Sunday, May 26, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - Topic Selection and Illusory Correlation

Get ‘em while they’re young.  Groom those kiddos into developing illusory correlations.  Don’t worry, they’ll be fine when they get older, more educated and see through the illusion.

For no rational reason, or guided by some dark, primal force beyond human comprehension, a force so terrifying that to even utter two syllables of its name has driven entire continents insane, I remember an old kids rhyme.  Not just a rhyme, there’s some music to it.  You can look that up on your own:

Oh little playmate
Come out and play with me
Bring out your dollies three
Climb up my cherry tree
Slide down my rainbow
Into my house front door
And we’ll be best of friends
Forever more, more more

And loads of variations can be found.  Apple tree instead of cherry.  Rain barrel.  Cellar door.  Jolly friends.  The kids around different areas probably stuck with a variation they first heard.  And that didn’t really work for me because the part about the dollies bothered me, being a manly little boy child.  I do remember the parody that made me giggle every time.

Oh little enemy
Come out and fight with me
Bring out your weapons three
Climb up my torture tree
Slide down my cannon
Into my dungeon door
And I will lock you up
Forever more, more more

This also had wide variations with different noun substitutes, but that’s what we sang.  But don’t worry.  As I got older and more educated I grew out of it as my emotional IQ got raised above the level of a cockroach. Or, I grew out of it as it stopped resonating with me since I learned my Second Amendment rights were being infringed on and my cannon would be taken away from me.  Alex Jones educated me on that.

A little basic education can go a long way towards developing at least some critical thinking skills to navigate the world around us.  Gematria and other internet grift are firmly in the camp where an illusory correlation is force fed.  Everything is dungeons and cannons and torture.  And a miracle solution that requires funding.  It *should be* easier to see with gematria.  It’s extremely easy to make a narrative about playmates, dolls and rainbows using the same numbers that are used for ritual sacrifices, the Antichrist, and war.  The same illusory correlations apply to other internet grift.  That’s the entire point of the chosen topic, to talk about the dungeons and enemies for outrage porn, to distract you enough by emotion before hitting you with the fundraiser.

Anything that relies on symbolism or metaphor quoted by the cult leader is an appeal to creation of an illusory correlation.  So much so that you can spend about two minutes at looking at a YouTuber’s video list and figure out that they’re into the gung ho into the terror and death instead of the butterflies and everlasting kisses.  And then there’s a 99% chance you’ll actual hear the word symbolism or a variation come out of their mouths during the video.  “By the way, since you’re too stupid to figure it out on your own the way that Michelle Obama is holding her fingers is symbolic of the Freemasonry Medieval Torture Ritual.”

One of Zach’s sports decoder groupies serves as an excellent example.  Early on, before being educated by not having money anymore by gambling losses, a decoder will personalize their illusory correlations.  Things that happened to them that day and synchronicity or things important to them over a longer period of time.  Our unlucky cult member was really into the Carolina Panthers.  And he’d call into Zach’s show during the topic du jour and talk about Cam Newton.

Yeah, bad idea.  Because during the forcing of illusory correlations, getting off topic with Zach is a really bad idea.  “Hey dum dum, your content is dangerously close to birthday parties and kittens.  Don’t you think it’s time to talk about human sacrifice, the Jesuits and weather warfare?”  The reverse of the Attaboy!TM, where the cult leader throws you under the bus for daring to think independently on your own.  Because that’s how you learn and grow and get above childhood rhymes and become a functional adult.

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