Monday, November 27, 2017

The PP Of The Month Award, November 2017

Continuity had me proclaim the Factual Error of the Month Award way early. So this inaugural award is also early. The Psychological Projection award.

It may end here. I haven't decided. One of the perks of having a blog that is mostly for my own amusement and not worrying if it's liked or disliked as a matter of cosmic significance.

Remember, the basic format is, "You are a retard!" Which in addition to the obvious attack on someone else implies, "Therefore, I am not a retard!" Yeah, the comments in videos and blogs are loaded with this stuff.

So here we have a comment about the tiger escaping the zoo. Not really, which points towards its PP aspect since it could have appeared in the comments to any video.


"Understanding of the Kabbalah, Gematria, Numerology, Mathematics and Neurolinguistic Programming are the few weapons we have to expose the satanic pedophile cabal that is controlling the world."

Holy shit. Like Steve Martin says about the demands you put to the police. Always throw something crazy in to have a bargaining chip. How did the word "few" get in there?

The implication is that if you are critical of these things you are too stupid to understand the way the world works. Kabbalah, gematria and numerology are recurring themes. Neurolingustic programming is new to me. Sounds....impressive? No, No, ...uh... Sounds like someone paid $1,500 for a useless two day pseudoscience seminar they pretend to believe in due to an emperor's new clothes follow the leader mentality.

Satanic AND pedophiles??? That sounds like real trouble. One or the other is nasty, both means super duper scary. The PP that this whiz (yes, pun intended) kid suggests is that you really don't endorse either of these. Duh. Like people go around suggesting they just joined a pedophile cult. Hey! Everyone! Cyril just joined a pedophile cult, and their FUCKING satanic, too! Round of applause. Tiffany from HR puts the moves on Cyril until he reminds her that with the cult membership she is simply too old for him. Devil children get a bad rap and I refuse to accept the details as presented in Village of the Damned.

Now we also have the "mathematics" in the list. Gematria- bullshit. Numerology - bullshit. Neurolinguistics - super mega ultra bullshit. But the same reason that you hate satanic pedophile cults is the reason math gets mentioned in that list. What's wrong with math? You kinda need it. Somewhere you must use math every once in awhile, even if you hate it. So....

Part 2

"Great work as usual, Derek. Don't take notice to the people that say you use too many ciphers."

Oh, you didn't just say that after talking about mathematics, did you? Because, yeah he DOES use too many ciphers. Anything more than one is too many, because it sort of goes completely against historical gematria. And math is on my side, too.

If you just started out, you might find ANTS = 54 and PICNIC = 54. Both in simple ordinal. See! Magic! It works! But then as you go through BASKET, CHICKEN, and a lot of other words that are related to the picnic, you don't find a lot to go on. But when you use the reduced and simple ciphers. Now SALAD and PICNICS both equal 37.

And this and other comments of that tiger video addressed two more new ciphers never seen before. Just created. Reverse Satanic and Reverse Franc Baconis. The second of those original non-reverse form was just created earlier this year. Math itself tells you that with more different outcomes the more chances for a match there are. One elision (cipher) not so easy. Use four, it gets a lot easier. Take it to the extreme and have an infinite number of elisions, even with duplication every word will match every other word. That's what math tells us about the concept of infinity.

Now since they know this, thow in the insinuation that all these elisions are meaningful because you're just too stupid to understand gematria. Tack on some nonsense about neurolinguistics and you're a satanic pedophile for not understanding their altered view of reality. And the real insult, is your mathematical intuition was correct, but now you don't understand math because you fantasize about blond haired blue eyed devil children with special super powers. (That's a movie reference, for those that don't understand.)

That's the power of PP. Because, sadly, some people fall for it. But like gematria it's just an illusion.

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