Wednesday, November 22, 2017

More Slices Of The New Pie

To the newcomers here, just like yesterday's post there will be variations of some actual illogical arguments that have been presented as proof of gematria working. I could get stuck in an infinite loop of multiple iterations or combinations and extend this infinitely from a starting point. Those that believe in this gematria garbage generally just stop at one. For example, I just changed 'S' to '5' because of the similarity in appearance. Then they stop having the confirmation bias of the desired '5' result being produced. But previously it was suggested that '11' means '5' because of the position in the list of prime numbers. So S can also be 11. If they could close the logic gap and realize that changing a number even one time makes no sense, and isn't really gematria, we wouldn't have so many problems. Durp would live through another day. So, for now the target is the new found variety of Pi, 49.

Solomon Thomas
Defensive lineman for the San Francisco 49ers. Why just him instead of all 49ers? Because the script is deep! There's no 49er on the current roster wearing #49. But he's 94, the reflection of 49. Nothing says scary like a mirror when it makes you look fatter than you are or freemasons are involved.

Good Game
49 isn't prime. We all know the freemasons get all doe eyed in love over prime numbers. But this is 7 squared. G is the 7th letter. So, GG. The texting shorthand for 'good game'.

This should be obvious after the last one. Your going to want a drink to wash down your Pi. Seven and Seven, Seagram's and Seven Up.

Oral Sex
Well they turned 444 into 666. As if 9 upside down wasn't enough pattern recognition. So 49 =69. Try not to have too many cocktails beforehand.

I kid you not. In the Chaldean elision, Wollongong = 49. For the record, I did not choose to make an example of 49=Pi just because of this. But when this project started it was the first Australian related word that I checked. My confirmation bias is satisfied. I will let you check the gematrinator calculator for others Aussie hits.

Doctor Who
Yep. Simple reduced DOCTOR WHO =49. Which invoking the interpretation of dragging in all Doctor Who matters into the data set means that Jenna Coleman is also Pi. As if being the antichrist isn't enough.

The Pi Cipher
It's been awhile since I busted on him for this. The Kelvinator's intro video to his spreadsheet explains that in addition to the premade elisions (ciphers) you have space to make your own custom ciphers. Because nothing says power mad masonic cultists like being able to force anything you want to equal 49, or any other number.

Spray Cleaners
Too many cocktails and you barfed? A mess on the headboard after a night of oral passion? Too many cheese doodle stains on your coffee table after watching Solomon play? Not a problem! Formula 409. Because you can always shave off a 0 in modern gematria. So, what better than all purpose Pi cleaner could there be? 0 clean up problems!

The The But Treacherous You Will Caught 449
That is not a typo on my part. The other number you are allowed to shave off other than 0 is 1. That nonsense phrase with both "the"s and the trailing digits that don't add to the gematria value equals 419. And is exactly the way it appears on having been searched 1178 times. Somebody must have a use for it. Might as well turn it into a Pi reference, too.

Attu The Wonder Turtle
There are no direct numerologies for Attu The Wonder Turtle. However, his ancestor, ATTULA THE HUN =49. Without going into an in depth explanation of Attu here, let me quickly say that I can make up nonsense that makes just as much sense as the freemasonry 💩 we get in gematria narratives. As for Attula, he was a role model for evil as contrasted by everything good, just and well mannered that Attu is. Attula laid the groundwork for the Barbarian Illuminati and the Synagogue of Flatulent Terrapins.

Indium and Plutonium
49 is the atomic number of indium. 49 was the code used by Manhattan Project researchers for plutonium. Now part of me cringes to point this out, lest they read this and try to use it for their own ends. But notice that "P" - plutonium and "I" - indium is PI. But, 1). Shit happens. 2). They suck at research and if they were serious about any instance of 49 being pointed out, why am I the first to point it out? This also ties into Australia nicely because Olivia Neutron Bomb is Australian. Which in turn ties into spray cleaners because of Grease. And all this emphasizes the dangers of allowing personalization and pattern recognition to be allowed in gematria. I dare say I'm a lot more imaginative than they are.

The Bible, Numbers 4:9
Something about lamps, light and lamp snuffers. One translation even mentions seven lamps. Can't be a coincidence with 7 being the square root of 49. Who knew that it was really all about Pi? Sacred geometry in its purest form! (Note to self - Attula, 49 lamp snuffers, olive oil shortage and 49 days of darkness.)

April 9/September 4, 1949 and 1994
As a nice counter to "shit happens" with the indium/plutonium thing, sometimes shit doesn't happen, when you think it would based on numerology. Checking Wikipedia for those dates and significant birthdays, deaths and events there's almost nothing. Certainly no famous mathematicians. No big wars started or terrorist events. The best is Patrick O'Neal dying Sept. 9th 1994. And if anything that was the damned Girl Scouts instead of masons because he was the guest villain on Columbo. The evil cabal, special events division must have missed the 49 means Pi memo those years.

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