Thursday, October 5, 2017

Watch Out For The Killer Shrews!

This has repeated itself enough times that I expect it to be a fixture in the video commentary forever.

Without taking a stance pro or con, I can say that deletion of videos and termination of entire channels is something gematria filmmakers have to deal with. I will only venture so far as to say that I don't see what the big deal is. Hardly anyone ever views them after the first few days. All the running commentary dries up. New channels are made and subscribers re-sign and life goes on.

The reason to mention this - viewers know they are watching something that likely will disappear. Unable to remember the end of the movie or simply loading it on to their own channel they need an original copy - the one that was first put up. So they can relive that moment in the comments where they added in, "You don't understand what you're watching you faggot shill! Banana = 33!"

Or whatever. So they think of devious ways to try and get around the New World Order suppression, as spearheaded by Google, and try to extend the shelf life of a Hubbard channel which is about a week since July.

"So if we don't like the video will it be around longer?"

That makes sense in a way. If the evil cabal doesn't know you 👍 the video they might assume nobody cares about it. Probably safe until the video gets 33 likes. Your cover has now been blown. Now the dark forces that can manufacture hurricanes but don't know how to identify opposing video without a 👍 know you personally liked the video. Way to take one for the team.

"Maybe instead of calling them 'Jews' we should use a code word like 'Shrews'."

Damned good idea that you said "like shrews" because you just ruined that code word, exposing it to the attention of the evil beings. And, frankly, that one in particular, blows chunks. "These wars are all started by Shrewish bankers." "Lousy, kike shrews!" Even though you can tell from context what it means, can't you do better than a word that rhymes with the coded word? Voles? Nematodes? There's lots of better choices.

It shouldn't matter. Eventually the Illuminati that can aim 105 mph baseballs at little girls in the stands so the government can take away our left handed baseball gloves should be able to figure it out. You'd need to keep the code word ultra secret. Off the shrew controlled internet. Because if I were an evil cabal minion I'd be insulted at your pathetic attempt to disguise it and ratchet up the baseball velocity by at least 33mph.

Which would make everyone a lot happier. No more deleted videos. You can have your fix of supporting a cause that you have virtually no evidence that it has any value.

Now, I do understand why shrews was the initial example. Besides the rhyme. Because...wait for it.....

Nothing says scary like one of the funniest B movies ever made as your code name. The Killer Shrews (1958) not only has the star power of starring James "Roscoe Coltrane" Best but the special effects mastery of gluing bits of foam rubber onto dogs to turn them into shrews. Perfect for gematria narratives trying to make something seem scary for the wrong reasons!

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