Friday, January 19, 2018

In Gematria You Can Drop Zeroes...Er...Any Number

Here's how:
Isn't that cool? Not just the methodology, but no more worries about edited out corrections after review of my posts.

I duplicated this the old fashioned way via pen and paper. Then found out that I didn't have any pen erasers. I tried to use a marker to erase the pen because MARKER and ERASER both equal 66 in simple and 96 in reverse. That just made things worse. Then I tried a penny. PEN sounds like PENNY, and you can use a penny to scratch off a lottery ticket. Figured that's the angle Dan would take. That didn't work.

Now this is starting to be more trouble than it's worth. I check and PEN=35 in simple. Well there's your problem. It passes through Israel. It being meridians because we know they are so important. Wait a second. I'm not a racist! That doesn't apply to me. So off to the other side of the globe. (Or flat edged organic quantum projection bullshit if that's what you choose to believe). There's...a lot of water. Greenlanland, Antarctica and a leeeetle teeny piece of Brazil. Screw Brazil, they're nuts. Wait. Now I'm reminded, you don't actually have to a mental problem to have flawed logic. So what's good, just, righteous and true about everything in the world?


At about 34.5 degrees south latitude. And a million years from now (excluding catastrophic shifting for extraordinary events) when we're all dead from global warming because generations of idiots wasted their time on gematria instead of spending energy on solving real problems, gematria won't exist anymore. I don't need gematria or pen/pencil and paper. My readers can understand this rather insulting example by visualization. (But that was fun, wasn't it!)

Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant. If you have two identical symbols of any kind, and you superimpose one on top of the other, one of them disappears. Oooohhhhh. It's MAGIC! It's a MAGIC ERASER!!
Soon we'll have an entire line of gematria cleaning products. GLass Wizard, Magic Eraser. I can hardly wait for what's next.

For those of you so insulted by gematria that you refuse to look at the first link here's the way it works.

133+331 does not equal 464. (That's kinda Rita 511's shtick). It's 133331 parsing them together. Then you drop the two threes you don't like, and you're left with 1331.

Doesn't matter what the starting and ending numbers are, as long as you have consecutive digits in the middle you can drop whatever you want 377773 is 3773. Extrapolating the illogic I suppose that 25+52=2552=252 (or even 22?). Etc....

Because nothing says consistency like claiming that you only drop zeroes and now have introduced a method that lets you drop any number you want.

Personally, I prefer the Extra Capsa method of Brother Berg where you don't condescend to explain it, you just do it.

And as for "the only other number that equals 1331":

should be good enough for a start thanks to the Satanic elision, without playing around with "SCORES", "AND", Roman numerals, etc....

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