Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Missing X-Files Episode (A Joke)

Scully was being debriefed about the latest case she and Mulder were on. It had rained for forty days and forty nights consecutively at a site dubbed as Area 51.5 Or 51 Or 52 Depending On How Rounding Affects Your Confirmation Bias. Pieces of what appeared to possibly be an alien spacecraft were scattered about the area.

Skinner: I understand that you claim to now be a believer, that Mulder has convinced you that this unnatural rain is not a coincidence, that this spaceship, indeed all the X-Files are true. How's that?
Dana: It was really easy once Mulder explained coincidences to me.
S: How did he do that?
D: The rain, sir. Just the rain.
S: Please elaborate.
D: We both hate getting wet. Whenever it rains we coincide.

This scene also lead to the sexual tension between the actors as part of the ongoing story. Duchovny's sex addiction problems were well known by now. Gillian was a harder selling point as attempts to show attraction required actual acting talent. This was solved by an exchange between the two during a break in filming of this episode.

D.D.: You know, Gillian, that go inside/coincide pun was an ad lib of mine in one of the early takes.
G.A.: That's clever. Did you come up with that all on your own?
DD: Yeah. I do that all the time. Give me a word and I'll use it in a weird way. Like, "fascinate". My jacket has ten buttons, but I can only fasten eight.
GA: It's a gift!
DD: Say, Gillian. You want to try one? I'll give you a word and you see what you come up with?
GA: Sure!
DD: OK.....Gladiator

And the rest is television history.

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