Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Time To Call Your Book Bookie

I've updated the ongoing predictions post for this. Hope you all placed bets with your sports bookmakers, because as insinuated in several recent posts, the Hubbard book release has been delayed. This was made official by a video posted on YouTube yesterday.

My money is still on there not being a widespread distribution. Even if you're in the other camp, it's time to call your book bookie.* At least we now have a firmer date set. No credible excuses remain.

Now it's 10 business days for editing, return to publisher after approval (we'll assume 0 days) then 20 business days for printing. Then finally it's here in January 2018.

Some parts of this story make absolute sense. Some aspects are curious. Here's a recap of some things that have been said as the elusive release date appears to be nearing.

There's been no suggestion that an alternative to Bookbaby has been found. That was the publisher of choice weeks ago. Bookbaby not only prints hard cover books, prepares electronic files for eBooks and acts as an intermediate to retailers, they also offer editing services.

Previously donations were requested to fund an advance run of books. That would be consistent with the editing portion of the finalization. In the video it's on record that the editing has already been paid for.

Checking the Bookbaby website I find the 10 business day turnaround on editing to be a match. If I pretend I'm interested in publishing a book, I'm told that will be finished December 5th. However, an already edited and completed book can be printed arriving December 14th. Notably less than an additional 20 days.

Then there's the cost. Unlike myself who can get proofreading done by a friend for free (as well as having a vastly superior grasp of the English language on my own) there's a commitment to third party editing. This is hardly free. I could be lost with my crappy phone browser, but Bookbaby appears to charge $10 per page for this, and claims this to be a competitive price. I've no reason to doubt that. He's already claimed (bragged) that his false flag chapter alone is 107 pages. Even if that's a full 1/4th of a 400 page book that's $4,000 just for editing.

Then the printing. The package special offered for a modest number (25) of hard copies and an eFile is $950. Probably catering to eBook sales. You keep 100% of profit on those. The hard copies are a warm fuzzy feeling for yourself and your friends. I do enjoy the feel of an actual book in my hands.

That's $5,000 just to get started. You can hope Amazon and B&N will love it and want more. They get a commission. No up front cost to the Bookbaby user. But more if you want to print hard copies and sell yourself, avoiding the retailers. Trust me. This is not going to be the hit literary work that takes the world by storm. The only sales will be to the fringe crowd that has already heard the message on the blog and in the videos.

Back at the end of June when this idea was first put out there, the Go Fund Me was just to raise money for the book tour. AFTER the book was finished. That raised all the way $711 and has completely died out. Not enough for even the editing phase. So if you came up with these thousands of $ on your own, why ask for donations?

You see, book writing is not that easy. If it was there'd be tons of vanity projects largely ignored clogging up the world. Bookbaby wouldn't exist if there wasn't a market - for people that are reallllllly serious about getting involved.

My best guess, prediction if you like, is that some form of final product will be manufactured. The sales figures will be lied about. A relatively modest amount of money will be lost in the process. And the evil powers that shouldn't be will be announced as the cause for suppression of "the truth". When deep down the problem is that simply nobody will give a damn.

Also, if you go back to the earlier years of the Free** To Find Truth blog, sharing chapters of an upcoming book was a regular feature. Ages ago. The delay is much older than since February of this year when I first heard about it. Nothing like finally spreading the message around after heavy criticism, not just by me, hits. This is make or break time. The last chance to salvage some semblance of credibility regarding monetary issues. Your timing sucks.

There's a month reprieve to figure out what to do next. Maybe not realizing the difficulties ahead. Maybe just caught up in a web of lies trying to save face and no better story to appease the devoted few clamoring for the book. And a month to wait then gloat at me for being wrong by going on the record here.

Let's throw in a couple 113s to add to the colleen video next week. I choose to make these DISHONEST = 113 instead of VERACIOUS = 113


* Sounds like a chicken.
** Perhaps should be renamed FEE TO FIND TRUTH

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