Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sports Gematria Doctrine

 Sovereign Citizen - Wikipedia

Never been successful.  That’s a pretty low batting average.  What could possibly be worse?  How about gematria being so out of touch with reality that there’s never been a serious court case where gematria was even tried as a defense.  This is your regular reminder that conspiracy theory gematria is often conspiracy theory light.  The trailer to try and get you in the theater for the movie released next month.  The free sample at the wholesale club to try to entice a purchase.  The social media phishing process to see if you’re ready to graduate to bigger and better things like sovereign citizen ideas that can really get you in trouble when they fail.

Not the failing is an entirely bad thing.  If you can learn from your mistakes and grow as a person a little failure can be an eye opening and life altering experience.  If gematria wants to graduate to that next level, that level when police and courts start to think about how this person is another one of those violent and dangerous gematria clowns they need to up their game.

Not that they haven’t tried.  An angry Zach rant is always hugely popular.  And there’s a fair amount of trying to merge anti government militia thoughts into the fold.  Whether that’s militia movements trying to use gematria as conspiracy light or gematria grifters trying to prey on cognitively biased sovereign citizens there is cross pollination.  But what gematria is missing is a written document or set of documents.  The goal to be having such documentation filed in a court of law as a failed attempt that will fulfill the persecution complexes of those involved.

And sports gematria is the best, pun intended, bet.  No need to get a criminal case going when other conspiracies do a much better job.  A nice, frivolous civil suit will do just fine.  I’m not going to attempt to write a full doctrine out; I just have some ideas I’m spitballing here.  A full doctrine needs to come from someone like an angry teenager failing at school that thinks sports is rigged.  The kind of kid that writes a manifesto on the last few pages of a math notebook talking about how the Lakers playoffs were rigged again when the ritual was so clearly obvious.  Someone so scary that they’ll bump his Math and English scores up to a D- just to graduate him and get rid of him and not have to deal with the classroom interruptions holding him back for another tumultuous year.

There is a huge amount of sports is rigged content.  And a huge amount of they flipped the script/it’s double coded/I’m always right (after the fact) content within that.  Just cut to the chase.  Send a demand letter to Fan Duel, Draft Kings or whatever your favorite sports book is.

“I’m a gematria expert.  Sports is rigged and I’m always right.  Give me money or I’m filing a lawsuit.”

Wouldn’t that be fun and wouldn’t your family (since you’re a gematria fan it’s safe you don’t have any real friends) be so proud for you to be the first legal case about this?

It’s cost effective.  No need for a lawyer.  You’re defending yourself because you’re always right.  You may have to get that past a judge how highly recommends against it.

“It’s not just my opinion, I’m always right and Zach said so.  He told me in replies to my YouTube comments.”

It can borrow from other less frivolous conspiracy stuff that actually did make it to courts.

“This court has no authority over me, I identify as GematriaKing666, not the illegal name on my birth certificate of Myron D. Thwockpimple.”

And you can rely on your clique leader to not stab you in the back and support you throughout…

ZKH - “He’s nothing but a <bleep><bleep><bleep> who deserves a bullet in the head.”

Okay, that one needs some work.

Time to get busy scrawling sports is rigged notes on the edge of your math homework.  Do what you do best, let your mind wander down the rabbit hole and avoid anything resembling actual evidence.  Actual evidence will ruin any chance at getting that ultimate goal of a totally frivolous lawsuit.

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