Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Miscellaneous Frivolity

As I recollect odds and ends uncovered in the past few weeks while now consuming too much caffeine and smoking too many cigarettes:

Probably best the gematriaddicts don't insult them. I have had a visitor from Tanzania. I now know far more than I wanted to know about the country. It's poor. People are starving. And that's where Tanzanite is from. To me that sounds like the mineral that makes the Tanzmanian Devil lose his super powers. But it's a gemstone, officially one of December's birthstones. It's capital is Dodoma. Pretty much extinct as a capital since Dar Es Salaam is the biggest city and essentially the seat of the government. For starters I would avoid calling Dar's residents Salaamis. I would think they regard that name as baloney.

Just what the web needs, another browser claiming to be the best. At least it's not a new cipher. Yet. I found this in my Traffic Sources stats.

My second reaction was that it sounded like a super cool secret agent name. Max Thon, Agent of J.U.S.T., or something. The first thought, probably because the Astros are in the playoffs, was Dickie THON. Who shared the fate of fellow Astro, MAX Stassi. Got beaned by a fastball. In Thon's case, after a shattered eye socket he was never the same. My talking about drones lately is not made up on my part. That's the go to story to explain super human ability to place baseballs exactly where they are supposed to go. And at what speed and such. Interesting that Thon's injury well predates drone technology. Must have been before the cloaking device part came to be. Yet all accounts are the pitcher hit him. It must be evil cabal related. Max. Thon. Both Astros. Maxthon browser. Astros reach World Series. Chalk up another story in the column of one the experts missed.

Maryland college football:
As I channel surfed I briefly hovered over the game Maryland was playing. Immediately I reflected that a terrapin is a turtle. Attu. So I popped open the calculator and sure enough,
MARYLAND TERRAPIN = 81, ATTU THE WONDER TURTLE = 81. I shared this information with my dog walker friend, who knowing my manufactured history of Attu the wonder turtle challenged me to reconcile it to Attu island. I did. I won't bore you with the details, but it involved the Allied recapture of the island in WWII, the Japanese commander, Yamasaki, his birth and death dates and the number of casualties attributed to cold and disease. Then I was scared at how much I'm starting to think like the conspiratards.

Speaking of Attu, I have some more suggestions that autocomplete recommends by sheer volume of my usage. In the format of Actual <recommended >
Attu <the>
Attu the <wonder>
Attu the wonder <turtle>
False <flag>
Because that makes all kinds of <fucking>
Because that makes all kinds of fucking <sense>

I don't know what the standards for repetition are, but lots of others don't yet show up. Like apufeemia, Durp, Gromk and Nancy Drool.

The gematria of CONSPIRACY THEORY:
I almost trolled, but let it slide for now. For some reason they really hate being called conspiracy theorists. Someone offered in a comment to a blog post, CONSPIRACY THEORY = 88, ACTUAL FACT =88. PhraseShopping is second nature to me and after playing around for a couple of minutes briefly considered replying, "And NONSENSE THEORY=88. Your point is, what?"

NIGAHIGA YouTube channel:
These guys are really funny. One of their videos is about proving the Illuminati are real. If you need a good laugh, Google "Nigahiga Youtube illuminati".

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