Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dan's Still Breeding

Congrats Dan:
Now what have you given us to work with?

Don't worry, I checked the grammar. This one's pretty safe. Just one apostrophe error and one verb confusion. Which reminds me. (Still not trying to make friends, here. Not above a petty joke.) Why is Dan like a boot camp soldier on bivouac for the first time? Neither knows what tense (tents) to use.

The first thing I find a little bit disturbing is that he sees fit to mention that the magically synchronous Family Guy episode was not on a special hospital channel about childbirth. I certainly hope not. That would be quite a plaque for the lobby. List all the credentials of the hospital and staff including in bold letters, probably comic sans serif, "We are trained to deal with important medical issues by analyzing animated comedy shows!" This would be the same hospital that during recovery shows patients the scene from Alien where it bursts out of John Hurt's chest.

Dan, no. Your friend's NAME is not almost the same as your son's name. The gematria is almost the same. Since I've spread read through the post I know why you phrased it that way.

Your friend KNOWS you're not crazy??? You told him about gematria and he knows, apparently without any professional training, that you are sane. If he was a certified expert on mental health you probably would have mentioned that.

I have a good idea what you're projecting. But what Cody knows is that you keep talking about the trivial coincidences in your life that you insist on analyzing with gematria instead of just moving on. I would love to post "Here's what full blown paranoid schizophrenic Dan said today!" but in good conscience I can't. But I just said this yesterday. You don't have to be mentally ill to have flawed logic. I'm pretty sure based on the things you say that I have a better grip on logical thinking than you or Cody. Mental health- don't take my word, don't take Cody's word or his girlfriend's word. See a professional or just keep mucking about. But hey, you brought up the crazy word, not me.

Now here's a two for one special on pattern recognition. Neither of them is that hard, and we don't need to have them pointed out to us. Why yes, I actually did notice that JAMES and JAMES are the same. That might just be me, I'll have to think about if I know anyone else with that name. Zamien is Damien with a Z instead of a D. I got my test back and I scored right on this one, too. That's the first thing that comes to mind. Looks like they're are no other common boy names that end with -amien other than Omen child. I did have to cross of my first answer I wrote down. I thought it might be a trick question and ZAMIEN B. being an anagram for AMBIEN Z. might be about your often claimed need to put the computer down and get some sleep. But, they say go with your first instinct.

But the real kicker is:

We let his name come naturally and not with gematria.

Really bad choice of wording. What's the opposite of natural? Unnatural. You correctly identified that naming him with gematria is not natural.

And what does naming someone by gematria even mean? I doubt the option to name him 166 was seriously on the table. With 6,423,109,577 different elisions available how can you possibly alter his destiny against what the evil hurricane manufacturing freemasons have planned? Bypass the synchronicity of just checking the numbers that fall into place goes contrary to half your posts in the last several months. Or it would just be cr....extremely flawed logic.

This has been addressed in a Nancy Drool story. If it was as simple as changing your name to avoid bad/synchronize good consequences people would be changing their names all the time. That's not going to happen because the truly clueless sheep, the ones constantly giving meaning to small numbers just use deflexiom to insist that if their name matches DUMBASS that it doesn't apply to them. The only winners in a gematria name change alternate universe are Alexa Davalos and the clerks selling name change forms. I'd rather they get paid to take down the signs at railroad tracks that say, "DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS" since if you are so stupid you need that sign you don't belong in the gene pool.

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