Saturday, January 6, 2018

To Do Lists, A Gematria Analogy

Which means probably a huge yawn fest. The inconvenience of limiting to one (at least semi-meaningful) post a day.

So here's why this is on my mind. In my recent commentary review travels I'm seeing a lot of "personal synchronicity" stories. Even including Jeopardy! which I jokingly mentioned in a quick post, but more importantly is largely the reason I'm here in the first place. That's here, on the blog. The majority of my "being here" has a lot to do with my parents, a bottle of cinnamon schnapps, the Vogues first compilation album of greatest hits and a timely power outage. Or so I've been told.

I check my phone at 2:30am when I get up for a pee break. I have 275 page views in the last hour. All at once. Apparently with no commentary, but closer review will have to wait. I'll make a mental note to check later.

Mental note successful, I get up at a more normal time. Now my mental note has expanded. Am I checking for unwanted commentary? If I find it, do I really care? What can I do about it (e.g., block comments) and other thoughts.

Some people think "To Do" lists are a marvelous thing. Others, not so much. (Google "To do lists don't work".). I have grown to hate them. My ex boss probably went to a seminar that touted lists and fully bought into them. They can be a good thing to log what we as a department need to get done. My list was my personal list and simply recorded what progress I was making, because the nature of my job meant that I had to 1). Do a lot of things nobody else was cross trained to do. 2) Be the first line of defense when my boss was out of the office - which was a lot.

In gematria this list analogy returns to our old friend, confirmation bias. I also used to make lists for housework. Admittedly there was satisfaction crossing off a completed project. Yeah! I cleaned the kitchen table! I deserve to take a break and watch TV for half an hour. So enjoyable was the crossing off part, while cleaning the table I find that the dog's water dish has an accumulation of junk. Fresh water for the dog is important to me. I don't know why. So I empty, clean and replace the water.

Then go add it to my list and immediately cross it off, justifying an hour of TV.

Eventually the lists just became "clean kitchen". Including all the tiny side projects I might find I didn't specifically list. Eventually I didn't even list cleaning the kitchen at all if I knew full well I had no intention of seriously getting to it in the near future. Maybe paying bills or making sure I have clean underwear is a lot more pressing than anything in the kitchen. And when I get home and fold laundry, space on the kitchen table to fold socks is necessary and the table gets cleaned.

Of course you're going to find synchronicity in two and three digit numbers in your personal life. I've said it before. Just starting with food, colors and things everybody has in their house including the house (walls, floor, roof, hopefully you have a hot water heater, etc...) you can spend a couple of hours and find every two digit number in someone's house. Turning it into gematriots is a matter of what's on your to do list. Your personal database is organized by what is on your list. Your confirmation bias avoids that CHEERIOS=44 and KILL=44. Unless you add it to your gematria to do list by something happening that now makes CHEERIOS mean something. Hopefully nobody choked to death on a mouthful of Cheerios.

Reviewing Dan's narratives lately there's been a lot of personal synchronicity stories. Now think about the big picture claim of what gematria is supposed to represent. And here's what he is marveling at with synchronicity. The evil empire coded our language because they knew that I was going to watch that Jackson Hewitt commercial just as I was blogging about $3,200. (If you must check the post about Jeopardy! is recent.). That's highly unlikely. You've just credited them with nearly infinite power. There are a lot of people in the world to keep track of.

You just added $3,200 to your to do list for an unspecifiable amount of time. We weight our value of synchronicity by recency and magnitude. Attention to it is relative to the viewpoint of the one experience. So now, in Dan's post we get:

A screenshot of the Jackson Hewitt commercial and a screenshot of Jeopardy with the digits of $3,200.

Not satisfied with that the source material was the digits the eeeeevil media reported he spells out the words and gets more, different numbers. Indeed, not satisfied with his first choice he spells it out three different ways, in the unlikely event that there's coding he missed. Oh, the NWO didn't hide it that way. Let me check if I need to say it's DOLLARS! Who knows how many other methods were checked, or how far he'd go. These are after all US DOLLARS. Specifically THREE TWO ZERO ZERO US DOLLARS. Or TWICE TIMES SIXTEEN HUNDRED NOT CANADIAN BUT UNITED STATES DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS. I'm being flippant, but you get the point. Now 3,200 was added to the list. Crossed off. Confirmation bias satisfied and we probably won't hear about the evil empire stalking him with 3,200 for awhile if ever again, because their nearly infinite stalking power mocked him that day, even though they could probably find some further ways to toy with him by throwing a butt load of 32's at him like SOCKS=32. It's all up to him and how much of a big deal he wants to make of it. The first Jeopardy! narrative that caught my eye a year ago conveniently suggested that $4,400 meant 44. He did that. He doesn't do things like suggest GREEN means 32 because in reverse reduced it equals 23, the mirror of 32. Or RED=132 (Satanic) means 32 because it's 1x32. But others do because the gematria give mind having no clear rules allows it. I doubt Dan would have made it through the red and green on Christmas day if he went that far. These kinds of number alterations are partially explained in the Texas Sharpshooter post.

So now let's bring up magnitude. What's on my really, really needs to get done list. The Gematrinator just started a blog. It's a vastly better read than Free To Find Truth not having the frequent antagonism there. (If you don't believe me you can check. Or your just a fucking retard, paid troll or stupid Christian). Not surprisingly he opens with his big gun - his story about his cousin. Numbers on his gematria to do list forever. He has turned to other topics on his personal to do list. Video games, Logan Paul. The big story is cool. The others - I doubt anything will ever match the first. But we'll see. Yesterday Hubbard again brings up earthquakes terming the Bay Area quake. Pun actually not intended when I started writing, the magnitude of this story makes it look important, but only superficially. Historically, even a 4.4 quake is not that remarkable to me. Certainly not world wide with about a dozen a day. Larger than usual for California, but there's about 80 listed in Wikipedia over 5.0. Who's to say, an unbiased source, what qualifies as unnatural?

He commented on Dan's Jeopardy post that maybe instead of rigged Jeopardy it's just amazing synchronicity. I suppose for both Dan and the game show contestants. All these things are so subjective the lamprey argument applies. Who's to say 4,400 means 44 but 3,200 doesn't mean 32, and when. Believe me, I can use the apparent "rules" to change just about any news story into anything I want. There's no actual EMPIRICAL evidence to suggest the NWO has anything to do with it.

Quick wrap up.
I didn't intentionally pick SOCKS, but shappens and it worked out to be 32.
How coincidental is it that Dan's post mentions Jeopardy?
For that matter, how coincidental is it that I have been checking every day for quakes over 4.0? It's on my to do list.
And really, Rose Marie dies hours after I mention my favorite X files show with a huge Dick Van Dyke Show theme? I didn't know she was alive. Why can't I harness this power and get rid of someone really annoying. Like Whoopi Goldberg in her stand up comedy days. (She did turn out to be a decent actress.)

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