Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Gematria Sports Predictions A La Cooking Shows

Cooking competition shows are a curious waste of time. In a good way. There's no need to try and put any heavy brain power into it, just enjoy the ride for an hour.

The format is successful enough that it was snatched from shows like Chopped and used for History Channel's Forged in Fire. The bladesmiths (chefs) have an appetizer to prepare (9-13 inch knife in their own signature style) then if not eliminated the main course, the historical weapon of the week.

The experts that judge the novices act the same way in this format. Every show. All three (there's always three) huddle up to talk about who screwed up the worst and has to leave the kitchen or forge in disgrace. It's so consistent that I'm convinced it's completely scripted and not true reality tv.

Don't worry. I'm not doing numerology on it despite suggesting it's rigged. I wanted to mention what I call the judges. The Butheads. That's not Buh-theads, but like Butt-heads with just one 't'. There's no such thing as a perfect preparation ever. When the masters offer their wisdom it ALWAYS goes something like this:

"I loved what you did with the mesquite, it added a nice touch of acidity to the plantain ice cream. The hollandaise topping was the perfect texture, not over cooked, not under cooked. Your presentation was spot on with the colors splashed around in an entertaining manner like a true master chef."


There's always a but after the glowing praise.

"Your piece of wheat toast under the ice cream didn't have the edges torn off like my Mom used to do."


The sports predictions have reached an all time low of standards on what could be called an actual prediction. It looks like the standard of of being OK to be wrong and spouting out whatever numbers no matter how trivial is firmly entrenched. So unlike the clear prediction that Venus Williams would win the last Wimbledon because of a made up statistic about the temperature on Venus, actual predictions are avoided. It goes something like this:

"Tampa Bay will be 2-5 if they lose this week. But I still like them to win at home against the 49ers."

That's not an actual quote, but I didn't have the energy to track down an exact one. I have lots of real examples to pick from if challenged.*

What happens is meaningless numerology that indicates Tampa Bay should always be 2-5 after week 7 by that illogic is combined with the stark reality that they are at home against a really bad team and will probably win. Which makes the entire process of mentioning it pointless, unless the cookie box is opened up.

These numbers that mean nothing are endless. An actual example: The flag was sewed (sic) in Philadelphia and established in 1777, which means 7, and this is week 7. Well, fucking duh. I really didn't need to be reminded it's week 7. Now the part that makes sense. PHILADELPHIA =61. If they win which they did they'd be 6-1.

BUT....this was presented along with reasons for a Washington victory. Some not even numerological like Kirk Cousins' grandmothers death.

Everybody wins a cookie.

Sports is a gateway drug to the conspiracy stuff. By itself not too nasty yet hints of the evil powers being in control of all. Another video was put up with "Mocking" in the title last night. They love the mocking and the tributes those evil bastards. Hubbard has the market cornered on mocking videos. Perhaps he's a mockinghubbard.

* Found one by accident very quickly going through MNF comments. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS =98. The Saints will go 9-8, 9-7 regular season and losing in the wild card game is a 9-8 season record. Meaningless because they would finish 9-8 every year if this was important. If this was the 1998 season you'd have the start for a case, but they didn't cooperate finishing 6-10. This will be documented in the predictions post to see how the Saints record compares to the numerology.

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