Monday, January 29, 2018

One More Week Of Super Bowl 52 Sacrifices

Here's another rundown aimed at the newer crowd. A pretty typical example of the Fee To Find Misinformation blog. It doesn't have all the little tricks in it, it can't because there's so many different ways in dealing with numbers you don't like. In theory I could do this every day, but that would get old really quick. I prefer spending my time busting on poor geometry, Wollongong and making acronyms. Activities approved by the WAGES, the Wollongong Acronym Generation Education Society.

A couple nice things about the source material are first, it's got some completely predictable characteristics. For years there has been a huge amount of output dedicated to sports. And you can bet that any time any of the major U.S. sports is nearing a championship date that every single detail that can be remotely associated with that event can and will be official declared a tribute or sacrifice to the sports championship. This is how Purple dinosaurs and Teletubbies get into the ball game. I don't want to complain too much, but yes I do. I don't want to play the "let's take this to its logical conclusion game" too much. But doesn't every single team have a uniform that has a color on it? Is global warming a tribute to Philadelphia because of GREENhouse gases? Anyway, purple was a different set of posts about Minnesota.

I've got nothing in particular against football other than the cover up of CTE and turning players into vegetables, demeaning women by scantily clad cheerleaders (which I always cover my dog's eyes from viewing), overpaid whiny crybaby prima donnas and why my team can't draft a decent offensive lineman. But these numbers can be found everywhere. But if you want to stick to sports why don't we hear about the Wollongong rugby league? Why can't I search through the Internet and find out what's going on with Robert Taylor's darts career from a gematria standpoint? He made a bitch load of money and sure seems likely that some two digit numbers popped up there somewhere.

But there you have it. American sports. Kiss off rest of the world. We love Barney and Tinky Winky because they are helping make America grape again.

It's also cool that we get a preview of the magic numbers in the post title. Easy to search for a number you are looking for. If I have particular interest in 59, I can tell right off the bat, or opening coin toss, that I'm wasting my time or in for a real treat. But really, six two digit numbers and a 131 is the best you've got? No 2042018 for the date of the Super Bowl? These nearly infinitely powered hurricane makers don't take their jobs too seriously sometimes.

Since this is sports we have a clue that this may bypass a freemasonry reference. Our two digits could be converted into some kind of New World Order phrase like ILLUMINATI. But sports breaks up the tedium and we get to talk about team names.

Philadelphia oriented story. And here's date numerology of PHILADELPHIA matching on the day the story was reported, not the Jan. 20th date he actually died. Yeah. Right. What if a rival news source printed an article the day before or any time between the 20th and infinity? How about because this particular article worked out to date numerology of 57.

Which isn't really 57. We've got a 57 year old dying presumably as a sacrifice or tribute to a 57 year drought for Philly Football. So obviously we have to change it to FIFTY-SEVEN=131. That's how that oddball three digit rebel got in the mix. Because 57 isn't 57 or 131 because 131 is prime so it's really 32. Actually, changing a number twice doesn't happen too much. Probably because it's as stupid as it sounds.

And now we're back to the date of death instead of just the report date. Don't ask questions, those are the same kind of questions that got Bob the Hitman demoted. The contract must read something like, "Kill Walter somewhere around the 20th, then tie up the loose ends by suppressing the media story for about a week. But by no means actually kill him on the 26th! You got that Bob!"
To round out the story we've got the name numerology for this particular individual, broken down individually to just first and last name as well as both. This happens regularly. So presumably everyone named Walter has the same fate in store. MURDER and DEATH also match WALTER. I think we see why Bob got so disillusioned. If it's not that he has a friend named Walter he's at least severely overworked. Lots of Walters to knock off. And there's that sweet NWO contract with WALTER Reed Hospital to fill.

Also notice that 29 for PROPHECY in there. One thing Hubbard has learned is to be careful about making actual predictions. A loyal follower queried him last week about the book he's written. (The one that's bern delayed for a year with the glowing testimonials written back in July.). And he's "giving himself until Feb. 5th" to turn it over to the publisher for final production. The day after the Super Bowl. Yes, I'm insinuating that I think this is to wait to be sure that he correctly predicted the outcome and it's in the book. Pointing back to this post as evidence, while nowhere does it actually say, "This is clearly indicating that on these numbers alone that it is obvious that Philadelphia will win the Super Bowl". It's so benignly worded that this could be evidence that Philadelphia was simply the loser in the big game. And will have more sour grapes and will make the fans wine for another year while they get fat on cheese steaks watching TV turning themselves into telly tubbies. Because purple was invented for Minnesota to host the Super Bowl for just this one time in history.

And of course nowhere, in a post that has two different prime numbers, does it even mention that 113=DISHONEST, BULLSHIT, etc...or that the 30th prime is 113 and TRUTH =30. Cause, that would kinda make him look like his arguments don't have any merit, ya know.

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