Saturday, January 13, 2018

Recommended Media

We'll take a break from true gematria discussion today. I've been busy editing and after researching trigonometry stuff want a break. You can take this as insight on my own personal database without sharing my full life story. My blog. My entertainment. Screw it.

I've bounced into some interesting videos, movies, TV and books. Here's some of them.

Sunny Peaches77 (real name Tiffany Jacot) is rather....odd? I'm not sure what the right word is. A long time ago she did a gematria video, which by the standards demonstrated by everyone else doing gematria is at the bottom of the barrel. Some of her key points was explaining how she was Sunny Peaches 77, because she's a "7". Tiffany has 7 letters. Peaches has 7 letters. Which she instantly misspells on a hand written card as PEACHS with only six letters. And ignores Sunny and Jacot only having six letters. She left us with a cliffhanger as if more gematria was on the way. A threat like the sequel to Buckaroo Banzai was mercifully not followed up on.

She produced a strange assortment of videos. Mostly flat earth stuff. One video about AIDS caught the attention of Sir Sic, the Social Inequity Crusader. I found this because she tweeted a message to Sir Sic and appeared to have a good natured self deprecating response. As she had officially retired from YouTube in November I had to check it out.

It was hilarious. Sunny's original video was given the MST3K treatment as Sir Sic points out every logical flaw in her original material. I've checked other S.S. videos and that's his schtick and he does it well. If you like people busting on other's stupidity, it's a good time. However, his language makes mine look like a nun in comparison.

Star Talk
Where science and pop culture collide. I'm a huge Neil Degrasse Tyson fan. Some of his guests are especially interesting. I found out that Katy Perry is actually pretty smart. The Alan Alda show had some nice insights. My favorite from the latest season is the Kevin Smith comic book episode. It would be really funny if Sir Sic and Neil teamed up on Sunny Peaches gematria. At least for me.

Boy was I faked out. Scanning through the guide on screen I thought this sounded like a potentially entertaining horror movie. It was horror, but not in a monster movie sense. More like the horror of corporate greed and fraud. SeaWorld did everything in their power to shoot themselves in the foot and now has suffered massive Blacklash over this which is well documented in this documentary and books.

I find it amusing that has me pegged as an animal rights activist. Add killer whales to the list of pit bulls and not eating beef (a global warming reason for me) and I see why. It's more about the lying than animal rights. Don't make up "facts" about killer whales, breed specific dog nonsense or climate change. You should be able to figure out why I care about gematria whether money is involved or not. Anyway this is my favorite documentary. And you can also understand how my second favorite, Inside Job, fits in here. I love a good documentary.

Amy Stewart
Amy has two cool books that I own, Wicked Plants and Wicked Bugs. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular inhabitant of this not flat Earth experiencing life threatening climate change issues. Some are a given - tobacco, cocaine, black widow spiders. There's also lesser known specimens. I know more about khat than will ever be useful. Did you know that the Brazilian Walking Spider actually gets pissed off and attacks if you swat at it? Instead of running away like you'd expect? It doesn't help that it's venomous. These are very light reading and you can finish a chapter or two in a short time. Perfect for waiting for Debbie to finish her make up or Phil to load in a driving app pretending he knows how to get to the movie theater already. Or sitting on the can, which also has the advantage of being a weapon should you encounter a poisonous spider.

Meet The Feebles/Dead Alive
Did you know Bob Clark of Porky's fame used to make horror movies before he decided it was more fun to make money? Did you know Peter Jackson did some movies before hobbits and that he is totally deranged?

Meet the Feebles answers the question, "What would life be like for Muppets if they had real life movie star problems off set?" Drug addiction, sex addiction and STDs, violent behavior, etc.... There's absolutely no chance this movie is making it to cable without so much editing that only a fraction of the content remains. This is certainly not to everyone's taste, but to my sense of humor has an appeal.

Dead Alive (aka Brain Dead) is a bit more mainstream and has better production values. Some of you out there have maybe seen this. This movie answers the question, "What would it be like if the The Three Stooges and Clive Barker got together to make a movie?" If you make it to the end without being offended you are treated to the most creative use of landscaping equipment during the zombie apocalypse in movie history. My favorite movie. Most people I introduce to this film rightfully cannot believe that multiple academy awards were won by the same filmmaker.

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