Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Another Expert's Opinion On Pi

My predictions were wrong. The tsunami warning was taken down in short order and if somebody noticed it was National Pie Day, I missed the comments. From last week, I do have this Pi video:
The link is presented as a "you don't have to take my word for it" proof of existence. It is not an endorsement of recommended viewing. Just like emails with content that is labeled Not Safe for Work, this is NSFS. Not Safe For Science.

I didn't make it three minutes before giving up. Because, I'm the kind of person that leads him to make such a video, disable the comments and thumbs up or down and say some of the schtuff he does in the first couple minutes.

I found this linked to a gematria video, but other than that it is not gematria. It does provide a bit of insight on lack of critical thinking. I can save you the pain of watching it and recap the content from the first part.

1). Pi is the square root of 800/81.
2). I'm really smart and think for myself.
3). I know lots of people with disagree. You're all wrong.
4). Geometry is related to geometry.

Here's a rundown on the math. 800/81 is a "pretty" number ==>9.8765432. The square root is approximately equal to Pi. Because that's the way math works. There is a geometric relationship between circles and squares.

So our systems analyst friend has latched on to something that we've known about for ages. And when those that try to explain that it's still just an approximation (he calls them 'cluckers') he dismisses them for being closed minded. Even after acknowledging the exact reason in his video - the infinity part of Pi.

The math rebuttal he doesn't want the clucktards to tell him is easily refuted. Like the square root of 809/82 is also 3.14. It just doesn't have a pretty result like 9.8765432. And if you don't use whole numbers the choices to get a better approximation are infinite.

This applies a lot in the gematria world. I have an unpopular opinion. I'm a self proclaimed expert with no real scientific or rational reason to back it up. I want the sheep to wake up and know why they're wrong. I psychologically project that you're too stupid to understand this. Then let's put the cherry on top and disable the ability for people to even 👇 the video.

Oh, this is just Pi, so what's the big deal? The mindset that it's OK to make up ludicrous shit to support your agenda. You still don't see gematria done on puppy dogs being rescued from the abusive owners, which since everything has tiny numbers could easily be done. It's a long stretch, but fomenting the attitude of "It's ok to make anything I want be Pi" leads indirectly to "it's ok that I call a months old infant Holmes killed in

Aurora a bad crisis actor". I don't want to draw the lamprey line in the fresh water lake filtration system. Best to start erring on the side of no dead babies being victim shamed."

Let me emphasize that. Before getting quote mined, I'm not saying Holmes killed because of that mind set. I'm talking about the "everything is a hoax" attitude and victim shaming, there.

Our Pi friend can believe that if he wants to. Just keep it in the sandalwood candle scented basement or live with the mockery.

Edit - video is open for commentary. So far nobody has bothered complaining.

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