Saturday, October 7, 2017

Time For Some Miscellany Not Worthy Of Individual Posts

Dan's Selective Apufeemia (apophenia)

Right at the same time Dan was ignoring his Twins World Series prediction was wrong he had a post dedicated largely to the season premiere of The Simpsons. I watch the Simpsons for the reason most people do, it amuses me. Dan is going to have to watch it again. Must have been taking a pee break or sumpin' and missed the joke about medieval Marge marrying her twin brother. Or he's just doing the tried and true gematria principal of ignoring the 'misses' and concentrating on the 'hits'. He did take the time to misuse an apostrophe in his blog post, the episode mentions "Jesus' goblins" when it's "Jesus's goblins." So there's something consistent there.

There's Still Housing Problems in Vegas
The Kelvinator put up a Vegas video yesterday and again somebody mentioned that the missing floor #13 means the shooter was on the 33rd floor. Let me recount:


Hmmmm....still 31. Let me try it backwards. Hmmmm....still 31. Random order.....hmmmmm...still 31. Looks like the tried and true gematria principal of "if enough people misquote the same thing it must be true" isn't working. We NEED a new elision. There simply aren't enough. Because nobody commented on this floor count, including Kelvie.

Flame War on Twitter
Somebody by screw name of get bent got into a dialogue with the Kelvinator, which turned into a flame war regarding sanity and intelligence. Kelvie's support of his brain power? His high score on the Wunderlich test. Which doesn't exist, it's the Wonderlic test. Because nothing says I'm gonna smart like not getting the name of an intelligence test wrong.

Pregame Thursday Football Prediction
New England was Hubbard's preseason Super Bowl champion pick. After their slow start he crunched the numbers again and had second thoughts. He did correctly pick New England to win the game, but offered a caveat before Thursday night's result. If NE lost, he's officially changing his Super Bowl champion pick to the Chiefs. How generous of you. Changing from a struggling 2-3 team to the only undefeated team in the NFL that's at the top of everyone's power rankings. Because nothing says predictive power of gematria like going with the favorite, until proven wrong after the result is in.

Death To the Trolls
The death threats continue in the Free To Find Truth blog. And Harry Butts, probably not his real name sounds like a joke name, real name is probably Hugh Jass... got a special mention. His like ass will be on a pike. I like it. Kike pike. I like kike pike. Wonderful rhyming possibilities.


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