Wednesday, November 15, 2017

More Holes In The Hubbard Book Theory

Our story today begins with the not so vicious attack on Google's daily doodle for November 14, 2017. The anniversary of the hole punch. The 131st anniversary. That's a big one because 131 means nothing to freemasonry. So, let's immediately change it to the 32nd prime number, and call it 123. Three holes. 1-2-3. And a mouth-ass-peehole reference which wasn't noted in the narrative as such but could very well be a tribute to Google's choice of their name "doodle".

The topic choice is interesting by its overwhelming dullness. The narrative is how the evil cabal is in control of not just sports and government...Google is part of the NWO and they are showing us very cleverly that even the workplace is not safe. Because we got a 47 in here.

Because nothing says scary like circular holes and a 47 degree tie in.

Perhaps this is a tie in to the single video offering from yesterday where 4 dead over 9 locations is 47. In the video there is a several minute long introduction to gematria. A=1,B=2, ....reverse and reductions touched on. All the basics so we understand how 47 is not just NEWS = 47, but 47 is proclaimed to be the most common number in these stories. And it's THE number that lead Hubbard to make up the code in 2013.

47 appears everywhere. Check. You can find it everywhere. Including a Google Doodle that you, again, had to force by altering the facts to suit your narrative. At least it was mercifully brief and we weren't hit by the often repeated phyllotaxis storyline.

The problem is, that not only is a two hole punch vastly more common in an office setting, the Doodle graphic clearly shows a two hole punch. THREE HOLE PUNCH = 47. TWO HOLE PUNCH does not. The same way that your lack of grasp of science offends me, this person who has worked in an office for decades is offended.

So it's time to check the comments on this blog post. Has anyone else found the extra hole? Nobody says a word, so if it's a really slow month we have a candidate for the factual error of the month award. Then I found it. I found the extra hole. The anti-masons remember, ANTIMASONRY =59, 67/FREEMASONRY =59,67) have their hands at work in these things, too.

Since I'm not Dan I defer to his expertise on matters regarding the number 2 and twins. My eyes catch the comment about the Hubbard book.

The book will be out at the end of the month. Pre-orders coming soon.

There's your extra hole. He's gone on record that Bookbaby is the publisher of choice. And they don't do pre-orders. At least not from my research.

The Bookbaby process seems to be this: Book is written as an electronic file. Their team of experts can, for a price, tweak it. Product is finalized. Printed copies and finalized eBooks are produced. Copies are distributed to retailers.

You don't go to Barnes & Noble's website to preorder an unfinished book. They want a hard copy to judge interest to see how many hard copies they can sell. Book any is big on "Print On Demand" service. You can have as few as a single copy be printed, show it off to interested people and sell it yourself. From Bookbaby's own blog they explain how retailers want a hard copy portions so they can judge THEIR preorders. You still need to pony up the cash to make that first run. They are an intermediate step and you can't bypass the end result of the evil retailers getting a cut if you aren't just printing them and selling them by yourself.

It will be fascinating to see how the book printing/delays/sales story turns out in a few weeks.

And there's a perfectly viable story line built in for TWO HOLES. That equals 121. So the raging boner that freemasons seem to have for prime numbers is fulfilled because that's 11 x11. The master builder number squared.. There's always something masonic going on with every small number. Or antimasonic if you prefer.

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