Friday, November 24, 2017

Let's Talk About PP

Starting with a pseudo-related numerology oriented joke.

One day, teacher tells the class, "We're going to talk about three syllable words today. Who can give me a word that has three syllables, and use it in a sentence?" Several hands are raised, including foul mouthed little Johnny. She surely doesn't want to hear his. So with alternatives, she picks Susan.

Susan: "Beautiful. My teacher is beautiful."
Teach: "Thank you for the complement. And that is a three syllable word."

Johnny is now waving his hand and yelling, "Oh! Me! Pick Me!" Which only irks her into picking any other choice available. So, Vern gets his chance.

Vern: "Wonderful. I have a wonderful teacher."
Teach: "How sweet. Thank you, Vern."

Now, only Johnny has his hand raised. Grudgingly, she says, "Ok, Johnny. What's your three syllable word?"

Johnny: "Urinate!"
Teach: "Now Johnny, that's not very nice!!"
Johnny: "Yeah, but if your tits were bigger you'd be a ten."

PP, in this case is Psychological Projection. Most of us use it. Some more than others. Comments in numerology narratives use it a lot. It's "blame shifting". The pot calling the kettle black. In a simple format a comment like, "You are stupid and ugly" may also be intended that by default, "I am not stupid or ugly.". Which is a logical failure. The fact that you are considered ugly is subjective to begin with. And it certainly has no bearing on whether I am ugly. The go to retaliation to logical arguments by critics of numerology is, "Open your eyes, retard!"

I hope this doesn't work. But it can. I try to avoid it here, but it's too was to fall into the trap. I might intend to say, "I think the New England Patriots defense is suspect this year and they won't make the playoffs." And it's easier to say, "New England's defense sucks ass this year." The key part missing is clearly labeling it's my opinion.

Yesterday, we had a rebuttal to a lengthy speech by some flat earth proponent. Zach? Why you no love flat earth? Look at science and physics!". Hubbard's response mentions physics and logic. As if he is an expert on both. *Which I doubt* is true. *It appears* to be an attack on an easy target, because like numerology the defenses of flat earth theory have been universal debunked by the laws of physics and the scientific community.

Notice i started off my opinions. Don't get used to it. I will return to the "New England's defense sucks ass" format without losing any sleep over whether I'm being a hypocrite.

Now let's boil down the logical argument to the communicative/associative properties of math. A=B. B=C. Therefore A=C. A - Eric is a 30 year old human. B= All 30 year old humans are biologically adults. C = Eric is am adult.

Now muddy the waters with some guy who gets the bright idea to build his own rocket and prove the Earth is flat.

A= Science and Logic says you are wrong.
B= You're an idiot
C = Science says you're an idiot.

That's bad enough to introduce point B, a personal opinion. But now, as the rocket guy is being mocked for "distracting the world from my work, Hubbard has psychologically projected.

C= Numerology is good word, you're an idiot.

Without a shred of evidence supporting how numerology makes it so. You're an idiot, therefore I am not.

Think back to my DEFLEXIOM sniglet. There is no denying that certain words have the same numerology as certain other negative words. It gets easier to spot psychological projection tricks if you understand to add in "because I told you so" into gematria narratives. 113 = DISHONEST because I told you so. 113 does not equal TRUE FACTS because I told you so. It's really just your opinion. And without any real evidence behind it, not really worth much. Whether numerology works or not has nothing to do with if the Earth is round or flat. Good science tells me they're both wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right

So, enjoy your ironic moment of picking on someone's logic when your own rebuttal is a huge logical failure.

(In my opinion.)

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