people.  The first step was for this account in the screenshot to post a vague prediction regarding August 3, 2025.  Gematria is great at just a couple of things, and one of them is an excuse to make fake predictions that always fail because nothing ever happens on the chosen date.  Nothing extraordinary or if it is extraordinary there’s no explanation why those with the magical knowledge didn’t have more detail than, “Something big is about to happen.”

Notice there are two separate but identical replies and more importantly two separate people that were replied to.  This is a red flag for deeply unserious content, as if the idea of picking a random date a year and a half in the future isn’t a red flag enough.  It’s a recruiting message.  And it’s the social media equivalent of Nigerian Prince mass email tactics.  Send out a couple hundred million emails.  Only pay further attention to the few people that bite.  The advantage of the social media variation is that your target demographic, those with a confirmation bias come to you instead of the effort of putting together a long list of emails.

Gematria has always been good at this.  Making something totally ridiculous become a search for deep underlying secrets that don’t exist.

And our story gets better.  Content like this also attracts scam baiters.  So knowing how scams and scam baiters operate I put this to a little bit of a test.  And I’ll be the first to admit it is not conclusive and the results are somewhat speculative.

So how can you tell if these messages, certainly less than a minute apart are completely bot driven to auto reply or if there’s a real human behind it?  I have had a lot of bot issues lately, having a network of bots with 4.8k accounts they are following and all created between August 2023 and January 2024 follow me on the hellhole formerly known as Twitter.  Soft blocking the five dozen of those yesterday and the one that appeared last night took more minutes than I wanted to.  But I’m getting beyond the point and just venting.  So I put my scam baiter shoes on and sent mister copy and paste replier a message asking what happens on August 3, 2025.

Bot activity hasn’t been totally stagnant and does improve all the time.  But it’s unlikely a true bot would have been able to read my profile and figure out that I was trouble and should be ignored.  That’s what happened.  A true bot would have auto replied with the same canned, “It’s a bit hard to explain…” nonsense.  This is all happening less than an hour after these copy and paste replies were made.  So it’s unlikely someone else with scam baiting knowledge and a habit of searching Twitter for gematria related posts would have beaten me to it and scared the bot network off. (The word Gematria in boldface indicates it was a search result.  I search for all gematria related posts every day.  I doubt many other people have that level of self flagellation in their mental make up.)

So that leaves us with at least some conscious human activity.  As lazy as it might be to copy word for word instead of at least personalizing the message a little bit.  And that’s another great thing gematria does.  Even those that actually believe in it are posting meaningless gibberish disguised as facts and evidence.  Even the cult leaders high up on the pyramid scheme are posting meaningless gibberish every day.  All designed to create engagement above anything else.

Who knows where these two will fall on the spectrum.  Anywhere from figuring out that it’s more trouble than it’s worth, or getting sucked into the gibberish rabbit hole completely.  Maybe they like sports and that will drive their continued search for all things gematria through sports decodes.  Maybe they’ll pick up on the attempted revival of synchronicity that’s going on now.  Maybe it’s crypto.  Maybe it’s hatred of democrats and Obama is the Antichrist.  What we do know is that there’s a wide variety of cliques available to pick from with gematria.  While a Nigerian Prince email is stuck to the format presented in the first email, there’s no better substitute than a real person like an Alex Jones driving an ever changing narrative immediately.  Some real human activity - bridging the gap between a true bot and someone with some critical thinking skills that’s purposefully using psychological manipulation tactics designed to make the target feel smarter than they think they are.  The human bridges mostly fall in the mid level of the pyramid scheming.  Instead of asking for money right away do a little bit of a scouting mission to find out what makes the target tick.

A copy and paste like this —>shouldn’t<— work.  People asking the question about the magic date have a higher chance of not having previous experience with numerology and gematria and getting curious.  These two —>should<— do the gematria search I did and say, “Holy shit.  Why is that reply to the other guy the exact same as mine?!?  I mean really WTF!?!”  But if you’re asking the question about the magic date in the first place you probably aren’t big on researching instead of relying on your flawed intuition.

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