Thursday, May 30, 2024

Gematria, Freedom Fries - The Political Power Paradox

Have you ever noticed that no U.S. politicians openly embrace gematria as part of their life?  It’s kinda just limited to not minding that some of their more vocal followers don’t mind that people are manufacturing fake evidence on their behalf.  Our best chance ever, George Santos seems to have decided that there was a line he wouldn’t cross and he’d say ANYTHING.  Except talk about gematria.

The reason is America’s number one asset.  Griping and complaining.  We are very, very good at that.  A couple hundred years of digging for dirt to disparage the enemy instead of looking for the positives on your side.  And the Freedom Fries Fiasco illustrates this well.

As gripers and complainers extraordinaire you need extreme measures to motivate the masses.  Get most of the country on board with the program when actual bullets start flying and killing people.  I’d argue that a good conservative political stance regarding Middle East oil interests validly includes efforts to maintain fossil fuel production.  Put the brakes on gung ho never use fossil fuels because of global warming problems.  Our tanks, planes, convoys, the entire infrastructure are sitting ducks when others are still fueling up things to Chuck things from as far away as possible instead of getting up close and personal.  But the world is a big place, and not everyone sees things our way.  And after we decided to put together a coalition to invade Iraq, France decided to take a pass.

You traitors.

Amidst our griping and complaining culture, we’ve gotten very good at boycotting, banning and disparaging “the enemy”.  Cancel culture.  So our well thought out plan to shame and strike back at the French was to rename French fries to Freedom fries.  (And to a lesser extent Freedom toast was a thing). This was short lived for multiple reasons.  It’s ineffective because the whole idea was frivolous and stupid.  There’s no actual boycott with an impact.  Just a name change.  And it was pointed out that the food is likely more to be of Belgian origin instead of French.  We had a couple months of gung ho pride followed by the shame of ridicule for decades.

And now imagine yourself a future where gematria really takes hood.  Like some of the still bigger users insist that millions of people need this magical knowledge.  How you are going to shame and ridicule your enemies effectively is totally impossible.  Your semi regular reminder here - based on gematria every person alive now, that lived in the past and will ever live in the future has evil gematria.

I’m not talking about pointing out that 88 has certain negative accepted connotations under certain context. I’m talking global boycott of your enemies because you need to teach them not to mess with you.  Any ban will need to:

1). Include every number.
2). Include every scapegoat instead of just arbitrary selection on a case by case basis.
3). Boycotting and canceling oneself. 

This is why we need an ancient underground reptilian race or spacefaring aliens to pop up and do the canceling since we do a great job of griping our way out of credibility.  Look at those silly hairless apes with their numbers not used for real math.  Let’s cancel them.

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