Friday, October 20, 2017

More Gematria Sniglets

Misinfomercial - Advertisements that use gematria style illogic, such as Safe Auto where the Alexa style device recommends that octopi have 18 tentacles because "octo" means eight and "tentacle" means ten.

Viewgle - The division of Google responsible for suppression of YouTube views while simultaneously allowing the Free To Find Truth blog to record 15,000+ page views a day, with only 1600 followers, regardless of the number of new blog entries posted.

Slothing- The laziness to look for a genuine match of more than three digits. Pretty much all the time. Zoologically the origin of the three toed sloth.

Deneil - Denying presentation of gematria to someone acknowledged to be smart and unbiased as independent corroboration of validity. One such person being Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Isurp - Proclamation you're the expert in the absence of an acknowledged authority from history. Often used in conjunction with deneil.

Loophold - The loophole that provides the "out" to explain why 1 can be converted to 34 because ONE=34, but then the evil empire says to stop there instead of continuing the loop with THIRTY-FOUR = 160, ONE HUNDRED SIXTY = 205, etc... Because changing a number once is cool. More than once is just plain fucking stupid.

Attuvism - The recurrence of insulting religion after a brief period of turtling up, claiming you saw the error of your post and have changed for the better.

Rigamyrole - Nickame for the "Manchurian Candidate" athlete who's bred solely for the purpose of rigging sporting events. Obsolete now with automation via invisible drone technology and the upcoming ciphorg technology.

Ciphorg - Androids replacing rigamyroles. Humanoid features and incorporates electromagnetic wave generators, new cipher generators, calculation ability to round accurately to 0 decimal places, ability to create weather delays and a tiny hand held device that goes DING! (So Dan knows to generate numbers. Reference Dr. Who and acronym D.I.N.G., Dan Is Number Generating)

Necrofollowya - The army of the undead raised by Hubbard after he carries through with death threats on his erstwhile* followers that don't get with the program 100% and/or annoy him with one comment he doesn't like.
*Erstwhile means 'in the past', so the undead followers are technically present, but one doubts their effectiveness with the whole being dead thing going on.
Primo Donna (alt. primodonna, Primo Donny, primodonny) - The often vain leader of the comment thread that works in the first prime number list reference.

Shockpuppet - fake account used to agree with the more extreme suggestions nobody else openly admits to due to the "Emperor's New Clothes" mentality. Useful for maintaining order among the ranks so the loyal minions stay loyal minions without becoming less effective necrofollowyas (q.v.).

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